
Guides Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Buying gaming magazines with walkthrough guides was kind of the norm back then."
"If you want to see any more complete guides like this in the future, make sure to subscribe."
"This guide took very long to make, but it's high quality."
"I've learned more stuff from this Prima guide in the past hour than I have in the past two years."
"Ladies and gents, boys and girls, that was Quacky Baby's guide to how much value there is inside these loot boxes."
"Sit down, get a comfy chair, and grab a water because you're going to want to follow this growing guide."
"With fighting games especially those a little bit more modern with competitive in mind guides were often more important than ever as they contained absolute crucial information that as a competitive player you straight up needed."
"If you want to take that next step and go beyond the auto modes, don't forget you can check out the beginner's guide that I do offer."
"Just like I always tell you guys, I'll have this drive and every other compatible drive with the PS5 link down in the description."
"Around this time of year, I usually always do a Nintendo Switch gift guide."
"Now as I said many times throughout the video I will be releasing a complete guide in a day or two."
"Julia Treat's book, 'Stepping into the Light,' explores miraculous ways of connecting with loved ones, angels, and guides."
"We need to start cultivating open, clear communication with our guides."
"Complete guide on how to magic find, thanks to all supporters!"
"Double XP tokens that's a no-brainer but I feel like when we're talking about a comprehensive guide on leveling up weapons that's absolutely something we need to include."
"I genuinely enjoy making these title guides."
"Real walkthroughs like these are an endangered species."
"Just be another hustle but I'll put their code here and in the description box below all the links that you guys will need."
"Travel guides: think about when you're going to a new place, you probably open up YouTube or a web browser and you look up what are the best things to do in the place."
"Framework provides excellent step-by-step guides for replacing or upgrading almost every single component."
"I do travel guides that are fun, informed, entertaining."
"Your guides are like super close, I feel like it's just a big deal."
"This person really didn't treat you right, and the guides are mad, and the guides are like having discussions going on there."
"We're privileged to work with many brilliant guides in Meghalaya."
"Your guides want you guys to work on those things and appreciate and understand those gifts for what they are."
"Your connection to your guides, it will even become stronger."
"I really feel that you guys have like this special connection with the universe, with your Spirit guides."
"I think your guides really like you."
"Your guides don't need to be perfect at all, but they're going to be super helpful."
"Trust that your guides are strongly around you."
"There are many, many masters and guides that may or may not look the same as what we imagine on earth as a human."
"I'll be doing more guides like this as well as device reviews and automation idea videos, so if you like what you saw please consider subscribing and pressing the bell to be notified when my next video comes out."
"Thank you very much for watching and stay tuned for more guides and other bike-related videos which will be coming out very soon."
"This video is for you because I'm going to explain how does the prompts work, how the weights work, what does all these different brackets mean, when to use this and how to use them."
"Flowers were carefully composed, and there were guides to them."
"We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal."
"Welcome to our latest and next installment of user's guides."
"Synchronicities are orchestrated by your guides, not mere coincidences."
"It's a lot of, you know, stuff that they share with me that I had no idea. So, they educate a lot of the guides when they come here."
"I thought I'd mention about something that I've never mentioned previously. I don't think on the video, which is that I've been making some guides. I might mention it maybe once or twice, but if you're looking to do the best road trip in the UK, it is in Scotland."
"How do you travel guides that are fun, informative, entertaining."
"That's what I love about it here, you know, the guides are really good."
"Volterra is less crowded, and it's less famous, and that's one of the reasons I like it so much, its kinda dark and brooding, and it has a lot of history that can be shared by local guides."
"Damn, that was a good one. Those are some good crap guides to DND."
"If you find yourself a good fly fishing guide, hold on to them and treat them well."
"Stay tuned to Riley Entertainment Games for more game development guides."
"The holidays are here, so that means it's time for this year's gift guides."
"Thanks to Glasses for their commitment to bringing these guides to the public and lowering the barriers to running your own services."
"So we just finished off our tour with some amazing desserts again with our wonderful tour guides."
"Make amazing coffee, advice and guides for brewing coffee."
"Documentation needs to improve because I miss this kind of tutorials or step by step guides."
"How-to guides take the reader through a series of steps required to solve a specific real-world common problem."
"There are a lot of resources available for working with bots, including beginner and intermediate guides."
"Not to flex or anything, but I now own like 10 AAA travel guides."
"As soon as this drops, I'm going to be having shopping guides."
"I've been sitting at my laptop for the last few hours creating my gift guides for Christmas time."
"You get tons of content in these workout guides."
"There was nothing better than going to either game facts.com or just buying at the store the actual strategy guides for the games."