
Banter Quotes

There are 329 quotes

"You two together will have this fun banter sort of relationship."
"You're not taking the piss blood, you are actually taking the piss man."
"Later on today is a big banter, big big big banter."
"Thanks for the ban, hope you have a good day. You're welcome."
"We just have that rapport, that relationship, and that friendship and that banter with each other."
"Sometimes you're almost charming."
"It was the perfect amount of pettiness, banter, romance, flirtiness."
"Smart ass boy teaches stupid ass chat a thing or two."
"First you're gonna roast the other one, right?"
"I roasted him; he roasted me, it was a good time."
"I just think it's funny how all y'all were hating on my egg."
"We give each other a hard time, but it's all in the best spirit."
"Well, you did once, but I wasn't referring to you, Sylvio."
"I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom."
"It's fueled by real stuff that they could be chipping back and forth, but they're both marketing geniuses."
"What's a rivalry without a little trash talk?"
"It's the one game in the series that really really sells this idea that these characters are actually like really good friends and can have a little banter."
"I feel good. I was yelling, you were yelling. Really? Yeah, he was so... I'm... you're trash. Holy [__], get good, get good, get good."
"You're not good, you're not good. I beat the [__] out of you, bro. Bro, don't make me get on Valorant. You know what happened last time you played that game? Yeah, but you can't beat me in that game."
"I don't think he cares about winning Uno. You're losing, you're going to talk to you like that? Fu talking to you, you're not talking to me. Holy [__], he was crying."
"With all that goddamn cards, I think Kenji has, though."
"I'm unscratchable baby. Oh God, I hope you get scratched."
"I hope so too. I hope they scratch your nipples clean off your chest."
"This trial is [ __ ] mate. Everyone knows why we're really here. You're just jealous because my Patronus is bigger than yours."
"Remember send all hate mail to Phil Oh wait we're in a car we ended like car blockers dude all right guys take it easy we'll see in the next one."
"The banter between Anakin and Obi-Wan is one of the best parts."
"That's just common sense, man. This Usher, your girl's panties are going to get wet, her heart might hurt, she might die or something, and they going to have to bring in Usher. I'm just talking crap."
"This is where it's going to get interesting because of course, I'm rolling on 37s and you're rolling on what, 33? Are they really 33s, Andre? 32.6, yeah."
"Paul, you gotta choose my ingredient. What a loser!"
"Damn, good to see you again, kid. I've been looking forward to jumping up and down on your face. Uh, okay, okay."
"Barry says am I evil? Hank says absolutely do I not tell you enough you're like the most evil guy I know."
"I'm the sniper, you're an imitation sniper, you're diet sniper, your sniper zero, you piece of [ __ ]."
"No one takes my banter better than you do. It's your best quality."
"The Black Cat's flirtatious banter with Spider-Man quickly hits its stride."
"I know y'all love just spending time with us, hearing us talk noise, be crazy."
"Who ain't got no jawline? Who ain't got no jawline?"
"He's gravy-less. No, I'm just kidding. But watch out, watch out, all gra... Why don't you just take her leftover gravy? That is GRA, okay?"
"Where is that guy? If Bobby Lee was here, we would tie him up. Bro, Bobby Lee, tie him up and smack him. Yeah, I would love to smack Bobby Lee around a little bit. I think he'd like it though, you know that's true. He'd definitely be into it."
"Liverpool are the biggest banter club in the league."
"I don't know what Common was worth working out, but it wasn't his muscles. I don't even believe your [__] is at his house if he let you leave your panties there, so I know."
"Yo James, how's that hiding spot, big boy?"
"Randy, I shot it! Hey, where are you? Come on, so I can kick your butt for drinking my last two beers!"
"Dead fish, a massive stink, they're free to banters."
"It's like we're all sitting around a campfire, chugging beers, and somebody says, 'Oh man, you're full of [__].' 'No, I'm not,' and it just goes back and forth, and everybody has a good time."
"How'd I get stuck with the moneyless, accentless sidekick?"
"Such a funny movie, the way they interact with each other, the way Iron Man was trolling Thor in the beginning and the way they just bantered back and forth, all of them."
"Imagine telling Savage yo don't catch your body go to bed imagine that for the great like we to do that bro."
"I didn't realize it was a competition," Mikhail smirks.
"Just that banter, the realization in the doctor, like hang on a minute you do you remember why you using that name just that whole sequence brilliant."
"You're dead, dead, dead. That's a song you're going to sing at my funeral."
"I think it's more interns bantering with other interns."
"You called me a Chelsea fan last night? Wait, who do you support then? Do you know? Yeah, it's a compliment. Take it, bro, take it."
"Cheers back when you were attractive."
"One of my good friends, every time he walks in there... Stokey just punks his ass out."
"Oh man, I love their banter with each other. It's so funny. They already nailed the sibling chemistry there."
"...roasting me, you're gay for your tweets, you're gay for your hands."
"Banters is a big part of British life, just day-to-day life, office life, you get banter in the office, absolutely at the pub, anywhere."
"Now you're just [ __ ] with me, Canada!"
"I try to flip sides for you Andrew, the heck man? I'm trying to come join your side and say that you were actually going to be good and you're trash."
"Oh, bro, you're playing Teemo up top."
"...this scene gives us the best of the prequels dialogue with some charming banter between Anakin and Obi-Wan."
"It's so much fun just to play two people who are a little bit antagonistic with each other but obviously in a relationship."
"For me, banter is my number one thing. I want to be able to riff for like an hour going back and forth."
"That's a good joke bro, but joke with your father not me."
"Donkey, two things, okay? Shut... up."
"...if you love banter this will literally rock your world."
"Girls are not as superficial as guys either, so if they're not innately attracted to you right away, you can change their mind by having good banter with them."
"The banter between Batman and Robin is once again really good and really believable. I buy into this dynamic."
"You know that that kind of banter I like. A lot."
"Well, how long have we known each other, Inspector? 15 years, I guess. I think you were right in the first place, huh? To be friendly with you for 15 years, I'd have to be nuts."
"I at least have a number next to my name. Kev's got number two. What is it? Zero. Just a zero."
"Taggy, you're the only old one, old, you're old, you've got multiple chins 'cause you're old, you're old."
"All right, nice, nice, nice. Couldn't stand your face. Me either, but now I can't stand your... I don't know."
"...more like Bra Face, he-you having that, you suck!"
"Are you allowed are you gonna get no thank god he didn't get cracker tattooed on his yeah oh my god yeah then you get killed then i get [ __ ] banned again damn dude that's [ __ ] wild."
"You dissed us with roasts, well it's time for you to get roasted, yo."
"Man did you guys hear Chad out there? He was talking some smack."
"You are proper wank at this game bro, what...? Yeah, you are 100% bro, and you know it."
"You deserve to be banned. Thank you, made me laugh. I value that."
"Would the bombi just cruise up and down that? You leave the bombi out of this."
"I'm taking both of them and Romero Romero here what R here here this here this here this CBA no CBA is a bad boy bro but you know what Gabriel the bad boy if was any Arsenal fan Gabriel is the bad boy he is brother."
"You're killing me," I said with a smile. "Don't ever do that to me again." But it was funny, he replied with the grimace that passed for a smile.
"How you feeling? Good. You're not calling me a [ __ ] anymore. I win. You [ __ ] you're always a [ __ ] in my heart."
"That's hard. You gotta talk smack like on the phone."
"Jose's jokes, you know? I like Jose still. I can't chat to Alex. But yeah, I know Alex is just Alex, isn't it? Yeah. But yeah, I know Alex is just Alex, isn't it? Yeah."
"Their banter is one of the best comedic elements of the franchise."
"Don't try and out angle me Mr. Bachelor, okay? No, I'm saying like, [ __ ] roses, roses, all the roses."
"Oh hi, bruh. You have an ugly boyfriend. No, why? Do you want one, bro?"
"Engage in a bit of useless girl-stupid boy sparring."
"You got a lamp, they lamp, what's up with that? By the way, why are people getting knocked out? Are you scared, Jackie?"
"Listen, he turned around and got cocky with it, bro you like that, don't you? B the name's not boy, it's Roy."
"Not that and also Brendan thinks it's a bad shoe. There we go, there we go. I thought it was gonna say that you guys always disagree on it. Yeah, you do. First American, really?"
"Spice and Wolf to me has always been about more than that. Yes, the banter is a very large part of it, but the banter within the context of the narrative is what I like."
"Just being around Australians who get that and can banter back, oh my God, it was the dream."
"Damn you nosy, it's just a scar, bro."
"You're being extra silly today now you're trying to get me to think that I'm smart when I'm not first of all I haven't even turned it on yet is the second eye roaring moon no it's not sorry I knew you were baiting me."
"They were telling nasty jokes, saying nasty words, and calling me names, all banterously apparently."
"Well, we don't have a lot of regional accents. I'm beat, Nebraska this year. Um, I didn't want to rub it in, John. You sure did. Did I rub it in a little? You want to rub it in? You did."
"Had enough of you," said Paris, laughing, one hand raised up to the crowd in salute.
"It's banter in it but like and I was thinking I don't want I don't want it to be me because what am I going to say back I can't have a go at them"
"I'm going to take your honey, pal."
"I'm curious about this one not that I can I'm not going to know what the [ __ ] they're talking about but I would like to see their banter."
"I'm always going to talk [__] to you, that's just what's fun to me."
"Are you going to puke? What? Let it out, guy. It's his hair. Oh, was it Helen Kell hair?"
"Most of the jokes are genuinely funny with great banter."
"Hey Dan, I think a more appropriate superhero name for you is 'Moron Man.'"
"The banter between the sisters, I absolutely love that one."
"He goes hey Byron you want to make this a little more corny huh oh I heard you like dogs go oh he was [ __ ] with them because they know each other but it was it was [ __ ] hilarious"
"The first words out of his mouth were 'You evil.' I replied with 'Your mama' and ended the call."
"What makes you think I won't turn you to a bundle right now, put on the skedaddle? Wow, is that the official de bunda makeover collection?"
"The noise they make, the chants they make, it's the rivalries that make up this game. It's a friendly rivalry, unlike the vicious rivalries we have in soccer in the UK. It's banter, it's fun, and it's not death at all cost."
"Happy Valentine's Day You're so bad at cooking Christine um who said that"
"What makes these two even better is that, for all their banter, they genuinely care about each other."
"I miss you busting my balls on the regular."
"He's like my best friend. Hey man, oh no, yeah, they're supposed to be, yeah, that's what makes it."
"Well I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, you sockdologizing old man-trap."
"You're quiet, drinking water, you're a clown. What now, blood? What now?"
"Jeopard are bleeding all that's what I'm telling you, not as much of a bleeding arse as Jro."
"Back and forth because they would have lost. You would have mentioned that, wouldn't you, Troops? Exactly."
"15 shots, I running my mouth up about Arsenal. The guy mentioned the historically incorrect fact and I just corrected him."
"My powers don't let me get banned here, role player will show you dodges."
"Yo, Barkley, who won that? You did."
"It's a series about normal people living their normal lives, doing their jobs, and having some banter along the way."
"What's up with it? He says he's getting worse than me."
"Poor old Gordon, you can never get away from dirty trucks, can you?" James taunted.
"Persona 4: The comedic element and banter."
"I got it I got president taken away from me you haven't done anything yet arasha you got these you know big brain like thinking over game moments so I'm just like who do I want to test me there you go."
"I don't know about you kid, but all this Macho mercenary banter has given me the vapors."
"My WhatsApps are horrendous. Like, if I do anything good, I'm getting my pants pulled down within a second. They are so bad, like, tough love."
"Why do you persist in rescuing me Mr. Bond? It's becoming a habit, isn't it?"
"She's always been prodding at him, teasing him, joking at him."
"We love a little shade but it's all a good fun. That's what we do boo, that's peace."
"Coffee please, congratulations! You are the first winner in the banter bags."
"...[ __ ]. Well who was you had Sean, Keon, put it this way. Paris, who else? The Spaniard guy. Oh yeah, he's good. Guy definitely wasn't beating him. Who was fifth? You Brazilian, you're nuts Nick."
"...I think you've got me confused with Nightwing, Jason growls, getting on his bike."
"The banter between Kai and Peyton has to be the best I've ever read."
"Well guys, if you enjoyed watching Mr. Struggle's banter about, we got some good news for you."
"...I think people just need to realize like that's what friends do right I mean we all just go back and forth and banter ours just happen to be on a public scale right where somebody just tuning in for the first time is like that dude's an yeah for sure sure."
"Crowbar says I'm just over here polishing my staff. He and Mike Awesome are wearing out the shocks on the bus every week. There's always room for Pam on his bus."
"And then Nex calls Squonk ugly???"
"You look really good in those pants by the way. Shut the [__] up."
"You got something wrong, Chad. You're not the cutest one in this Spy Ninjas."
"I busted his ass... you colored your goatee you said you got a makeover you look 40 well I love it."
"Maybe go for the club that you support first, cuz then we'll Liverpool, yeah, yeah, not Everton, no, no, no, they're going down."
"I would never get PSG, Croatia, mate, so yeah, have fun."
"I wish they had more of that kid-like banter, you know? I love the kid Gordor. I think he's perfect for it."
"Nice Land Rover, Rebecca, kill you."
"Don't want to do that with me, girl. I got 99 jokes for you."
"We all know you consider yourself to be the more athletic one between you and Anthony."
"What is your guys's guesses that's a pile right there that's a shoot boys what are you doing you don't even know what you're doing no exactly look at this oh well that's pretty good I know exactly what I'm doing."
"I was talking crazy, and she was like... she was like, 'He's not playing basketball, he's playing football. He out there tackling them bums.' But she's going at me. She's going at me."
"Oh, my God, dude. Let's do a belt check. Oh, your wife is here, that's sad."
"Like this is my debut outfit... no no, it's not. We've already done a video together. What are you, debut pants? That's gonna be fun."
"We have a lot of banter between Chuck and Blair which I always love."
"We're never gonna stop doing that [ __ ] but damn I thought I was gonna catch you in an insecurity and be like aha you're a [ __ ] mortal I'm Immortal."
"My quirk literally causes explosions, Deku," Bakugo deadpanned.
"Don't be triggered by it, it's all just good fun and banter, right till the next one."
"I ain't afraid of you you witch then you are a fool ooh the sound design on that was nice did it pardon me Bishop for striving to resolve matters peacefully real peaceful storm the banter God damn boot it up boys."
"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as you know, the Dangerous Brothers have been banned from LWT for being too sexy and too violent."
"I'm just playing around. I like it when you get cocky."
"I love it. Better than you baby. We're better than you baby."
"The main character is already like kind of bold, like not afraid to say what she wants, and I don't know, I love her and the banter that she has."
"Always gonna keep up, match my wit. Thinking he twice as slick. Nah, just overweight. But, you know, that's my boy."
"Are you rushing out too? I'm always trying to sneak out, kid. I caught you slipping, then. I'll call you slippery."
"Your hole is meatless. I know my meat. Shut up, dude, your hole is meatless. You're correct in both ways. Suck it."
"Only reason I really didn't beat you last is cuz you old and disabled and I don't want to expulsion or is it because you knew you couldn't fit the bill."
"I never noticed you had dimples. I got nipples though."
"Can't you think of something else to talk about? Let's see, what other subject can we exhaust in one minute? Oh, I know! How's your love life?"
"Hey maybe they tried to summon you, Gabe. You're the scariest thing I know," I quipped.
"Best buddies busting balls all the time."
"Yo, Hawks! Yeah, might be a fake."
"I guess we have the whole bickering like an old married couple thing down huh... apparently couldn't stop laughing."
"Oh, come on. The least you can do is banter back with me before we start our fight to the death."
"If you got a [ __ ] science experiment as a haircut there's the Mentos in the volcano there we go and that's me Luke after uh checking out the straw weight rankings I'm kidding men straw weight obviously I'm kidding wait who's number one yeah there you go."
"If sleep were a PED they would ban it."
"It's just breaking balls and then they bust your balls back and then it's funny."
"This person enjoys funny humor, banter, and playful conversation."
"You always have to talk trash, easy mojo."
"All they do is just insult each other in a funny way. I like that."
"Batman: 'Gotham's mine.' Green Lantern: 'Your glow stick?'"
"The girls banter back and forth with each other and read the house down. That's just a sign of love, to be honest with you guys."
"Bro, come on, I'm at 42 points. You already had like close to like 55, bro."
"We treat each other like brothers. We give each other a hard time sometimes, but it's all in fun and love."
"I knew I was about to get smacked in the head, okay, we got Home Depot worker number one in the building. Okay, look at that."
"If you're inviting me, aren't you? Thank you, Noel. You need new jokes, Isaac. You need new content."
"You [ __ ] clown! Since you imitate [ __ ], I've been imitating you this whole round."
"I was out of breath when I reached the top and Daniel in a classic pain in the ass fashion snickered with a stupid grin on his face."
"You're like a [__] Mark well you're a marker you don't know what the [__] you do Phil Hanley is what I mean Mark."
"You're gonna brood or are you gonna fetch this fine hero a hunting knife so he doesn't starve by sundown?" Marley said.
"Fighting talk, my young friend, but you aren't a match for either," Brennis grinned.
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of playful banter and uh taking the mick out of your partner."
"I guess I'll take some of your Redstone later, but wait Nico, how come you get a balcony and I don't?"
"You're full of yourself, Dax Allison," she said teasingly.
"'Really, Spiers,' he said with amusement. 'Surely you see the necessity. Brass buttons, white cravats, and gleaming Hessians hardly lend themselves to smuggling.'"
"The whole point of me bringing it up, I'm gonna tell you, so technically like me and Noel are like legally married, so you're a bitch."
"So technically like me and Noel are like legally married, so you're a bitch."
"I'm glad to see you dumb bowl strikes every time," I said with a smirk.
"Aaron's just chilling here, almost I'm like he is kinda chilling, Zeke's going like 'look, look at your salvation, let me save you' and Aaron's like 'oh ho ho, just wait for it'."
"You have to win first," I told him, realizing the stakes, "Oh believe me, if your lips are on the line, they're all mine," he replied.
Albert assists Ada in preparing food, and he jokingly calls her "sister," which she doesn't appreciate, so she gently reminds him that she's his fiancé.