
Nothingness Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Everything we see was created out of absolutely nothing."
"My intuition cries out that there could have been nothing." - Robert Lawrence Kuhn
"Everything is unfolding out of nothing in no time. Nothing's happening and yet everything is in. There's nothing that's happening. Wrap your head around that."
"Maybe the very idea of nothingness is paradoxical and incoherent."
"Wow, nothing. Would you look at that?"
"You won't be experiencing nothingness, nothingness is simply nothing; therefore, rejoice."
"There's nothing needed because there's nothing happening. Nothing is required because there's nothing happening."
"Experiences and wishes arise from nothing, they are nothing appearing to be wishes."
"Nothingness is pregnant with everything."
"One of the most intriguing aspects of the Multiverse theory is its potential explanation of how our universe and indeed other universes could have originated from nothing."
"God is all things in all things and he is nothing in nothing."
"Are you making anything?" "No, my specialty is nothing."
"It was infinite nothingness and infinite love in every direction."
"Just nothing while like I said while driving."
"Everything is nothing including boundless energy."
"Creation has at its origin nothingness and everything of the zero, and is contained in nothingness."
"What do the rich need? Nothing. That's the answer."
"If you drink nothing, you die. What does the poor have? Nothing. What do the rich need? Nothing."
"Nothingness is the core of freedom, allowing for the individual to shape himself to become what he chooses within the constraints of the given biological and social facticity."
"I didn't do nothing look, oh, that was pretty good, nothing."
"There's nothing going on, nada, not a single thing."
"Everything from nothing: information theory reveals the equivalence between the totality of all information and the nothingness of zero information."
"Everything is nothing, so everyone, nobody."
"Absolutely nothing, see that's exactly what you want."
"You ain't got nothing that you leave behind, you ain't got nothing to lose."
"You cease to pay attention to consciousness, and all that's left is no-thingness."
"It's nothingness, it is the potential of expression and so you have to simply hold space for it."
"If something is nonexistent, it doesn't exist at all. Can this absolute nothingness then do something or become something?"
"The universe can and will create itself from nothing."
"You never had nothing, but you had everything because you had your freedom."
"The gap between nothing and something is infinite."
"These styles collide, allowing the warriors to reach the realm of nothingness, a place meant only for true masters."
"Our jaws just dropped because we seen nothing."
"The point is nothingness isn't something, and therefore it can't be a permanent condition of any being or mind."
"The greatest realization is nothingness, is silence, is stillness."
"Your entire consciousness is now dissolving into the ocean of nothingness."
"It's funny how the nothingness can make you realize the everything."
"I am no thing, but I am present in all things."
"In the vast cosmic expanse where galaxies shine and black holes devour matter, there exists a perplexing concept: nothing."
"There is nothing since all possibilities are realized."
"Why isn't there only nothing? That would be to illegitimately assume that nothingness is a privileged state."
"Everything only comes from nothing and is nothing appearing as what is."
"The void is not absence; indeed, nothingness is an infinite plenitude."
"Nothing plus nothing is always nothing."
"If I have faith to move mountains but have not love, it is nothing."
"It's getting it to nothing, absolutely nothing, starting fresh."
"Zero is nothing, and nothing is not something; it has no property."
"After this, there is nothing. Void. Emptiness. Oblivion. Absolute nothing."
"Poor people have it, rich people need it, if you eat it you will die, so what am I?"
"Nothing by definition in philosophy is the absence of anything and everything."
"Dreamless sleep entails absolute nothingness which we crave and know to be indispensable."
"Man is the being who brings nothingness into the world."
"Even if I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
"From absolute nothing, you get absolutely nothing."
"Nothingness cannot make anything."
"At some point, about 13, 14 billion years ago, there was a place for nothing to be in, there was no darkness, no light, nothing, okay, literally nothing, except what is nearly a point in space that contained everything in the known universe."
"The initial infinitesimally small volume of space from which our universe sprang may have started from effectively nothing."
"Seeing is truth, which is no thing or nothingness."
"It is irrational to suggest in any way, shape, or form that absolute nothingness can generate something because absolutely nothing is the absence of everything."
"How did something arise from nothingness? It cannot because nothingness is the absence of anything."
"The idea of nothing is a sophisticated idea."
"Nothing means not a thing; it's the absence of everything."
"The real power is to be nothing; in your nothingness, you enter into the ocean of everythingness."
"The best way to describe it is the absence of everything."
"We are seeking to enter the ocean of nothingness."