
Autoimmune Disease Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Every human being that I see initially with leaky gut or autoimmune disease has a low vitamin D level."
"Hashimoto's disease has increased at epidemic rates over the last 30 years."
"Graves disease is primarily referred to as an autoimmune disease."
"Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the most common type."
"Antibodies are attacking particular portions of the thyroid follicles."
"I ended up with a flu and an autoimmune condition... I stopped working that much, started working 'quote unquote' smarter... and of course the autoimmune thing went away."
"Autoimmune disease also does not happen overnight. It is a process. It's the end stage on a Continuum."
"I hope my story can help anyone else with an autoimmune disease feel confident that there is light at the end of the tunnel."
"The good news is when it comes to autoimmune disease, your genes are not your destiny."
"If you understand why autoimmune disease exists and why it occurs, then now you can seek out experts in opinions and advice and guidance around hope as opposed to despair."
"If you want to fix autoimmune disease, you gotta get to the cause."
"Autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses are linked to trauma."
"So who gets Sjogren's? Well, certainly if I, well in my pediatric rheumatology practice I never see middle aged women unless they're parents of my patients."
"And the more we learn about it, the more we realize it is really, it is a real autoimmune disease."
"Welcome to The nightcap I'm Carolina Sanchez and we've got a very interesting topic for you tonight we're talking autoimmune disease."
"...no drug cures autoimmune disease because autoimmune disease is not caused by a drug deficiency."
"There's a real understanding that the microbiome is involved in so much autoimmune disease."
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where your immune cells end up attacking your pancreas."
"The paradigm is 'live your life however you choose,' and then suddenly when you're cognitively impaired on your way to Alzheimer's, why are we going to develop something? And it really seems like that's the approach to autoimmune issues."
"94% of people with autoimmune disease resolve their condition with the program."
"Gluten is the number one trigger for autoimmune disease that we know of, period. In the medical literature, in science, period. Gluten, number one cause of autoimmune disease."
"We can have an autoimmune disease and a rich and meaningful life."
"Eating your vegetables and your Omega-3s and drinking your water is not going to create autoimmune disease. It's only going to help you with reversing it."
"Some kind of rare autoimmune disease affecting the eyes and ears has been proposed."
"24 million people that are affected by autoimmune disease."
"...an autoimmune disease is this is when your immune system identifies your own body cells as non-self or foreign and therefore it triggers the immune response and it starts to destroy your own healthy body cells..."
"The conclusion of vitamin D supplementation with or without Omega-3s for five years reduced autoimmune disease by 22 percent."
"Hashimoto's arises because it is an autoimmune disease. It is your own body attacking your thyroid gland."
"Dietary interventions and understanding dysbiosis or how bacteria live in harmony with us play a major role in helping our Scleroderma patients."
"Myasthenia gravis treatment aims to balance acetylcholine and anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies."
"Breast implants: it increases your risk of autoimmune disease by six to eight times."
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells attack those eyelid cells in the pancreas that produce insulin."
"Gluten is often associated with Hashimoto's, an autoimmune thyroid condition."
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of a cell called the beta cell."
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease."
"Going gluten-free... even if you don't have Celiac like I do, generally speaking gluten is going to affect anybody with Hashimoto's."
"Good nutrition always helps, but everything with autoimmune disease is individual."
"Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder."
"Autoimmune thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism."
"Candida grows exponentially, and you get an overgrowth. So, I think it's important that we use that term 'overgrowth' to delineate the difference between normal amounts of candida versus heightened amounts that can create or contribute to autoimmune disease."
"Lupus is an autoimmune disease and it impacts the function of the immune system, causing the immune system to attack the body's organs and tissues."
"We believe it's better to call this the anti-synthetase syndrome with or without a rash."
"There's increasing evidence that dairy in vulnerable individuals can trigger autoimmune issues the likes of rheumatoid arthritis."
"Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects primarily young adults."
"People who have low vitamin D3 actually have more severe autoimmune disease."
"We know for certain that vitamin D deficiency can trigger autoimmune disease."
"For autoimmune disease, LDN is not approved to treat these conditions; however, there are some interesting studies which show that some patients gained some benefit."
"Cell-mediated reactions cause problems like Graves' disease."
"Rheumatoid arthritis... usually from your immune system attacking your joints."
"Living with an autoimmune disease can be really challenging, and it feels so nice when you can start developing like a little online community where you can speak about your symptoms, speak about your experiences."