
Trend Following Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"There is a real need and desire for people to feel like they're getting in on the next thing."
"If I can put one of the most important things with trading, it would be trading with the trend."
"You need to be taking advantage of TikTok's latest features and you need to be doing things that are on trend."
"Start modeling your content off of the trends or modeling off of what is successful in your niche."
"The problem with it is that like someone makes it trendy everyone jumps on the trend."
"Just follow the trend lines instead of the headlines."
"If you follow the trend lines instead of the headlines, it's actually quite a different story."
"The trend is your friend never go against that trend."
"You want to always move the fib tool in the same direction that the chart is moving."
"It seems as though everyone was boarding the hype train just not a real train."
"Only just today, I would have released my own let’s play of it over on Graeme Games - that’s like the slowest following of a trend of all time..."
"I find that trend following is the best... just ride the trend as long as it's intact."
"The safest thing that you can do as a Trader investor is stick with the trend."
"Always follow the trend, it'll get you there."
"Respect the trend. Let the trend be your friend."
"Swing trading allows traders to ride out the trend for maximum profit...using the best trailing stop techniques."
"Beyoncé do it, and y'all follow her religiously. That's how you do it."
"The trend is your friend and swing trading is all about trading with the main trend."
"The trend is your friend till the end of the trend."
"Trading with the trend tends to minimize the drawdowns and the heat you need to take on a position."
"The beauty of living with the trend is when you're trading with the trend, not only does it increase your win rate... but being with the trend really increases your reward."
"Keep up with what's cool and what's hip or what's winning the contest and what's getting all the likes."
"Always follow the trend and treat the trend as your best friend."
"Trade with the trend whatever the Mark is Doing Just Go With It."
"Trend following is a lot like betting at the horse track, except with the exception that you can actually wait for the race to get started and figure out who's winning and then place your bets."
"Odds are in your favor if you play in the direction of the trend rather than against it."
"The secret is simple. All you have to do is just follow the trend. Once you follow the trend, you stick to your rules every single time you trade within your session."
"As long as it keeps working, let it ride."
"You need a trend to be able to make money in this market."
"Control risk, ride trends for all they're worth."
"Just follow the trend, trade with the trend, and you will be profitable."
"Everybody chasing a bag, you know? Everybody's chasing to the hype."
"Remember, we're only going to trade in the direction of the trend."
"To maximize return you don't want to be involved during those bad times but you want to be involved in the good times and trend-following allows you to do that."
"You'll be able to run this program with a whole bunch of stocks and pick out the ones that meet Mark Minervini's strict trend criteria."
"The goal here is to stay in it, to stay in it as long as possible because if you're swing trading properly, you should be trend trading."
"Playing the trend is always your friend."
"The flow of the trend equals to the flow of the river. Just imagine you're trying to swim against the flow of a river, you're most likely going to get crushed. I like the trend to push my trade with it so that I stress less."
"You always want to be trading with the trend; it's going to be the easiest thing."
"Following the direction of the trend... gives me the highest outcome probability."
"We want trends. When a trend presents itself, don't say no. Take advantage because that is what goes into your pocket."
"You want to follow a big trend; you're never gonna make money by taking small trends."
"Sheepism is where you see stocks going up, you're like, they're making more yields than I am, let me go flip and buy stocks."
"Trade with the High Time Trend to increase the odds."
"We want to make sure we're in the trend when it begins."
"Trend following works over time; it has proven to put up positive returns over time."
"The goal is to cash on to a trend and let that trend work for you."
"Always trade in the direction of the trend."
"Trade with the trend, the trend is your friend."
"You gotta go where the wave goes."
"We're trying to roll with the trend; we're trying to trade in the direction of the trend."
"I am a trend follower; I look for trends but I'm very careful about entry points."
"Stay on the right side of the trend."
"The best time to enter a position in a trending market is to wait for the trend to make a pullback."
"It's all about Trend, it's about taking small losses, it's about letting your profits run."
"Fibs, the way I use them, I use them with the trend. I'm looking for trend following opportunities."
"The trend is your friend; you'd rather be with it."
"Follow the trend as long as the trend exists. You can always get back into a trade."
"What this does is allows you to trade with the trend; it allows you to trade with the higher time frame narrative."
"I'm a trend follower and I try to follow the trend as much as I can and then secure the gains as it begins to go."
"This is the beauty of trend following; you never know what the management's going to lead to, but you know that the management is going to lead to profitability."
"Trade with the trend; there's no point in going against the market."
"I'm only going to trade with the trend."
"All we got to do is follow the trend."
"I stumbled across one of Michael Covel's books, and it was one of my aha moments when I realized what Trend following was."
"Drop Shipping can be a lucrative business if you stay up to date with current trends."
"Never move out on spikes, you short a stock that is coming down, you short the stock with momentum, with trend, stay with the trend."
"We're following the direction of the trend."