
Visitors Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"ChatGPT reached almost 600 million visitors, making it the fastest growing user application ever."
"It's very likely that these are visitors of extraterrestrial nature."
"We were visited by beings from outer space some thousands of years ago."
"I never saw such visitors." - Unexpected intrusions.
"Visitors come from all over the world to enjoy the stunning scenery."
"Our visitors were no longer there, but they had broken in through the backyard."
"Visitors frequently come to remember the dark history of the place."
"The main thing was the health of visitors."
"Sabotage, sabotage, how, when, to drive away visitors from the ghost town."
"Despite its challenges, Mount Baldy remains open year-round and attracts thousands of visitors each season."
"The area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and over 1 million people visit the park every year."
"The Myrtle Beach area once again sees an average of 19 million visitors annually."
"No matter how familiar we are with the natural world, we are still just visitors in a land governed by its own ancient and unfathomable rules."
"It's designed to carry up to 800 visitors at a time."
"My dad just got here, and okay, so my door is like over there, but... Oh my god, it's gonna be too bright for you guys."
"I've had people come here to take my manure pile away that have never been here before."
"This mall is visited by over 30 million people every year, more visitors than Disneyland and the Statue of Liberty combined."
"It draws thousands of visitors each year."
"The pandas are here, they are the nominal visitors today."
"Visitors to Pittsburgh absolutely are just stunned by Pittsburgh and how incredibly photogenic it is."
"Vancouver was quickly attracting investment and visitors from around the world."
"We've had people from all over the world; I don't know of any country yet that hasn't been here."
"It's not easy to keep the visitors happy."
"Blackpool's the home of fun, and this atmosphere is created in no small way by the visitors themselves."
"Visitors usually have read-only access, so they're just there to consume content."
"Everyone wants to visit; your friends, your family, they're all going to want to come and visit you."
"Oh, it seems I have guests. What a pleasant surprise."
"We have a lot of visitors from random states and it is not uncommon to have people come in here and be like, 'Hey, I'm from so and so state all the way across the country'."
"It has become a popular attraction for visitors during the holiday season."
"Having an aristocratic family still living in the house is one of the fascinations for visitors."
"Let's meet our visitors tonight from the University of Alabama."
"He said he wakes up with the impression that he was going to have three visitors that day."
"We're really welcoming visitors with open arms."
"We love it when people come because it's kind of an honor."
"The more listing the visitors they have, the more funding they get."
"The Great Smoky Mountain National Park had around 12.2 million visitors in 2020."
"The park does its best to make sure visitors are safe."
"I hope that our Nauvoo house can be wonderful for those who dwell there but also wonderful for those who just pay us a visit."
"I always hope that the person coming brings an object."
"I had over 60 individuals come through."
"The big welcome is the best big thing we can ever give visitors."
"The works of art themselves are welcoming visitors to their home, the home that was made for them by their founder."
"Thank you for stopping by, if you are returning, I appreciate you so much."
"When you have these for visitors, they cannot be angry; they must be very, very kind."
"You never know who's gonna pull up."
"If you have an abstract syntax tree, you can use visitors to traverse it."
"I want to embrace family and friends and visitors more this time around... soak up the family time."
"I get really excited when people come visit."
"Hello," she asked gleefully, her face reflecting the rare excitement for the prospect of visitors.
"We have visiting artists coming in very frequently throughout the summer."
"We're getting quite excited, aren't we, because we've got some visitors coming tomorrow."
"She's Overjoyed to have visitors."
"You must be the two everyone is talking about. It is rare that we have visitors."
"I always have squirrel visitors and possums and skunks now and then, and even deer."
"Some visitors have even captured mysterious images which park officials and researchers have been unable to explain."
"Well, are you an employee?" "No." "Is this only for employees?" "Not necessarily, but we like to just inquire as to either public visitors that are in our building."
"Visitors from the future show up... they're pretty upfront about who they are, why they're here, and what's going on."
"We're about to start back up for the season. We're gonna have hundreds of people coming through here to talk to you again."
"We've had a lot of visitors from the other side."
"It's nice to have visitors, rare that they are."
"All visitors may they be happy, healthy, and only bring joy."