
Local Quotes

There are 665 quotes

"The social element of buying local, eating local, co-mingling locally by going to the farmer's market."
"Started it as a passion project, we never thought that it would reach anyone out of Hawaii."
"I love Sandy Shores Police Department. I like just being a small-town cop. There's an interesting thing happening."
"Solidarity is crucial... but the global and the local go together, they are tied together."
"Stay local especially when you're just starting out because you know your city better."
"It's really about California, our farm, fresh run farm in Bolinas, which basically supplies us with the majority of our produce."
"A little bit of local knowledge goes a long way."
"Local economy is actually really strong."
"Make sure you wander local this week, as you know it's good for the soul."
"Tokens are some of my favorite things to find because they're oftentimes somewhat local and always have an interesting story behind them."
"Bluetooth works fully locally in your house which means that you can still turn on and off the lights when you have no internet connection."
"Local control was finally possible with the Echo Hub."
"Support your local shops and local companies if you can."
"Farmers markets over here are amazing."
"The ultimate thing to do is what our friend Thomas suggests: source a local beekeeper."
"If you can support good quality local sustainable honey production, you are also inadvertently supporting good quality local food production as well."
"Sourcing local raw honey is going to be 100 times more flavorful and also be a lot more sustainable too."
"One of my favorite places to go, one of the only places where you can get local Filipino freshly cooked Filipino food."
"A local synagogue wins three goals to one."
"We really encourage you to shop at your local dealer."
"Growing up here in Pittsburgh, it's become a cult classic and a childhood favorite. I mean, it is filmed here after all."
"It's always going to be better if you can find that same product locally."
"This desk I secretary desk I found locally at a um place called lots of furniture."
"Beloved by El Pasoans like no other is the revered Chico Tacos, the Chico Taco is a thing of Legend."
"Now moving over to working with local spirits... start to take a mental note of where those spots are and what they feel like."
"There is nothing quite like being in your kitchen, making something from the produce of where you live, and then enjoying it with friends."
"Supporting local craft stores is important, even if it means higher costs."
"That year we decided we'd go to the next town over just a couple miles away to a place called Alcoa Recreation Area."
"I am looking to discover local dives, local family-owned places with incredible food."
"Our local post office is up and ready for the challenge."
"It's kind of like an empanada stuffed with pie filling. So in my case, I got a chicken pot pie, but you can also get at this location barbecue pork and things like that. Now they're all made by this one company on the island, and everybody loves them."
"One non-money related investment would just be in the time that you spend locally."
"Doesn't it just make sense to collect local bees that are acclimated to your weather conditions already?"
"...explore your own state. You don't need to go across the country. See what your own state has to offer."
"This is going to be a place that is very known amongst locals."
"Farmish is an app that connects both buyers and sellers of locally grown agricultural products."
"People in this group don't need access to all the things that I mentioned earlier. They're making movies in their hometowns and they're casting their friends. They're showing them in a local theater or putting them on YouTube."
"I plan on actually going to visit sunno AI headquarters cuz I'm somewhat local to them."
"A signal is deemed abnormal if it strays from the expected natural electromagnetic background of the local."
"The local conversations program is where strong towns happens in real life."
"Support your local restaurants if you can."
"It's so much better for everybody if local farmers are being supported."
"Springs Champlain Park, literally the best trampoline park in our city."
"If we took care of our own market, meaning that we supported every release that came out just on the West Coast, and everybody [expletive] with it, we could go double platinum, triple platinum, diamond here in our own backyard."
"When I walked into my local Wawa to get a hoagie."
"It's nice to know exactly where your food is coming from. It doesn't get much closer than just in your backyard."
"I love when you come to a place and every single person that you see eating here is a local."
"I can't wait to go to my local bookstore a local bookstore someone signed me."
"The real church is not what gets into the newspapers, it's the stuff that's happening at the local level."
"Ren House Brewing Company: the local taste you'll have here will keep your taste buds happy and yearning for more."
"Claim within ourselves a love of the local, an interest in the local, an intervention in the local."
"There's nothing better than doing local explores."
"I love supporting local shops like this."
"A family that lives in the area has spoken of frequent visits from two men and one woman who simply requests to fill their canteens with fresh water and then leave."
"We love supporting local businesses."
"Champions League finals in my ends, bro, my ends blood, yeah, local."
"The ingredients tasted so fresh and local."
"...people are just finding local networks and it's it really seems to be exploding all over the globe honestly."
"Why travel abroad when Blackpool offers such beauty at your doorstep?"
"It's like getting online prices locally instantly."
"Do it like a local. Kind of goes down that same road of respecting the desert, staying on the trail."
"It was a dramatic start for local driver PG Anderson."
"Breakfast was fully local which made me really happy."
"I want to focus more on shopping local to keep the money in the city and not to some corporation like Starbucks McDonald's."
"We are huge proponents of shopping local and shopping small, but Amazon can be really useful for bulk orders and having everything you need."
"It matters in towns too, often at the level of the street."
"I think the opportunity for local AI companies like in Indonesia, in Southeast Asia as a whole, is to solve hyper local problems."
"Who would have thought it's come down to two local guys, two guys from New Jersey?"
"Support local, and I 100% agree. But sometimes, when does the local change from local to the big corporate corporation? Let me know in the comments, I'm very curious."
"I recommend you guys come check it out, support local businesses, small businesses."
"The bike bags, the handmade stuff, you're really supporting the creator I think when you when you buy like a nice handmade local bag."
"Make sure you wander local wherever you may be because, as you know, it's good for the soul."
"...support your local race tracks guys that's the moral of this."
"How cool is that? I always say support your local comic book creators."
"Support your local comic book creators, especially when it's kid-friendly stuff."
"It's like I'm buying something local and yet it was made somewhere else, you know?"
"I feel like that's normally a good sign because it means that actual French local people tend to enjoy the place."
"I'd rather purchase local from my guys than give my money to Amazon whenever possible."
"There are some dessert places around here that serve cakes and ice cream but this is a Hidden Gem"
"I'm going to need to watch Irish League highlights. I'm going to need to watch what's on BBC at the minute. What locally are people watching? UTV."
"It's all about opening your eyes to have a look what is on your own doorstep."
"So if you like to go to a microbrewery and taste what people are doing locally in terms of interesting brews, that's really a trendy thing right now all over Iceland."
"Known to some locals as simply the turtle park, it should come as no surprise that this park is full of turtles."
"Best place for a beer in Broom, highly recommend it."
"I like supporting local and I like supporting small business."
"I love supporting local, shopping local, and the food's just overall really good and delicious."
"I think that the point of a farmers market really is the community investing in their local food."
"To shop locally and seasonally, locally also means supporting farmers that are in your area. So, the best way to shop is usually at the farmers market, which is tomorrow. This is my favorite section, look how pretty!"
"Support local restaurants and you'll probably enjoy the meal as much as I'm going to enjoy this meal."
"If you want to support a small local YouTuber and get the best nuts on the market, check them out."
"This is the amazing fresh local seafood that we've been serving to the citizens and residents of Texas for the past 44 years."
"Legit this is probably one of the best beers I've ever had and I'm so glad because they have it all over town at gas stations. It's like my favorite brewed here at Able Baker. Let's get it brother, let's get it!"
"Markets are institutions that are really, I mean, an intractable part of the rural economy, right? As very local, clearly defined institutions."
"One thing I'd like to see more of is that resurgence at the local group level."
"I believe in supporting local businesses and shop from them when I can."
"Most of it was produced by a local company called Balingall, who formed a close alliance with the Earl."
"Good coffee is virtually guaranteed in any place that you sit, and many local producers offer regular tastings."
"Our building, oh, it's made here."
"Ultimately, the best option most of the time when trying to find a computer can be found close to home: Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace."
"Tri Island Chocolate is doing collaboration with West Indie Beer Company. It's a brewery here on the island and they have a chocolate porter."
"But fingers crossed with the guys we've got down here fishing, we might be able to show you a fish or two and maybe even some of the rigs these local guys use."
"It's good to see how, in the midst of all this tourism, purely local hangouts still survive."
"The local community is supporting us the way they are."
"It was fun to run into somebody at the grocery store like I felt like a local."
"I grew up on local skate shops just like pretty much every skateboarder in the world."
"Everything's handmade here in the shop by local crafters that live up this way."
"I just adore the idea of finding hidden gems at local marketplaces."
"I really like collecting local theme park t-shirts."
"The best and only pizza place in town, undefeated since 1989."
"Orlando's got an amazing mom and pop food scene."
"Movements are both local and global at the same time, rising for local conditions, cultures, and values while connecting to the world."
"We've just made it to our local Super Target."
"Growing food close to home can help avoid some big problems like waste, poisonous pesticides, and air pollution. Plus, the food is healthier and tastes way better."
"It's good to support little local businesses."
"Get out there, find that local history."
"Support your local comic book store."
"This is our local hero, the one everyone is talking about!"
"What it's like to buy an entire hog from a local rancher is a little bit different than going out to your grocery store."
"I'm passionate about buying local, pasture-raised meats whenever possible."
"Small businesses support the local economy. Small businesses are important for industry innovation, but they're also important in boosting the local economy."
"Shop local, shop small places, mama pop shops. Buy direct from Farmers if you can."
"On the local level, that's where you have to pay attention."
"Our most valuable resources out there are our local SBA District Offices."
"It's amazing because while we're here, the fishermen keep walking by, they're seeing us, they're like, yeah, yeah, it's like, yeah, we're eating your fresh food, yeah, it's so fresh, super fresh, too fresh, yeah."
"Dude, I have a triple authentication of we have a certified banger taco place in our neighborhood."
"Local Thai food is like noodle soup with pork ball or fish balls."
"Dovetail is a small project based here in Queensland."
"I always love that kind of stuff to be personal, something edible in your town, yeah, those are really fun, food, candy."
"That is probably one of the best Captain Cook's we've done on this channel hands down or is that easily highly recommended for the locals if you get some abalone or almost try it like that well you're gonna be amazed."
"Unlike other travel sites, these guys are from Vegas, everyone at vegas.com lives in Vegas, works in Vegas, and parties in Vegas."
"The Otter Creek yard sale, phenomenal event."
"That's right, it's the best pizza in the neighborhood, wow, I love it with that, nice chili and the dough is incredible, I guess the water you guys are using is so good, right?"
"The best thing about everything you eat in Albania is that it's farm to table, straight up."
"I really dig the coyote here in this area."
"It is and would remain a great story that's been passed down in the local area and beyond."
"Freshly caught literally like an hour ago right here on the island in Orange Beach."
"so local here to central pennsylvania we raised four thousand six hundred and seventy dollars"
"It could be history for McIlhenny here on home turf."
"This is absolutely probably the cream of the crop, most perfect firewood for our particular area."
"The closest thing I have to an answer to fix this broken system can be summed up in two words: invest locally."
"It is a beautiful day here, just cool, but it's a beautiful day. Beautiful day in the Chicago area."
"Despite her success, Cal remains dedicated to keeping her work close to home."
"We've become big fans of these local canteen places."
"There's plenty of local diving out there where you can work on your skills."
"I was able to find it locally and there's actually a really fun story that I'm going to share with you guys in a little bit of how I came to find this Coral."
"Supporting local loving every minute of it."
"Our number one thing has always been to support local."
"So today's just an absolutely beautiful day, spring day here in the Chicago area."
"We want to grow a tomato that has flavor locally four seasons."
"Overall it sounds really good for just being done on an edge device locally."
"This is happening in our own backyard here in Haddonfield."
"I genuinely believe that Platform One is the most interesting thing about East Hills."
"You come down here and just try and vibe out with the local energy here; powerful stuff."
"Chicago is very supportive of its small businesses."
"The greatest value here is as a historical document, of course, because this is something that is specific to local interest and specific to this town."
"It's really important that the communities on a local level... are moving forward."
"There's so much in your own back yard that you don't even know is there until you get out to see it."
"All of this work was done here in Australia."
"You're just an example for all of us out there that we all need to know more about things that are in our own backyard."
"We go where the locals go; we don't go to the big tourist-oriented restaurants."
"I much prefer locally sourced food, picked out by local farmers at its peak of ripeness."
"They have the most amazing tacos in San Diego."
"I want to live how the locals live."
"Reach out to all of your local venues, reach out to all the local bands."
"Help the artists sell merch, tell them you're local to the area."
"We're born and raised local couple here on Oahu, and we take you along on all of our foodie adventures."
"Drive-through barbecue is good, especially at Lloyd's."
"I'm just lucky to live in Devon where we've got these little back lanes that I know like the back of my hand."
"We are so incredibly blessed to have some of the best in the business in our backyard."
"We're going to take you guys along with us to feature a local sushi spot."
"I love stopping at fun places like this, local you know, supporting the local places that I travel to. So fun, fun."
"The first catch was Norfolk Southern G34, a Georgia local out of Rome working down towards Hiram, Georgia."
"It's a beautiful Saturday morning, and we are back at our local flea market."
"It's got some pretty cool local history."
"Ninety percent of products come from small businesses, many of which are based here in the US."
"What if all development was community-led and locally based?"
"I'm a French Mountain guide from Shamoni... I like to define myself as a local product."
"We're moving from a fossil fuel-based economy within Central Florida towards a renewable energy, locally grown energy source for the City of Orlando."
"Anyone who is local or any Londoners know that this is a brilliant little hidden twitten."
"You can't leave Santa Barbara without having a scoop of McConnell's ice cream."
"Jim knows where to go to get the best Froyo in town."
"The most favorite mango in Antigua is the kidney mango, which is our common mango."
"We need to find local solutions that work for our community."
"Why am I so excited about this? Because this is your local automation center."
"Make sure to wander local this week; it's good for the soul."
"Phoenix Arizona isn't exactly known for colonial architecture, so here in the Valley of the Sun, we do what we can, where we are, with what we've got."
"I love the fact that it's homegrown, distilled, aged, bottled all right there."
"Biomanufacturing depends on local feedstocks, so it will create real impact to create place-based economic opportunity around biomanufacturing activity in communities throughout the nation."
"Try the local Vietnamese food here, it's a local culinary secret."
"For those who imbibe, I've sent a bottle of local Maple whiskey."
"It's so wonderful how around Ensenada there are so many artisanal food products being made."
"If it suits local people, I don't have any objection."
"Let's just stick with having it somewhere local, okay?"
"Use daily travel card that is issued by your city or by your canton."
"Explore your local area, your canton... just around the corner you can have an amazing place."
"We use locally sourced products, all organic ingredients."
"If you don't live in Texas or you don't live in New Jersey, find your local museumship and support it."
"You can find good local cheap food."
"It's always good to support small businesses locally, right?"
"The humble dolmuş serves Marmaris, and it's their public bus service."