
Weariness Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Evidently, people across the Western world are getting sick and tired of these attacks becoming regular again."
"This is the month I like to call DreamWorks You Weary."
"As we kind of stride wearily and a little broken towards the finish line."
"Constant pressure, pitter patter, is like, that's so tiring."
"When you're weary, feeling small."
"I felt like I was close to 70 years old."
"Come to me, you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."
"You're exhausted with the situation."
"I'm so [__] tired, and it's going to take over your body."
"I'm just tired of running away, running away"
"When I am weary, I can come to You."
"I laid out all my worries and a weary sigh and gently knocked on the door."
"Nobody trusts anybody now, and we are all very tired."
"I'm tired, so very tired of this endless war."
"It's very tiring. It's seriously tiring."
"We were weary from our long hours and had grown tired of this injustice."
"Are you not tired? This is exhausting."
"Let us not be weary in well-doing."
"You wearing me down baby you wearing me down."
"People are just tired of the faking stuff. It's so boring and it's so dull."
"I think about, and it's starting to wear off a little bit."
"I wonder if I'm the only one who's just a little bit weary of the new wave of obsession that we've developed over AI."
"Our faces are encrusted, our thoughts devastated. We are weary to death."
"I'm so tired you understand I'm so tired."
"I wanted to cry. I was tired from my long walk."
"The weary way we know, that's the weary plan that we have to make that connection."
"I'm tired of all the pain I'm feeling, hearing the world every day. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. There's too much of it."
"More wearily yonder knight should have been made a duke, a gallant leader of men is he."
"If you love too much and demand too much, you will wear it all out."
"I think there's a lot of people that are actually legitimately tired of wearing all of those brands."
"All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing."
"I want it to be over and done with. I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel in the world every day."
"Come unto me, all you who are weary."
"Ah, how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable."
"Your soul weariness can only be resolved by peace."
"Has there ever been a moment where you're like, 'I don't want to fight anymore?'"
"I'm tired I can't lie it's early as hell but I'm really really tired like oh it felt like such a long day."
"Women do get weary, love is their only happiness."
"Stress is designed to cultivate weariness because weariness produces the loss of hope." - Proverbs 13:12
"Maybe we don't want to laugh anymore, maybe we're just tired."
"People are tired, man. You know what I mean? People are just tired of seeing the same [__] over and over."
"I'm old Gandalf, I don't look it but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts. Well-preserved indeed!" He snorted. "Why, I feel all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread."
"I'm literally walking dead right now."
"I'm tired, Carol. Everything about me is tired."
"They run you down till you can't."
"Aren't you tired of the pain, the separation, the fussing, the arguing, the hurting, the wounding?"
"Sometimes life just leaves you like that, a little worn out."
"He sits down, verse 6, He's weary and a woman of Samaria comes."
"It's been an intense four days, we're all sore, wore out, slapped wore out."
"It is a weariness that keeps me at a standstill."
"Every day just eats at you more and more and more."
"But I'm tired. I'm just really, really tired."
"I still have that quilt. I've wore her down, which is not... I guess I was proud of it a moment ago. Now I'm not proud of it anymore."
"When you get weary, just hold on to the promise. When you get weary, just hold on to your destiny, your future."
"He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life where every path was an improvisation."
"It's got that War-weary undertones or Noir."
"Blessed are you, Adonai our God, king of the universe, who gives strength to the weary."
"I am tired of earth, these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."
"My feets is tired, but my soul is at rest."
"Every witch, wizard, and warlock often tires of rearranging the universe to suit every whim and yearns to spin around on teacups."
"I feel like an old beat-up merry-go-round. I've been going round and round, and my bearings are getting creaky."
"You've lost your way, you're wet and tired, and you don't want me to turn you out," said the old woman.
"He is like a doctor who is tired of seeing blood; he is happy for other people to do the operations."
"To you whose soul is weary and discouraged and almost destitute of Hope."
"He laid the quill on the table and yawned as the clock in the town struck full."
"The call of Christ goes out to all and is effectual to those who are weary and heavy-laden."
"There was a time that one reached in life when you become tired of fighting meaningless battles."
"I feel old like butter scraped over too much bread."
"We're weary right now, but you're not; we're broken, but you're not."
"The weariness and most loathed earthly life that age, ache, and imprisonment lay on nature is a paradise to what we fear of death."
"The voice of Dark Age of Earth's fatigue made grave approach and painful."
"Lord, they are weary, and whispered to; they sigh."
"I am tired of the society act, and fancy I’d like just a tiny bit of bohemianism."
"I'm tired of death, I'm tired of funerals, I'm tired of all this."
"This world has grown so tired. This world has grown restless."
"Oh man, I can't wait for spring and summer to come because I'm so fed up with winter."
"Everything wears out its welcome over time."
"I'm tired of living with my head over looking over my shoulders and my mind distracted from my life."
"I've grown tired with the universe, Doctor, but you have told there are legends, you know."
"I told her I was tired, not sleepy tired, but just tired of everything."
"The monotony of endless travel and cheap hotels, the guilt of not being able to protect my loved ones when they needed me the most."
"I grow weary seeking ultimate truth, cosmos, consciousness, God."
"Wandering into the night, wanting a place to hide this weary soul, this bag of bones."
"He's tired of fighting; all he wants is peace and to be left alone."
"People are tired of this; they want just peace."
"All I see around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces."
"I am weary, I am nothing without You."
"Show me the way to Plough Lane, I'm tired and I want to go home."
"Honestly, I act like I'm alright guys, but deep down I need a holiday, bro."
"I'm looking forward to Spring already, getting tired of the cold."
"I don't want to wait anymore, I'm tired."
"All Things Are full of weariness; man cannot utter it."
"Ye said also, Behold, what a weariness is it! And ye have snuffed at it, saith the Lord of hosts."
"Ye have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him?"
"Take a bow, the night is over, this masquerade is getting old."
"My idea was that she's been in some kind of a battle and she is taking a break and just weary about all the things that have been happening."
"What is nihilism today if not that we are weary of man?"
"I only I must wonder wearily, and bruise my feet, and drink wine salt with tears."
"I'm tired of this magical wonder place; I want to go home."
"Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also?"
"I'm weary and body but strong in spirit."
"I'm tired of wars, I'm tired of fighting."
"There comes a point in time in your life where you're gonna get tired of hurting."
"Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor's house, lest he become weary of you and hate you."
"He who is old and wrinkled and tired of pain."
"Randall was a man who was growing tired of a great many things."
"Oh God, let the angels come get my poor tired soul and take me away from here; this world is not my home any longer."
"I'm like a car with too many miles on it."
"We've literally been traveling for years and our clothes and sandals are worn out by the very long journey."
"I'm tired of burdens and I'm tired of visions and I'm tired of weeping."
"Instead, it leaves us feeling weary, stuck, overwhelmed, and underwhelmed."
"I'm so over the heat, I'm ready for fall and Christmas."