
Treasures Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"Treasures are pretty good, turns out, especially when you could use them to drop a Blightsteel on the battlefield."
"These are powerful models that can extract information in an ad hoc way and from completely unstructured text."
"Every once in a while the stars align and the true treasures are uncovered."
"Somehow the Sahara Desert has collected treasures from all over the world."
"Jesus himself said to store your treasures in heaven. Why? Moths and rust can't destroy there."
"The return rack is a curated Treasure Trove."
"This whole house is just full of antiques and little treasures, it's amazing."
"Thrift with me, I'm gonna find you the treasures."
"It's the people that you meet that are the real treasures."
"Sometimes what we think we wanted would not have made us happy, but the more open-minded we are to exploring certain things, sometimes there's just treasures."
"When you step out of your history, your mindset, and live from your heart, where your heart is, there your treasures also."
"Resale shopping allows you to find treasures that add character and charm to your home and wardrobe."
"When you shop resale, you never know what hidden gems you'll uncover."
"Resale shopping: where you can find affordable treasures that elevate your everyday life."
"They do have some treasures here."
"I have reserved some things for you, that are very special and that are treasures from me, says the Lord."
"Finding joy in unexpected treasures, like a mini pitchfork."
"Treasures here at these historic houses are so important, but when a treasure gets sold and then you get it back, it's even more special and more extraordinary to even have that back in the family."
"If you're lucky enough to find them, get a box, share them with people."
"Depending on who you talked to, it's different British coins, Spanish coins, gold, silver, guns, cannons... all different types of things."
"You'll find the most special things in the weirdest places in a house like this."
"The treasures origin have been subject of speculation over the years with museums and wealthy individuals vying for its pieces."
"The underwater excavations of Alexandria have unveiled treasures that paint a vivid picture of a city steeped in glory and history."
"His true treasures in life had been his loyal vassals, his role as a king, and his family."
"The moments of shared laughter and warmth of human bonds become the true treasures of a life well-lived."
"Financial Freedom allows you to focus on the real Treasures that are important to you."
"What an interesting array of random and useful treasures we found this week."
"This Locker, yeah, it's produced some interesting stuff, definitely a few treasures."
"We're finding some great stuff in here but there's a lot of boxes still to explore let's see what other Treasures are hiding in this Locker."
"I just went to Treasures of NYC and you guys, this is L the coolest thing ever."
"God calls us to not store up treasure in heaven, he says be generous."
"What do you consider treasures in your life? Something that captures your curiosity."
"It's a don't miss, come along for a warehouse full of treasures."
"You can really find some great pieces here at this Vintage Market."
"That's metal detecting for you. Trust me, it's not treasures all the time. You just gotta work away at it."
"Share the love with your family and give out those treasures to them now while you are alive."
"Maximalism for me is my love of things, my love of thrifting, and wanting to display all of my treasures."
"Venice has something for everyone, but anyone who appreciates fine art will surely fall in love with the city and her treasures."
"The ancient city of Erok in Iraq has given us countless ancient treasures over the years."
"This just goes to show that you're just gonna find so many Treasures."
"Teemu and Dollar Tree, those are my spots that is where I find all of my treasures that I love."
"Discovering treasures in unexpected places."
"These are going to be their Grail books to look for."
"Love will lay a carpet of treasures under your feet."
"A home filled with treasures that were intentionally picked because they bring you Joy."
"But who cares? We found some good stuff in there, good stuff."
"The National Park Service was tasked with protecting and promoting American treasures for all people."
"Schwam Wu pothole, where the Schwam Wu mythical Beast lives, was created by God and has endless precious sporadic treasures."
"What might seem like just pieces of cardboard to some, are treasures to others, each with its own significance and value."
"I mean, I don't really own anything expensive like that let me know in the comments what kind of treasures you guys would hide in here maybe like money I really have no clue but whatever it is I feel like it would be important enough to literally hide in a book."
"There's even more treasures to be found."
"More little treasures all over the place."
"Finding gemstones is like uncovering hidden treasures in a treasure hunt."
"These are my favorite treasures — these are broken little bits of pipe stem, dating back a couple hundred years."
"The coolest thing about yard sales is that you literally never know what you're going to find."
"It's like a freaking treasure hunt."
"Look at this! Oh, Tuscany Perdana, so old lipsticks, it's all chapstick. I don't think that's worth anything, but I'll bring this home and go through a little bit closer. I don't want to miss anything in here, and there could be something hiding in there."
"Oh, hang on guys, I'm getting the light a little bit. That's 14 karat right there, 14 karat. Look at the size of that Pearl, it's real, it's gritty. Oh my goodness, 100 bucks in pearls, maybe a lot more right there, crazy."
"Vintage books are real little treasures."
"Isn't that cute? I love it. I just packed it full of treasures."
"I'm glad to have a couple of treasures."
"Vintage treasures just waiting to be discovered."
"Treasures Trinkets that you could possibly ever want."
"Those unforeseen treasures that you don't even know they're out there."
"This is true, as we have here and we do that, that's how you lay up Treasures in Heaven, you do it by sewing into the kingdom of God."
"These are Little Treasures to me, wouldn't take anything for those."
"There are those who believe that the greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye and found by the heart."
"So that actually was mentioned in the account that I had I just omitted it for poverty so it is it's like there's like a wondrous like the items being in the procession going through the castle are a wondrous uh cowandabra uh a lance and a fabulous grail golden grail."
"You can always find some really amazing hidden gems in there."
"There may have been a couple of cases of pirates hiding their valuables but most times their gains were invested in what really mattered to them: booze, tobacco, gambling, and women."
"The lore suggests that these ghosts are Protectors of Hidden Treasures still guarding their loot even in death."
"Dumpster diving: where unexpected finds turn into everyday treasures."
"Nothing beats the excitement of finding unexpected treasures."
"Every corner holds a treasure trove of Marvel delights, waiting to be discovered."
"I truly believe that there is gold and diamonds that lie in the Wasteland of discarded performance SUVs from yesteryear."
"So much cool stuff is still out there if you get there at the right time and it's the right price."
"So, amazing treasures all around us."
"Every diamond, every natural diamond no matter how modest, it can be a tenth of a carat or 20-carats, it's a product of the earth."
"They are truly the treasures of the earth."
"Every inch that they drill brings them one step closer to the potential treasures and answers that have been hidden for years."
"If you yourself have a collection of your own definitely go find it, you may just have some gems like this collection."
"Vintage finds: treasures worth discovering."
"Locating treasures through dreams was not uncommon in Smith's day."
"These are some of my most prized possessions."
"Prophesy to The North Wind, command the treasures that have been hidden in darkness to be released in your life."
"We're finding some treasures: costume jewelry, vintage film reels, collectible coins."
"...oceans carry secrets at the bottom of the waters, treasures, all of the riches are at the bottoms of bodies of water."
"Got my swag back, I come out of retirement, and this is what I get greeted with: goodies."
"I'm all about National Treasures today."
"When you possess great treasures within you and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed."
"The treasures of God are waiting for the hand of faith to draw them forth."
"It is so important to preserve them; they are jewels."
"The beauty of the universal Catholic Church united under Peter is that there's this whole storage room filled with spiritual treasures."
"They all are treasures, that's right."
"To me, they are forgotten treasures, and I wanted to bring them back and present them."
"I love all these part trays like this 'cause you just never know if the crown jewel is in there."
"Kings and queens, giants buried in burial mounds with copper crowns and treasures of pearls."
"It's hard to highlight everything that there is in this barn, but we're going to uncover trains, planes, games, cars, rockets..."
"From ancient cities that were destroyed to precious jewels worth millions, here are eight of the most wanted objects in the world."
"I love it, I love finding things. I think they look something really special, those two."
"I'm gonna treasure everything that I showed in this video."
"We can pride ourselves on some precious treasures that were born out of our political independence."
"It's amazing the things people lose: umbrellas, handbags, pirate treasure."
"I love getting to go antique shopping, look at all the treasures that I found."
"I enjoy finding those lost things and bringing them back to the surface."
"Look at all that stuff, let's get the camera for that, a lot of shinies."
"It's all these memories that are treasures that I have on these shelves."
"It's a great little store; we have found some amazing things."
"If you've got a wish rock and a heart rock all together in the same thing, it doesn't get any better than that."
"Treasures collected by a couple who loved to travel."
"The islands of the bay, and they are just scattered around here like... treasures."
"Now let's uncover the hidden treasures."
"My real treasures will continue to grow little by little."
"He took everything, including the gold shields that Solomon had made."
"This is what you call a show and tell video, and I was anxious to show you my two little dolls because they have been so precious to me all these years."
"The master of turning discarded items into jewelry and other little treasures."
"He is said to be able to give true answers and hidden treasures."
"And [ye] shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;"
"Sometimes treasures can be found in the most unexpected places."
"Keep an eye out; you never know what hidden gems you might discover."
"I love the fact that my clothes have like a story and they're all like treasure pieces that I value so much."
"These little gems are going to bring us some joy again."
"It's amazing what you can find in a market though, isn't it? They're very hit and miss, aren't they? Sometimes you can find that little gem."
"I'm really happy with how that sale went, I got some cool items."
"Here are some of the greatest lost treasures of the world."
"They can be like little treasures that you discover as you're flipping through your journal."
"You can use your diary as a place to keep little things that you cherish."
"Look at all of these wonderful treasures."
"Sometimes incredible treasures and astonishing artifacts even turn up by accident."
"I feel like I have found so many gems."
"The wise men... opened their treasures, gold and frankincense and myrrh, and then they bow down on their knees to worship the son of the Living God."
"That's what we do as explorers. It's to find those unexpected treasures that are out there."
"This cove of mystery and treasures, you don't know what else you're gonna find."
"We see you at a great distance, in a new world, stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures."
"I love going through things I haven't gone through in a long time because I find neat little treasures."
"There are holy places in this city that are filled with extraordinary treasures."
"This bookcase is filled with all of my favorite thrifted items or vintage second hand items that I found."
"It's full of Little Treasures, isn't it?"
"The discs have always been about all sorts of treasures for me. Not just monetary treasure, but also spiritual treasure or emotional treasure."
"Welcome back to John's Hidden Treasures, I know how much you all loved it, and I'm here to give you what you want."
"My treasures are laid up somewhere along the blue."
"You have to protect the treasures of this game."
"What you are moving into or focused upon as this is occurring is kind of the jewels or the gems, the treasures that are coming up for you."
"Help me to lay up treasures in heaven as I surrender myself to you."
"I am thrilled with my treasures, thrilled with where I am."
"The beach is going to be gloriously messy, and we're going to find some sand dollars and a bunch of other great shells."
"You can find treasures in the most unlikely of places."
"Beautiful shinies just everywhere."
"God has given us treasures out of darkness."
"See the treasure gems our collectors can't live without."
"I'm so excited about what I got today, I found cool stuff."
"Actually, they are among humanity's most valuable possessions."
"Until the time I carefully unlocked it, and saw these treasures."
"We really have to go through everything one piece at a time because there are major historic treasures to be found in this house."
"Nothing sugar beats wandering around markets looking for Hidden Treasures."
"The space shimmered with numerous gems and valuable items."
"I keep some memory treasures in my dreams."
"This my dear boy is God's attic, gathered here are some of the greatest treasures of this world and others."
"Going through the clutter now will unearth your treasures."
"The floating cloud sect had in its possession high-grade cultivation techniques, extremely powerful martial techniques, and countless Divine weapons, pills, and Heavenly Treasures."
"Listen to the voice of nature, for it holds treasures for you."
"Welcome to my attic, people find such wonderful things in the attic."
"This is the kind of thing that really excites me, you know the hidden gems."
"Look how adorable these are, they are really precious to me."
"I'm very happy to report the hidden gems that I found."
"Gem after gem after gem, just amazing stuff."
"Accept your treasures with open wings and a grateful heart."
"There's a bounty of treasures, and you're opening yourself up to receiving that."
"I love finding these little treasures; I think that they are really what makes our home feel different and unique."
"Do not lay up treasure for yourself where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourself treasures in heaven."
"What's been interesting about cleaning out our entire house is I keep finding these little gems."
"It's important that we hang on to these treasures."
"It's the end of the week, guys, and it's time to dive into this box of Universal treasures."
"There's always some treasures to be found."
"I love our community and I love that you all get so excited about these treasures right along with me."
"There are treasures hidden in the shadows."