
Measures Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The best thing for our country is to follow this package of measures to the letter."
"It's not a stretch to believe that in order to keep the birth of Tegan secret, she would have gone to one extra step, escalated her behavior."
"The measures that they're going to take... dystopian in nature."
"Desperate times are for desperate measures, desperate measures for desperate expenses."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, literally."
"These are extraordinary times, requiring extraordinary measures."
"All the measures that we would normally apply for a situation like this are being applied for this one."
"Measures could be called virtual calculations; they only calculate when you add them to a report visualization."
"If file size is an issue, you may want to use measures instead of calculated columns or calculated tables."
"King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad have taken dozens and dozens of measures to crack down on terrorists."
"Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures."
"Desperate Times Desperate Measures"
"Measures must be unique, so I can't have a total sales measure on the internet sales table and on the customer table."
"Aggressive measures are needed... for improving the socio-economic situation."
"Ecuador's president remains optimistic about tackling organized crime, adopting new measures to combat it."
"...and yet because we continue to measure profitability by these measures it makes no sense to do that and so our economy is where it is."
"Even without the vaccine, this is controllable. What these countries have done is contact tracing, quarantining, they have used some technology applications to help to enforce protocols and help to warn."
"Measures are calculations used in visualizations typically represented on the y-axis of a bar chart or a column in a table."
"Desperate crooks, desperate measures."
"Desperate criminals use Desperate Measures."
"Fundamental public health measures are basic: quarantine, contact tracing, testing, and detecting cases."
"I think extreme situations call for Extreme Measures."
"It's time for some radical measures."
"Anti-flu measures were based on the premise that this was a contagious disease."
"Human development is an attempt to go in that direction and there have been many other supplementary measures since then."
"Reparations consist of measures of cessation, assurances and guarantees of non-repetition, restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, and measures of satisfaction."
"We can still stop these types of attacks with the right measures and preparation."
"These are exceptional measures, but these are exceptional circumstances."
"I am delighted to use the occasion of International Women’s Day to announce three additional measures."
"Together, those measures will boost incomes, help family budgets to stretch a little further, support parents back into work, and tackle some of the frustrations that sometimes make it seem that the dice are loaded against ordinary people going about their everyday lives."
"We have a package of measures to support families across the whole of the UK."
"Safeguards are guardrails, drastic change requires drastic measures."
"We're seeing people suggesting the adoption of sort of hysterical measures that really do not address the problem."
"Early detection coupled with the correction system shut down measures is an important safety barrier."
"We are strongly determined to take any necessary measures in order to root out terrorism and to eradicate it no matter where."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and these are indeed desperate times."
"What can we do to reduce the chances of infection? Adherence to appropriate infection prevention measures like hand hygiene, PPE, thorough cleaning of both high touch surfaces and the routine environment."
"In tabular modeling, you create a measure by selecting a column, then specifying the aggregate function."
"Widespread testing, contact tracing, micro measures like wearing your masks all of that help."
"A heat map helps to visualize measures against dimensions with the help of colors and size."
"Hopefully, Abby's tragic story will lead to stricter measures and safer resorts."
"The kinds of measures... were already in place. They were part of what came to be known, or was already known, as the new public health in the early 20th century."
"The WTO's agreements permit members to take measures to protect not only the environment but also public health, animal health, and plant health."
"You need to show that you've taken appropriate measures and really implemented necessary safeguards."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I'm desperate."
"It was Public Health measures to protect lives."
"Various measures can be taken in order to offset potential problems from the aging population."