
Shapes Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"There's so few that come in triangle shapes."
"Friendly, easy, approachable - round things do that."
"A tapered shape is always more aesthetic than a box."
"No matter what, connecting those midpoints will always yield a parallelogram or shape or opposite sides are parallel to each other."
"Shapes are pretty easy to execute, but what kinds of techniques go into exploring more interesting things?" - Ted Forbes
"All I'm doing is drawing ellipses, teardrop shapes, egg shapes, and circles. These are just lines."
"Practice it all the time, just practice a circle, a square, a rectangle, a sphere, a box, and then the cylinder."
"This white circle controls the roundness of the corners of the rectangle, which is pretty cool."
"Every bird has two basic shapes to it: an egg for the shape of the body and the head is always the shape of a circle."
"Rectangles are going to help you detect collisions."
"The shapes and the level of detail are very eye-catching."
"There's a variety of different shapes and styles to choose from when making candles."
"We respond better to confidence and shapes."
"Here's the reason this is so uncanny that this just showed up a few weeks ago... I was driven nuts by the fact that they're all these like weird shapes."
"This is based on the idea that any subject no matter how complex can be simplified into basic shapes like circles, ovals, triangles, and rectangles."
"Understanding how shapes work is really going to serve you well."
"Oh, that is look at all the different, shapes, I love it."
"Roundness can convey a sense of cuteness or approachability."
"Triangles can convey strength or speed."
"Shapes aren't just physical, they show personalities too."
"A rectangle is also considered a closed vector."
"Details don't necessarily equal closed shapes."
"When talking about pixel art specifically, what's important to note is that details don't necessarily equal closed shapes."
"And see the different types of shapes that census tracts have in LA County."
"Try to see if you need to rotate the shapes or do any other manipulations."
"The spaces of possibilities come in different forms and shapes."
"Whenever you're twisting four closed curves, then the union should inscribe a square."
"These are organic shapes, they don't have to be perfectly cylindrical."
"A line of symmetry divides a shape into two equal parts that are mirror images."
"If you think of the beautiful craters that you've seen, or, or the volcanic shapes that you see, there are a lot of round beautiful shapes."
"If we can't unfold a sphere, then what can we unfold? Well, one answer is polyhedra."
"You could then use an octahedron, but even better is a truncated octahedron, which is an octahedron with the corners cut off."
"Square shapes are inherently more stable than their curvilinear counterparts."
"Isn't that amazing? So the same net gives two different cuboids."
"...is all uh inspired by geometry and maths the if you look around here it is all geometry it's all shapes there's rectangles there's squares there's pentagons there's triangles there's look at the mates even the mates have the same design the squares as the lights."
"Oh, it turns the water into different shapes and it comes out different ways."
"Now there are a lot of different curves, there are some other curves here like for instance a rectangle, and you can see that this rectangle it actually has some visible mesh, whereas on these ones they don't have visible mesh on default."
"If you're thinking that shapes are simply squares, rectangles, triangles, I hope you can see here that there's so much more that you can do with them."
"When designing your app, utilize shapes and icon controls to enhance the user experience."
"Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes."
"Flowers have different shapes to attract their pollinators."
"In lathe turning, there are only three possible shapes: flat, convex, and concave."
"Every square is also a rectangle and every rectangle is a parallelogram."
"Different shapes of pastas exist to be vehicles for the sauce."
"One of the things that I like about seeing your sketch is that you do at cons and things is that uh I could see how you build your figures at least at least when you do the fast stuff and I see the shapes that you use and to construct them and it's it's real fun to see."
"I'm a big believer in the power of geometric shapes within our rectangular photograph."
"If you're looking at a picture of an eightball, the reason that you know it's round is that the colors change."
"I quite like this way because it just uses the isosceles triangles."
"Shapes have enormous power over how we process things and they just instantly ring that visceral bell."
"But the cool thing is that you can totally do it, you can totally have absolute control over the shapes."
"...once we've done that I'll get a path stroke to path and then path break apart and that's gonna break that up into two different shapes."
"If the sign meant 'Pedestrians Only', what shape and color would the sign be?"
"Concave is on the bottom, convex is on top."
"Everything is perfect, amazing geometry of impeccable shapes of any scale."
"It's all basic shapes and curves."
"Whether we're painting a tree, person, mountains, or houses, we have to arrange the shapes that we're looking at."
"A square is a shape that has four equal sides."
"A circle is a round shape that has no sides."
"A triangle is a shape that has three sides."
"That's just another lovely way to use basic shape dies."
"Shapes take priority over realistic anatomy."
"Strong shapes are gonna define that character."
"You'll want to define your shapes, break down your effect into as many simple shapes as possible."
"When you're drawing animals at the zoo, start with the big shapes first and then, you know, it's just like anything else, you go broad and then you start working towards the details."
"Shadows don't show details like lines or colors; they just show the shapes of things."
"The stronger shape is a triangle."
"It's a circle but a donut has a donut hole, really tiny circle and it's polka-dotted, covered in little circles."
"It's not as hard as people think to draw all this stuff once you start learning your fundamental shapes."
"Always look for patterns and commonalities between shapes."
"Use a variety of shapes and use those shapes to show who your characters are."
"The prettiest is the diamond shape."
"Practice lots of hands. They're really difficult to kind of get your head around, but there are some super basic shapes."
"There are such great graphic shapes in here."
"I think we warm to round shapes because our eyes are round."
"It's always a better drawing for me if I just build from shapes and just loosely kind of work things out."
"To calculate the number of triangles in the last box, you need to add 6 plus 10 which would be equal to sixteen triangles."
"Everything is just shapes, and if you can create what you see, you're good to go."
"The best way to check that your shape is done is to hold the left mouse button down on any point and then just drag it around."
"See that cloud? It looks like a man."
"Triangles are my favorite shape, three points where two lines meet."
"Angles in a quadrilateral equal 360."
"You can wait a hundred billion years, and you will never see the same shape."
"Legacy shapes and more, and this is all the shapes that were in Photoshop before."
"We identify bacteria by shape: rounds, rods, spirals."
"I just love those shapes. They're brilliant."
"It looks like you can make a bunch of different shapes with this."
"Painting is just a series of connected shapes."
"The first thing to look for is its overall shape. What's the shape that you're looking for? What the major large shapes you're looking at?"
"The key to simplify your painting is to connect shapes by merging similar value shapes."
"I'm just going piece by piece and I'm mapping everything out, breaking it up into smaller shapes."
"It's all about shapes and colors."
"Most of the visual interest of this thing comes from its primary shapes."
"The heart is a basic magical shape, so are circles, triangles, stars."
"Every shape that exists in nature is a piece of geometry."
"That day the sunlight flickered playfully, creating shapes on the floor."
"It's really fun to be creative with the shapes."
"Families come in all shapes and sizes, even rectangles."
"The most important thing about learning how to do chibis is like learning shapes."
"My goal today is to walk you through the two different shapes."
"I've come to learn that painting has four overall fundamentals to it, and shapes, that's arguably the most important one."
"Would you look at that, now we have three triangles."
"Triangles are scary, squares are strong, circles are cute and happy."
"Shapes, a lot of times your eye will identify a shape in a scene before it even identifies anything else."
"Even you become a triangle, trapezoidal, hexagons, I will like you."
"Triangle, triangle, look at me, count my sides, one, two, three."
"Square, square is my name, with four sides that are all the same."
"Purple rectangle is my name, my four sides are not the same, two are short and two are long."
"We did a great job learning our shapes today, huh, and helping Bunny."
"Silly Circle, you can find circles anywhere if you look around."
"Oh I love circles, now they go around and around."
"In terms of the leaves themselves, you're just going to sketch kind of a heart shape."
"Sphere tries to use the same analogy with Square that Square tried with the king of Lineland about different shapes."
"Good shapes and Frank knew how to create good shapes and how to use them."
"We're going to start with a super simple sketch with just basic shapes."
"Angles are alright, but I like the curves."
"So we started out by recognizing that a decagon was referring to a ten-sided polygon."
"The draw shapes tool is much easier to manipulate a shape than it is to create a shape from scratch as a beginner."
"So we're looking for a shape like this, and we can see clearly that it's there."
"The shape is upside down, flipped over, and it's there."
"This one is one of those ones that you just, it pops out at you; there is a circle on the inside in all of them apart from C, where the circle is on the outside."
"It's a wonderful world of shapes, it's a beautiful place to be."
"The big shapes are what's more important."
"When you use it together and you combine different shapes, you can really tell a story."
"Everything in life is made of shapes, and now I'm telling you what I want you to look at."
"Typically when I'm beginning a drawing, I like to start with the larger shapes and work towards the smaller shapes, and then finally the fine details."
"Red sprites come in different shapes, like these big cool jellyfish sprites."
"I like all the shapes and textures; it makes my little heart happy."
"Circles are like a shape of eternity of completeness, and triangles are a shape of danger and violence."
"You know what they say, hexagons are the bestagons."
"Rather than looking and saying okay I'm going to draw a butterfly, you look at the shapes of the butterfly."
"Drawing is so much easier when you break things down into basic shapes like circles, triangles, and squares."
"The triangle was actually one of the most important shapes."
"How shapes can express through verbal words... we can actually use them as a very effective tool to visually communicate."
"Whatever two shapes I use, whatever I put on top is going to take the shape of whatever is on the bottom."
"Circle, square, triangle, shapes all around, like the sun in the sky or tires on the ground."
"Shiver me shapes! Because two semi-circles make one whole circle."
"Using these types of shapes, these more organic, more interesting shapes, makes more interesting characters."
"Squares are strong shapes; circles are cute, harmless shapes; triangles are intense, dangerous."
"It's not always so bright. Those round things up there, sometimes they make shapes that look like things I've seen in my brain."
"Circles are always wonderful, and I love doing circle dies the best and oval dies because you can't hand cut them or you can't cut them with a paper cutter, so these are your most useful dies."
"A regular octahedron has eight equilateral triangle faces with four faces meeting at each vertex."
"The leaves of the flowers are actually very oddly shaped with uneven curves on either sides."
"Let's move this to the top left and get started with our next shape."
"We were trying to make shapes out of the clouds."
"Cookies are round, crackers are square."
"I love the variety here and how many different colors and shapes they use."
"It's not that difficult when you break it down into basic shapes."
"Using text and shape, nothing too hard."
"The plain fact is all four of these shapes are truly the same shape because you could take one, if you traced it, and you could put it on top of any of the others so that they coincide."
"You can create a bunch of amazing shapes."
"The human body comes in all different shapes and sizes."
"Dancing is all about shapes. You're like a statue, you're making shapes out of your body."
"I'm looking for shapes in the background: triangles, squares, rectangles."
"This is how simple it is to draw a circle, rectangular, or any other shapes."
"We're not thinking about drawing a hand, instead we're thinking about drawing the shapes that make up the hand."
"Shapes is a very important part of art style."
"A circle shape is round, like a pancake or this wheel that I just found."
"I love the movement of the shapes."
"A triangle is a three-sided shape that's a closed figure."
"A circle fits into a square; this is basic geometry."
"Instead of seeing the subject and saying 'Oh this is an eye I'm drawing,' I'm actually just seeing shapes and distances between those shapes."
"Printing the shapes of all your tensors is probably your best resource when it comes to debugging."
"Triangle is your favorite shape? No, circle is my favorite shape."
"So now we can start moving around inside of this thing, getting all sorts of different shapes and weird things."
"I love how these shapes worm their way around the grid."
"I know it's an octagon, I know a stop sign is an octagon."
"Circle is the purest of all the shapes."
"A trapezoid is any four-sided figure with at least one pair of its sides being parallel."
"Density curves like distributions come in many shapes."
"You found it! You are a superior shapefinder."
"It is astronomical. You know your shapes."
"It seems like a lot of fun, like a lot of good shapes so I'd like to give it a try."
"Practice this early method of shape combinations as much as possible."
"If you think about what you know about a rectangle, you know that opposite sides of a rectangle are equal."
"We've got quadratic functions; one's a positive quadratic which is a u shape, one's a negative quadratic which is an upside down u shape."
"Take a look around from the sky to the ground at the shapes that you can see."
"This method can be used for other shapes not necessarily for porous structures or porous medium."
"It's worth learning the pentomino shapes because they crop up in quite a few puzzles."
"It's a wonderful world of shapes; it's a beautiful place to be. Take a look around, from the sky to the ground, at the shapes that you can see."
"I will be basically simplifying all of these shapes into easy to remember puzzle pieces."
"Clouds come in so many different shapes; you can imagine that they're just about anything."
"I think a heart is my favorite shape of all. Do you know why? Because I love you very much."
"Not all coins are circular, but quite a lot are."
"A prism is a three-dimensional shape when you take a base shape and you basically just stack a whole bunch of that shape on top of itself to form three dimensions."
"Hearts are one of my favorite shapes, I just love them."
"If you just throw out some general shapes and things like that, your eyes fill in and interpret the look like, 'Oh, that's a vine'."