
Test Taking Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Take the SAT. If you can, you know what's the worst that could happen?"
"Look for keywords and phrases in the stem of the question that matches the answer."
"This single smash step will increase your score by more than 50 percent if you're doing it right."
"Ensure answers match the instructions - use no more than two words and/or a number."
"You have to achieve the mock test autopilot by the final week of your preparation."
"Make sure you're calculating your score correctly because that can literally sway where you think you are to where you actually are by 50 or even more points."
"Try to see what the question writer was trying to hint for you to check."
"And if you're taking your IELTS test soon, good luck. Keep calm, stay focused, and use the strategies we've looked at today and I'm sure you'll do great."
"The key to solving this challenge is to detect the pattern. This is the skill that you need to develop to be successful in the test because there are two shapes here present in this question, triangles and circles."
"Strategies that are specific to the SAT can help you twist all that stuff and help you get back to the basic ideas that you know."
"Avoid answer choices that say absolute terms like always, never, only. Those are rarely correct."
"If you take those two pieces of advice into a test like the ACTs I guarantee you it will probably give you an additional three or four more questions right as well as save you some time from going back and forth on one question."
"So when you're looking at these questions, I really want you to, especially if you see a question that you've maybe never seen before, due process of elimination, look at these questions and say, 'You know what? I know it's absolutely not that, so I'm gonna rule out A and D.'"
"Always flag the difficult questions first and do the easy questions."
"Hopefully, you've nailed this question. It gives you some laugh and you now know how to answer similar problems on the test."
"In my experience, you're usually able to eliminate one to two answer choices off the bat."
"You feel like your brain is actually working, and it's a good confidence booster during a test."
"If you've studied, this is supposed to help you to get all of it out on the test. There's nothing worse than half hour later as you're driving home thinking up and you remember half the answers that you forgot during the test."
"Work on the conditioning of your mind before you go into the IELTS test."
"Taking the test is like 50% psychology 50% knowing knowledge."
"Differentiate between answer choices and see nuanced differences."
"You thought the hot, there's one way you keep taking this test."
"Not following directions and not managing time properly are the two biggest mistakes."
"Remember, when we're talking about this bootcamp, we're talking about some self-paced modules full of content, practice questions, videos, vocabulary. It is everything that you are going to need to know to pass this test."
"Approach data interpretation questions like multi-question reading comprehension passages."
"Practice under timed conditions. The real aptitude test will be timed, so you have to get used to the pressure."
"Even if you don't memorize, if you know how to find out the fact, then you were prepared for a test."
"You don't actually have to know much about science or social studies to do well on those tests."
"If you're pressed for time, you can sort of like do it the guesstimate way."
"One of the key test taking strategies high level for Pediatrics is that pediatric questions frequently test congenital abnormalities that affect multiple organ systems."
"That's going to be how to NCLEX: a first-time test-taker's guide to the NCLEX."
"The correct answer here is choice A, 55, hopefully you've nailed this question and now know how to answer similar problems on the test."
"That is the number one thing you have to do that is gonna get you to pass the test more than anything else."
"Always read all your question choices."
"Answer choices should be easy given your study."
"Easy questions should be easy and you should do them quickly to give you more time on the harder questions."
"Finish the first section in about 15 minutes, not more; 20 for the second, and 25 for the third."
"If you finish the passage and haven't found some of the answers, move on. Return to these questions only after you answer the rest as it may take a lot of time."
"That said, just bear in mind that more often than not, you can use your answer choices to figure out some of these questions pretty quickly."
"These types of problems appear very frequently on the ASVAB itself, so make sure you can work with averages for the test."
"Welcome to my unique and powerful test-taking strategies that simplify the questions."
"Remember the GMAT punishes you if you don't answer every question on the test more so than if you got one wrong."
"...most of your points can come from just understanding what the questions are asking for and applying some common sense to it."
"Don't panic when calculations don't match answer choices. Look for conversion opportunities."
"Arrive early to take the test, make sure you get there early, you plan it all out, and you're able to relax before you start."
"As soon as the test starts, write down key formulas and ideas on scratch paper."
"Read the directions very carefully, circling important ideas."
"Even if you're not a hundred percent sure of the pattern, if you feel like your rule works most of the time, just go for it."
"Even if you score four out of five, that's good, that's great. It's better than wasting time trying to find all the different rules."
"I've always been sort of a pretty good standardized test taker."
"Test taking is a skill which no one cares about once you graduate."
"You're not going to dramatically increase your score, but you can make some really smart moves to help yourself."
"Remember on the test, you're not in a rush."
"At the end of the day, you should be the one who will decide on what is the best and perfect way to handle the test and the question."
"Don't let it freak you out at first, if you get to the questions and you still can't make sense of it, let it go, don't be a perfectionist."
"You absolutely must skip questions that are too difficult."
"You must remove the emotion from your thinking when you're doing decision making questions."
"When you are attempting these parts, you have to read the questions."
"Get help; it's very important to find some allies before you take your test."
"Have you ever wondered how to do SAT math problems in 10 seconds or less?"
"There's no question on the SAT where there's two possible answers; it's always just one answer."
"If the test writer includes a time frame... it's to help you select the correct answer."
"Process of elimination is really useful for keyholes and most sections on the PAT."
"Statement overlap: if the two statements give you the same information, the answer cannot be C."
"Learn effective strategies... you're set up when you take the test to get through questions accurately, efficiently, and effectively."
"You don't want to eliminate answer choices because they're irrelevant or because they're out of scope."
"It's not a test of are you a brilliant mathematician; it's a test of are you playing the right game."
"It is very unlikely that you'll have time to finish all 12 prompts in 30 minutes, so go in planning what you're gonna skip."
"Read the question and read it again basically and check once you've got your answer, read it again, does it make sense?"
"On a basic level, you're going to have to locate information in a passage and select the correct words needed to complete a sentence."
"When you're doing an exam, start with the questions that value the most marks first."
"The difference between false and not given is where a lot of students make mistakes."
"I'm going to talk about some tips that will help you work accurately and intelligently throughout this test."
"Never leave a test question completely blank."
"It's like a sprint, and before you've settled in, it's already over."
"It's valuable to know that it gets progressively more difficult throughout the test."
"Master your time when you choose an answer and move on to the next question."