
Mineralogy Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"You matter, death threats aren't what you do for entertainment."
"Strange metallic properties and the presence of unusual minerals raise questions about the moon's composition and origin."
"The remarkable and highly valuable properties of Bonitoite make all this work worth it."
"Emeralds are about 20 times rarer than diamonds."
"An entire planet filled to the brim with a simple mineral."
"Okonite comes in the form of delicate, almost cotton-like clusters."
"Pyrite holds the Guinness World Record for both the rarest gemstone and mineral on earth."
"The gold coagulated and the quartz crystallized, forming a solid gold-bearing quartz vein."
"Identifying minerals doesn't always require costly technology; it can be done using more cost-effective and readily available analytical tools."
"Foliated rocks are when we have minerals aligned along a planar orientation."
"Luster: metallic or not? It's all in how the light reflects off the mineral."
"Known for its deep and clear blue coloration."
"This was one of the best achievements of my mineral life."
"This beautiful green mineral you're looking at right here probably played a bigger part in human history, human advancement than any other mineral that I know of."
"This right here immediately, we're into Smithsonite."
"There it is! Do you see the blue? And there is some beautiful blue Smithsonite all along the wall."
"I got my tie-off, and then this is the beautiful greenish-blue Smithsonite that's going to look amazing when it's polished up."
"This is the organist quartz, which is a quartz that has a coating of iron over the top."
"Protozoic red beds gain some of their red color from the deposition of primary hematite during the Proterozoic."
"Colors depend on trace elements, not minerals."
"The mineralogy or the chemical structure of zircon is zirconium, silicon, and four oxygens."
"I love watching all these mineral shows and the excitement and the popularity of collecting grow and expand."
"Trilobite eyes fossilized because they were crystals of calcite, mineralized eyes."
"This native silver is superb, an old timer, beautiful."
"This is a real German classic, beautiful cassiterite twins."
"The source for the gold itself appears to be in a gold-rich enriched layer in the deepest portion of the crust."
"It's like the light reflecting off of those teeny tiny little fibers of crocidolite, that's gorgeous."
"It's interesting that rutile inclusions can form very unique and curious patterns."
"My number one favorite crystal is labradorite; it's like this grayish type material and it flashes into different colors."
"The rate of cooling... A slow rate promotes the growth of fewer, but larger crystals."
"Most of you know we have three main groups of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary."
"If you see this rock, you know you're in stuff that will contain agates."
"Gold on this quartz seam is usually found in these pockets of boxwork quartz with some little crystals in it."
"I love these bright pinks with all these sort of trees and whatnot forming of the veins of the manganese oxide."
"Oh man, that's a nice crystal, very nice one."
"It's been one of my favorite pieces for a long time, not particularly rare in terms of the minerals present, but the specimen is exceedingly rare."
"This shared love for Smithsonite was absolutely meaningful."
"That is a nice piece of smithsonite."
"It has this wonderful mica mineral in it, which sparkles in the sun."
"They call this Bisbee ice. Isn't that pretty, huh?"
"These wires of gold which are very rare, very rare to find these crystals of gold."
"Oh, that was so cute, mineralogy terminology."
"This is all an intrusive diorite, so as you had this intrusive diorite come in, hot fluids were circulating through this system, dissolving all the gold out."
"Magnetite is the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral on Earth."
"Water is not a mineral, but ice is a mineral, which is cool."
"Obsidian works in exactly the same way."
"The newly discovered mineral has been called changesite-Y."
"This is top-quality, this is a cyanotrichite."
"Zircon is an extremely robust mineral; it's chemically inert and very resistant to erosion."
"The main group pallasites... although pallasites are often said to be half metal and half olivine, the actual modal abundance of olivine varies."
"The earth made all these minerals; they're incredible."
"This one here could actually be a fortification agate, almost like a rainbow in there as well."
"He was a crystallographer, Dan. That means he studied the crystallization of minerals."
"Look at that, those veins of agate running through, there's just so much detail in this one."
"Iron will make a mineral red or purple, titanium can cause it to be blue, nickel or chromium can make it green, and magnesium will make it pink."
"Diamond... has the highest hardness, ranking as a 10 on Mohs scale of hardness."
"We're considering the gemstone to be not just an optical device, not just a geological specimen, but also a mineral or a crystal."
"There's a big difference in value between these copper blue tourmalines and the iron blue tourmalines."
"This fluorite is renowned worldwide because of its amazing colours and crystal forms."
"Every pure silver bar or pure silver round coin on the planet began life as pure silver crystal just like you see right here."
"Quartz is a crystal with piezoelectric properties."
"As the magma ocean slowly crystallized, lighter minerals such as feldspar floated to the top, forming the original lunar surface."
"This right here is called Cobalt Aurora quartz, isn't that pretty?"
"Our unknown sample is hard enough to cut glass, so what's the hardness? It's got to be a number bigger than 5.5."
"Plagioclase feldspar is a series of compositions from sodium-rich plagioclase to calcium-rich plagioclase."
"It's really crazy how many colors fluorite can be."
"Crystals are defined by their insides, not their outside shape or color."
"We now have the ability to study individual grains of a mineral called zircon."
"Some of the zircons that have been collected in the belt are not from North America; they got the wrong chemistry."
"Gems are minerals, and minerals grow only when the conditions for their growth are adequate."
"The crystals of fluorite calcium fluoride are really quite beautiful to look at but they have a cubic shape reflecting the symmetry of the crystal structure."
"Gypsum has a point group symmetry 2 upon m and it belongs to the monoclinic crystal class."
"One of the most useful diagnostic properties is hardness, a measure of the resistance of a mineral to abrasions or scratching."
"The ores are usually rich in iron oxide and vary in color from dark gray, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red."
"That means a mineral where I have got a certain element present which I can extract it and sell it to have a profit."
"After a period of volcanic eruptions on Jeju Island, layers of hardened lava formed a volcanic bedrock rich with minerals not found on the Earth's surface."