
Criticality Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Constant data I think is going to be beyond critical and be beyond critical and helping us live with this virus."
"I think solving this problem is of critical importance."
"The tower was critical to America's national defense."
"In space, even the smallest decisions can make or break your mission."
"It's a reminder that sometimes the smallest mistake can be critical."
"If you have a mission-critical spreadsheet, this is the moment to consider using this."
"It's one of those elements that can make or break your painting. It's critical."
"The success of the mission and the lives of the astronauts depended on those systems."
"Now that we have identified the risk is really critical, we need to make sure that this gets highlighted with the board, with the management, and make sure that we take all the appropriate controls."
"I think it's important because it's like I mean we're at the brink you know what I mean?"
"A task is critical if there is no room in the schedule for it to slip."
"The closer you get to the valve, the more critical everything becomes."
"...this is a very critical operation."
"Consistent hashing, the idea of having to consistently always hash the same server no matter what, is very very critical."
"Amazon FBA product research will make or break your FBA business so if you do this wrong you will fail."
"Our specification is a really critical document which we have in our toolkit."
"Selecting a motor for your robotics project is a very critical thing if you pick the wrong motor then the project really doesn't stand much of a chance of working out."
"Welcome to 'This is Important', the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet."
"It's critical that you use this yeast; a lot of the taste in the Pilsner Urquell comes from the yeast."
"I do think that the issues of Health and Social care are absolutely critical."
"Timing is one of those critical things that if you don't get right, you can sort of run into trouble."
"What you need to know at that critical moment in time is what is your likely payoff if the goal goes in your favor."
"The product that you choose to sell will either make or break your entire business."
"In order to talk about software security, we need to talk about what is a critical system."
"Asset criticality can determine the cost-effectiveness of your maintenance program."
"Understanding bed fishing stages, this is crazy critical."
"All the games are big now because we're approaching the business end of the season."
"Body language can be a matter of life and death."
"They're critical items of evidence."
"Managing data in Django is obviously a very critical task."
"Every point is really, really critical, and we definitely got a little room, but we do not have enough room to get comfortable."
"Understanding injection molding and the flow behavior is absolutely critical."
"The position of your feet or your hands is going to be very critical in the intensity and the control of it."
"Being able to lock in immediately after the start is really critical."
"The burden of proof is a really critical issue."
"The next three months are critical to seeing what happens next in global markets everywhere."
"When we get a successful chain reaction growing, we have what is called a supercritical mass."
"The break-in process is the most critical portion of the engine life."
"That couple of seconds could be absolutely critical."
"This natural phenomenon has become a critical material to the modern industrial world."
"One shot could be the difference between getting a card, keeping a card, getting into the top 100, getting in the top 50."
"Safety is super critical and important."
"It's really a tripod; each leg is critical."
"Criticality is the process of sustained nuclear fission."
"The choice of hyperparameter is critical for machine learning."
"Hit the critical moments hard with the desire to win as opposed to the desire to be comfortable or to look good."
"One of the things that may be critical for this technology is stability."
"The correlation function at the critical point is defined as 1 over R to the power D minus 2 plus ETA."
"Identifying the function of problem behavior is critical."
"Identifying the criticality of an item plays a significant role in material management."
"The recovery between now and yesterday is critical."
"It's important to eliminate the errors, critical effect."
"Any mistake in this match could be absolutely critical."
"There are two critical phases of flight: your takeoff and your landing."
"Regulating gene expression is actually the most critical aspect of life, even more than the genome sequence itself."
"Identifying and managing risks is critical to your overall project success."
"The score ranges from 0 to 10, and as higher as it gets, more critical it is."
"You must keep in mind that the score ranges from 0 to 10, and as higher as it gets, more critical it is."
"Heat is the critical thing in soldering."
"That is a valuable and critical attribute that you would have in order to navigate this world."
"A system that is moving towards a critical point has a high degree of connectivity and interdependence between its subunits."
"Self-organized criticality is a property of a nonlinear dynamical system that has a critical point as an attractor."
"Our bacteria is critical to our overall health."
"Care workers are often absolutely critical in individuals' lives; they're the one person who is standing by them at their fairest moment."
"Provisioned IOPS is typically good for mission-critical applications."
"What aspects of performance are critical for a competitive advantage?"
"Remember to take your time while you're working on your business plan because this could make or break your business."
"The country’s independence was at stake. Any mistakes could become irrevocable not only for the Soviet Union but for the world."