
Digimon Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Strangely enough, the Digimon movie is directed by Mamoru Hosoda."
"I'm super sorry about that to all the Digimon folks out there."
"Hello everyone, welcome and congratulations for being here today to embark on your journey as a Digimon trainer."
"Ultimately, I think he is the number one Digimon who deserves to be a partner."
"Hey Digimon excels at killing the mood of the scene it's played in."
"Our War Game may be the crown jewel of all the Digimon films."
"The four holy beasts played a major role in several Digimon anime seasons."
"Jeff Nimoy, the person in charge of the American Digimon localization as well as the lovably dorky voice of Tantamon, got to work on both cutting the films down into one 90-minute movie while trying to make all three parts narratively fit together."
"It's been a little while so yes the bio hybrid humans Koki Nanami and Ivan sort of side antagonists in Data Squad karata basically took that DNA and spliced it with Digimon and then they could just become Digimon which is insane."
"I chose Dracmon as the rookie, digivolving from Tokomon, who was the in-training Digimon with the most teeth."
"The Digimon Vital Bracelet has been an absolute boon for the Digimon community."
"Omegamon is the symbiosis of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon."
"Patamon's angelic ultimate form is the highest ranking angel among the Three Great Archangels."
"Jesmon is a member of the Royal Knights. He is the youngest member but nonetheless possesses a lot of power and weapons all over his body."
"Each of the seven Demon Lords is freakishly powerful. Now, what happens when two of them or even all of them fuse together?"
"Zeed Millenniummon is a Digimon that gets mentioned a lot when talking about the strongest Digimon."
"This is a perfect level digimon and a species that is difficult to distinguish from the dragon and insect types but the nature of the insect is stronger."
"Metal Greymon Alterous Mode and Were Garurumon Sagittarius Mode got entirely new forms... very clearly inspired by the X Antibody forms of Metal Greymon and Were Garurumon."
"The real beauty of Digimon is that new ones can just come along in a myriad of different ways."
"Ghost Game doing that weekly trick of Digimon doing a spooky thing with humans exhausted my personal desire to see it long before the show finished."
"Ghost Game has one of the strongest starts in all of Digimon with the dark tone, incredible monster designs, great characters, and an intriguing mystery."
"In the best of the prior seasons, Digimon's evolutions were used as visualizations of the characters overcoming some trauma, fear, or other kind of obstacle in their life."
"Susanoomon is the fusion of the ten ancient Digimon, one of the strongest Digimon to exist."
"Venusmon. One of the Olympos XII, it is a Digimon that is filled with compassion and rules over love."
"Mercurymon. A member of the Olympos XII, it is a Digimon god of ingenuity who boasts of being the fastest in the Digital World."
"Bacchusmon. One of the Olympos XII, it styles itself the Digital World's foremost drinker."
"Plutomon. A Digimon that attacks evil with terror and violence, and governs the realm of the dead."
"Titamon. The titan of revenge, Titamon, was born from the hatred of the Digimon defeated by the Olympos XII in battles over the sovereignty of the Digital World."
"This Digimon might be the most detailed and possibly have the best and edgy design that I have ever seen and I say that in a good way."
"When the Digimon are fighting Mekumon and for that one last moment they come to their senses to protect the ones they care about and knowingly sacrifice themselves. Ah [__]!"
"Hell plutomon and Titan are both enemies of the olympos 12 and we do have that Digimon Crusader art of jupitermon going head-to-head with Pluto."
"Now is the best time to be a Digimon fan."
"In 'Digimon Adventure 2', the Digimon Emperor breaks down when he realizes he enslaved real Digimon for months."
"I absolutely adore Professor Agumon or Agumon Hakase."
"ToyAgumon himself I think is a phenomenal designer. I wish we had more Toy Digimon."
"The escalation of Digimon evolution improves monsters in massive and absurd increments."
"We rarely get an insight into what happened in the planning and concept stages of Digimon series."
"I decided to take that concept and use it as an opportunity to help people decide which Digimon virtual pet is right for them based on what they can all do."
"You can raise two Digimon at once, which is a cool new feature they've added in."
"Digimon virtual pets are a great time; I think you'll really enjoy them if you do like that sort of thing."
"I've been looking at Digimon for a while now, and it looked fun, it looked unique."
"I love Digimon Adventures one and two, I also love Digimon Tamers for bringing it to the world, you know, making it feel real."
"Digimon was actually neither initially created to compete with Pokémon nor is the anime series similar to that of Pokémon in almost any way."
"One of the many things that I love about the Digimon universe is the unique bond between Tamer and Digimon."
"It's the ultimate nostalgia fix especially getting to see the very original Digimon in full color."
"There are over 1400 Digimon, many of them with unique, fun, intriguing designs that have been loved for decades."
"Some variants really do add a certain 'je ne sais quoi', something unique to the Digimon that they are based on."
"I just love snow-themed Digimon; they're one of my favorites. Ice and snow, some of my favorite aesthetics in Digimon."
"All of Snow Agumon's moves become ice-related, which I think is just... it's very simple, but I like it."
"According to the Digimon reference book, it was brought up in tropical southern countries and loves to samba, which is a lovely, interesting difference."
"I've always liked it; it just always stood out. It's a Digimon variant that I always remember, so it must be doing something right."
"ToyAgumon also has Clear Agumon and Black ToyAgumon, Shadow ToyAgumon, and this whole family of ToyAgumons I really enjoyed."
"Tsukaimon is a darker design to Patamon; it's kind of its inverse."
"Shima Unimon is based on a zebra but still retains the unicorn features."
"It races across the land with its powerful legs."
"It's very important to cheer on your Digimon when you're battling."
"Thanks for watching everyone, there's potentially gonna be a lot more Pokémon and yes, even Digimon related videos."
"Digimon is a great example of how a creature design can have similar inspirations... while still reading as its own individual design."
"Digimon are not just data but living creatures."
"It's like it's like Digimon evolution, right?"