
Asteroid Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"This mission is going to arrive in early 2026 and help us better understand this asteroid is potentially actually the core of a planet-sized object."
"This is a historic event. Today's endeavor will be the first time a space agency has ever touched the surface of an asteroid, collecting a sample of this pristine, ancient material—a scientific treasure far more precious than gold."
"There’s absolutely no reason why there couldn’t be another mass extinction event as a result of the Earth being hit by an asteroid."
"NASA is intentionally crashing a spaceship into an asteroid for science."
"If we were hit by a 426 feet wide asteroid it would have packed a punch equivalent to 30 atomic bombs."
"An asteroid is about to make a really close encounter with Earth."
"An asteroid about 9.3 miles in diameter crashed into the ocean near the coast of Mexico."
"The sooner we discover an asteroid heading our way, the safer we'll be."
"Osiris-REx, the first U.S. mission to collect a sample from an asteroid, will return samples from asteroid Bennu."
"We constantly need to search the skies for objects that could decimate a neighborhood—or even worse, end human civilization."
"We know that no known asteroid is a danger to the Earth right now but the concern is about the asteroids we don't know about yet."
"Scientists speculate that they originated from the boundary of a melted asteroid, but learning the exact birthplace of palite space rocks could propel our scientific knowledge further."
"We took a piece of an asteroid, and now it's on Earth."
"The fact that an asteroid can actually be pushed from its course was demonstrated in 2022 by the DART Mission, a spectacular field test conducted by the space agencies NASA and ESA."
"A three and a half year journey to asteroid Ryugu is over."
"The absence of a visible coma and tail rules out the possibility of UA mua being a typical comet or asteroid."
"We just launched a mission to Psyche, and it's an asteroid that we believe is made out of metal, nickel, and iron."
"You can pop a micro-black hole into the center of some asteroid and call it home."
"The whole point behind Dart is to hit the asteroid with enough force that it knocks it off its track redirecting it away from the planet."
"Breaking astronomy news: NASA has just discovered an asteroid that could hit the Earth on Valentine's Day."
"A piece of asteroid traveled millions of miles."
"Many scientists and intellectuals think that dinosaurs died when an asteroid smashed into the Earth millions of years ago."
"Osiris-REx spent nearly two years orbiting Bennu, mapping and studying its rugged terrain."
"An asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago and unleashed hell on Earth and took out the dinosaurs and 75% of life."
"Even though impact is over, the process of moving the asteroid is still going on as we speak."
"For a long time, Apophis had been an object of concern that had a chance of hitting the Earth."
"99942 Apophis is a near-Earth asteroid which caused a bit of a stir in December 2004."
"25 143 Itokawa... is the smallest asteroid ever to be photographed by a spacecraft, being only 500 meters across at its longest point."
"Pallas is one of the largest asteroids in the solar system."
"433 Eros... contains about 20 billion tons of rare metals such as gold and platinum."
"243 Ida... has an average diameter of 31.4 kilometers and it is irregularly shaped and elongated."
"Vesta is the second most massive object in the asteroid belt after the dwarf planet Ceres."
"He destroys an asteroid twice the size of Earth."
"For many years I was known as Doctor Doom because I was out here pushing this issue that there really was a chance of a catastrophic impact by an asteroid."
"The program currently ranks Bennu right at the top with a 1 in 1,750 chance of it hitting Earth on September 24th, 2182."
"That fragment is going to tell us more about the dynamics of the impact event."
"One of the strangest asteroids is one called Toutatis."
"NASA are going to slam a spaceship into an asteroid."
"Asteroid Bennu... is on a direct collision course with Earth, which we should expect to arrive exactly on September the 21st, 2135."
"What if a big asteroid was about to hit us?"
"A really big asteroid hitting Earth would be a cause for concern, and by concern, I obviously mean blind panic, chaos, and disorder."
"Any space rock bigger than one kilometer in size could bring about the end of human civilization."
"The Hayabusa was the first vehicle to touch an asteroid and return home with a sample."
"The first pictures ever taken from the surface of an asteroid."
"I'm the brightest asteroid that is visible from Earth."
"The American Galileo spacecraft makes its closest approach to 951 Gaspra, becoming the first probe to visit an asteroid."
"The big news this month was the DART mission that successfully crashed into the asteroid Dimorphos on Monday the 26th of September."
"Scientists say a huge asteroid or comet crashed here just around the time the dinosaurs disappeared."
"There is a whole heap and heck of a pile of evidence of an asteroid impact which left a layer of extraterrestrial iridium in the stratigraphic columns all over the globe."
"Vesta is a giant, and while it may look like an asteroid on the outside, there is evidence that Vesta could have a planet-sized heart."
"Bursting through the Earth's atmosphere, this giant asteroid becomes an unstoppable force."
"In what film does Earth have 18 days until an asteroid hits it, eliminating life as we know it? Armageddon, that is correct."
"We have been visited by an interstellar asteroid."
"The best explanation of the facts is an asteroid impact 65 million years ago, and because this is the best explanation, this is what we should believe happened."
"Physicists like the late great Dr. Stephen Hawking said that an asteroid collision is the biggest threat to all life on the planet."