
Horse Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Arthur can bond with his horse, and this is extremely important."
"Meet Kabai Akal, a stallion exuding timeless beauty and nobility."
"The relationship with my horse is more important than what that horse can do for me."
"Give me your name, horse-master, and things are often more highly decorated even for practical fighting than modern people often imagine."
"Even the horse was like, 'I'm in Lord of the Rings, guys.'"
"I'm taking this horse by the reins making redcoats redder with bloodstains."
"At night time, it's badass 'cause you see this big horse and then his eyes are bright red."
"No other animal has influenced our lives as much as the horse. Our entire history is indivisibly linked to this animal."
"It's amazing what being around a horse can do for you."
"From then on, my relationship with them was no longer one of man and horse, it was one of family member to family member."
"With the help of a farrier, we're going to see if we can learn the skill of horseshoeing live. Did I say it was with a real-life horse? Because it is."
"Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more"
"Ronald Reagan would have tied up his horse right there."
"There's not any way you can put a better package together than what this young stallion offers right now: great horse, great pedigree, great show record."
"Not only does she have the pedigree, this Philly's got the size."
"This horse has been doing year in, year out."
"Preserving the dignity of the horse is the most important."
"You can't ignore the South. Put a gun to the back of this [__] head and watch the bullet literally come out of the horse's mouth."
"I told her my child wants to pet your horse though she only likes black horses."
"...the prince's favorite horse actually broke its leg, accidentally stepped in a deep groove in a paddock and it had to be shot and put down because it was in so much pain."
"There's no greater release to a horse or a reward than actually getting off them."
"When God wished to create the horse... I make thee to fly without wings."
"The obstacle course actually gives the horse a purpose, something to do."
"You literally saved that horse's life."
"Stallions are a little bit different than mares and geldings."
"She's just what I call a good country-bred horse."
"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you’ve done since you climbed off your horse."
"For every horse we give the last act of kindness to, that suffering is over and that horse can never go to slaughter."
"Mushu honestly, he's a super good horse."
"I always wanted a dorest stallion. Beasts can run day and night without tiring."
"...the Lusitano horse is known for its power, intelligence, and willfulness."
"Hugo's a very fit horse, he'll pull through."
"A horse that is docile, who has got a very chill and calm presence and aura."
"A sacred horse: a man in Indiana made an AT-AT costume for his horse intending to only get a few pictures before removing it. When he took off the headpiece, the horse got upset and insisted he put it back on, which made his horse happy again."
"It's hard to overstate the significance of the horse in the history of the American frontier. Among Native Americans, it turned Nomads into Emperors."
"One of the things I think about when I shoe a horse is how their hoof is not just a horseshoe surface."
"If you don't establish leadership with this horse early on, then he's going to establish leadership with you."
"In Norse mythology, apparently Loki turned into a horse, got [__] by a horse, and gave birth to a horse."
"Mitzi's an American Paint Horse. She's a paint because she has all these fun, funky markings. Oh, that's really cool!"
"It was nice to see Bran on his horse and confident again."
"This place is haunted by a horse, an undead horse of course."
"What an improvement. Pure horse. What an improvement."
"She was everything you wanted in a race horse."
"...he is the only horse in thoroughbred horse racing history to win horse of the year five times."
"...just an absolutely amazing horse."
"This is the crib. I cannot wait to wake up with a horse out there."
"It's that top level horse that pulls up the value of all of the horses."
"Thor will be splendidly arrayed riding his horse Sleipnir with eight legs."
"This is just so the horse can feel the weight."
"He really is an intelligent horse, and such intelligence is making him realize that the other way is better."
"Jackie looked wonderful, with two big hard muscles the size of melons bulging on his hindquarters, his coat glistening like black velvet."
"During his career, he became a hero to American soldiers in World War II."
"A horse that speaks to your soul."
"A horse isn't just a horse. He's your Ferrari; he's your Cadillac. He's the top of the line; you take pride in that."
"Drogo's favorite horse is a lean red stallion."
"Anytime your horse is frightened of an object, if you can have that object go away from your horse and have your horse follow it or track it, it always builds their confidence."
"A horse's eye is a window to their soul."
"The outside of the horse is good for the inside of a man or woman."
"I owe you a horse and an apology."
"I want," he said firmly, "a very fast horse."
"Majesty, that really is the right name for this horse, isn't it? Beautiful, absolutely spectacular horse, Majesty."
"There was something really special about this horse."
"He was as supple and handy and graceful as a greyhound."
"Probably one of the soundest, toughest colts in history."
"He was a perfect specimen and one of the soundest horses I've ever had."
"Witness the rise of the fastest horse as it charges towards triumph, carrying the dreams of its trainer and the spirit of a champion."
"Jake the world's largest known live horse is loved by anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him."
"The horse is a symbol of nobility, of strength, and of speed."
"I think he's brilliant, I think he's a brilliant horse."
"This Reue sat vp on a wel good Stot, That was a Pomely gray and highte Scot."
"...that horse, the personality of that horse was so extraordinary, and then you combine that with the courage."
"Fusaichi Pegasus is said to be the most expensive horse in history."
"The horse became so important to the Nitsatapi that it was the focal point of their culture."
"Looks are deceptive, and that stallion is beyond a doubt one of the most remarkable pieces of horseflesh in the world today."
"What a heck of a horse he was so good."
"He was absolutely incredible, what a great horse."
"He is the greatest, isn't he? I've so much belief in this horse."
"A horse you can ride though and it's like a companion, they're honest."
"I love that we can have an undead horse, I think that's so cool."
"It's so cool that we have a fire horse."
"Seriously, this horse is so quick and has so much stamina, it's insane."
"You have such a special horse here."
"Spartan's more than a horse to Amy."
"If you just get lucky and find that one special horse, it can change your life."
"Trigger's significance extended beyond his partnership with Roy; he became a symbol of the quintessential western horse."
"At the time of his disappearance, the colt was widely considered the most valuable horse on the planet."
"And his horse's armor was enameled, and the saddle and its straps and the bit in its teeth were green."
"The Black Stallion is an excellent movie."
"We actually have a new horse on the stable, and his name is Casino."
"I've had Folly for 28 years now; she was my first horse, my dream horse."
"He's a special horse, I knew that before when he led us to Buddy, but when Ty was lying out there, I just couldn't have done it without him."
"The horse helped me reconnect with my culture and be proud of who I am and proud of where I'm from."
"That horse, it's like something out of a fairy tale."
"We need a horse that has the right mindset for police work."
"He is a pretty special little pony."
"This beautiful steed in here looks like he's got lots of nutrition and he's quite healthy."
"I'm having a vision of a horse, a white horse, you guys, a lot of speed."
"Perfect look at a horse's hoof print."