
Forum Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"He's going to use this as a forum to make himself a martyr for his beliefs."
"We warmly welcome all of you here to the forum tonight."
"I just wanna' thank everybody for allowing me in your home. So we can have an open forum, discuss some of the issues."
"A forum is an operation where individuals seek access to speak."
"Trust me, these users are in the majority on forchan."
"I'm also thinking of adding a forum to the website where people can post their experiences, share stories, articles, artwork about fairies, that kind of thing."
"It's a rare forum in today's world where you don't just hear one side of the story, right?"
"The Hoban forum in Judge Hogan's name is designed to bring speakers to the community with expertise in the areas of law, government, and public affairs."
"I'm not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me, I just know that the users on this forum have an open mind about inexplicable things that happen in dark corners of the world."
"This forum is proud to welcome the force and felicity of Toni Morrison tonight. Thank you."
"The hammer forum is a monthly series of public discussions about current social and political issues."
"Welcome to the 20th anniversary season of the Yan Thompson Forum on World Issues."
"The last time they showed up on my radar, someone on The Forum messaged me or posted publicly. I can't remember, but I was paying attention to this discussion that was taking place."
"We are pleased and proud to be able to offer a forum that's characterized both by intellectual rigor and warm hospitality."
"I think if we could have a a a forum in which we can have those conversations then I think more and more people will be convinced"
"Our forum has blown up and I think part of it was obviously with COVID going down, people wanted to have like a community to be part of."
"I am very grateful to everybody on this forum. I have received a lot of help to better navigate this disaster."
"It's really important to have my version of the story or my story told on a proper forum for that and I believe that this is the one."
"A forum is forever and unlike Facebook, you'll actually be able to go back and view a history of how a build came to be. That's the magic of a forum."
"Brandon didn't need to open this thread in a way, right? So, he could have written it in such a way where just shy turns back to normal and we just don't have that be an open thread."
"There's a prominent forum called looks max.org where young insecure people like myself will desperately try anything to increase money making and success."
"Welcome, everyone, to today's Virtual Policy Forum, The Future of Healthy Schools, Supportive Funding, Systems Change, and Community Collaboration."
"We have a short break day which is sort of like an in-place forum for a speed day."
"I will be a panelist at the Washington Defense Forum talking about a potential 2026 war with China."
"I really appreciate the GMAT Club forums for the expert replies and community feedback."
"We started last year as a forum to encourage network building."
"The customer satisfaction actually coming from the healthy and robust forum."
"Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of Red Dot Forum Camera Talk."
"I am grateful to almighty God that this fabulous forum is filled with people who hunger for truth and thirst for liberation."
"We love the idea of our union being in the Forum of Democracy."
"...a plan of the severan Forum in leus Mna shows it to be a very interesting structure indeed one that is based on earlier models in Rome especially the Forum of Tran but one that departs from it in all kinds of interesting ways."
"They've done something quite extraordinary... they wanted to make sure that when you were standing in the Forum and looking toward the Basilica, you wouldn't realize that the Basilica was not on axis with the Forum."
"Cyberstorm predicted at the 2023 World Economic Forum."
"I hope that posting to this forum and seeing what some people are saying can maybe open your mind up to other points of view."
"Anyone who's got a Triumph is probably come across the Triumph rat forum when they've been googling stuff about their bike."
"It's no secret that the basketeers that are gathered here in my comment section form the most intelligent, savvy, and reputable forum dwellers on the entire internet."
"It'd be kind of cool to have like a forum, maybe not questions necessarily, but like posts where you all can talk to each other."
"We give people a forum to discuss some serious stuff that's going on."
"The forum view is really valuable so I can create a forum that my CS team can then submit to quickly log that bug."
"If you ask on the forum, then it's searchable for other people and they can find it if they have the same question."
"That I happened upon a forum post that would profoundly alter the trajectory of my life."
"Certainly it is my hope that the Reagan Library will become a dynamic intellectual forum where scholars interpret the past and policymakers debate the future."
"I like the idea of a forum because we can start threads about specific items and everybody can contribute."
"The theater's only task in life is because it should be the last bottom line in the sand forum for the Dangerous Ideas."
"Reddit provides a public forum for communities with similar interests to discuss and exchange ideas."
"We're not here today to try to convert anyone to a particular type of religion. But what we're doing here today is creating a forum for each one of us to be together with spiritually sincere people."
"It's not every day you do the forum."
"Bobbie Jo really enjoyed chatting to people online on this forum."
"Founded the forum in 1971, which really ushered in the start of globalization."
"Definitely jump into this forum thread, we do monitor it and we come in and answer questions when you need help."
"If you're interested in learning about anything related to origami, there's an excellent online forum."