
Rage Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Liu Kang flies into a fit of rage and beats the hell out of the Emperor."
"Unless we investigate the roots of this rage, the rupture of these social bonds, the deep betrayal, then these divisions and the rage that comes with it is only going to grow."
"With a howl of rage and sorrow, Sargeras struck a grammar down."
"The attention economy the the wheels that make it go around are is rage I did a you know tweet the the the the problem with raging against the machine is that the machine has learned to feed off rage."
"All reason left Broly at this point, only rage and sorrow remained."
"Was that a moment of blind rage? In a moment, life changed."
"My rages last for about three to five minutes, I mean."
"He needed to be with the affair partner... set off that insane mix of rage and lunacy that led to one human being to kill another."
"When there is a war, unqualified indiscriminate rage at the enemy is understandable."
"Rage is a powerful weapon when you're mentoring people."
"It contains as much rage and righteous indignation as any punk album at this juncture and does so more effectively I think."
"Rage is a completely justified emotion right now."
"Samus lets herself be consumed by her mocking rage."
"When the great Angel died the full extent of the Black Rage was unleashed."
"We're not so different, you and I. When you're filled with rage, it makes you blind. You can be used, manipulated."
"Consumed by unbridled rage, James attacked Thomas with such ferocity that he killed him."
"Vegeta now, with their Saiyan instincts enhanced by his new form, flies forward to the dazed and confused form with his rage boost."
"It enhances all of his abilities but also gives him rage."
"This is all the rage of the Saiyan race."
"For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end, that end being violence."
"He's angered by watching Goku get beat up, and in this temporary state of rage, with his boost in power, Gohan attacks Frieza."
"Through pure unadulterated rage, Gohan had become the most powerful warrior the Earth had ever seen."
"In those moments of rage, they get more power than they usually have."
"Now Hulk faces not just the mirror of his own rage but a rage that has been held back for hundreds of years."
"When anger intensifies to rage, it is unstoppable."
"We don't need to demonize our anger and our rage; we just need to put it towards the right things."
"She's insane but like can you imagine she's got nothing to lose and so much rage."
"Most men are living lives not doing what they want. They just sit in their car quiet and meek, filled with rage."
"Atrocitus is fearless and doesn't care because he's so full of rage."
"I was now full-blown mad. I was livid and filled with rage."
"Something within him snaps, he screams, an intense rage overcomes him, and he undergoes a strange change."
"The rage that Vegeta feels when he's one-upped by Goku, the thrill that he feels in the heat of battle, and even his urge to mentor and befriend the universe 6 Saiyans - these are all part of the superego."
"...this version of Hulk has an unfortunate weakness however as although he gains strength of this rage it can also force him back into Bruce Banner..."
"Gamers will be enraged, and then they will buy the game anyway."
"The rage that made him swear to kill demons for the rest of his days."
"With all the rage buil inside of feeling sideline for the last two major events this gave him the extra boost as he achieved the Beast transformation."
"Frenzied Rage lets us make an improvised weapon attack with a bonus action."
"...social media merges the things you like. So, if you like to be enraged, it's going to merge to you all them rage videos. You can just munch on 'em."
"Use that rage to do productive or entertaining stuff."
"He was trembling with rage at the feet of the Ober Leutnant CLA saw the killer gunner sitting behind his weapon."
"I love how they tied in a little drawing on it oh as loud as you've ever gone use that Rage of yours use it to help us okay I will."
"But this only seemed to enrage the wolf man more as it roared so loud that I had to cover my ears."
"That kind of rage doesn't happen overnight. That kind of rage is a long, slow burn... until the boom..."
"Hal Jordan of Earth, you have great rage in your hearts. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps."
"I'm going to show you complete chaos rage power, and I'm going to show you the chin of granite 'cause no one's knocking me out."
"The ascendancy of fascism now comes from a kind of broad grief in the American spectrum, but grief unprocessed, grief that is left to sit still, to curdle, to curdle into rage."
"Lead with love, not rushing to rage."
"Your rage is legitimate, your pain is valid, the system is rigged against you."
"I had this breakdown. I was full of rage. I fought against the people offering me treatment. I don't want all of you to do the same because we need to accept mental illness, and that's been very courageous."
"Dom enjoyed the boxing but at heart, he was a street fighter, and on the doors, he could vent his rage."
"At the peak of his career, in front of millions watching on BBC and a couple of thousand in the arena, D snapped and the rage took over."
"A rage-filled Goku lets go of his brother's body as his power explodes."
"The mask felt a sudden and tremendous pushback, blind despair, and then rage."
"I think it's because I don't have rage. I'm a calm person."
"I feel like straight men feel a lot more rage like they suppress their emotions, road rage or they just punch a wall."
"I was in rage, yeah, I know that feeling, like you're just, like, at your wit's end."
"The nature of the attacks seemed very personal and filled with rage."
"Depression is rage turned inwards."
"Witnessing the death of their Master, the knights flew into an almost manic rage."
"Oh, but you know that shit ain't gonna' stand. Rageaholics, I will now cease with the speechifyin' because it is goddamned imperative that you absorb Michael Douglas's comeback in all its keytar-drenched motherfucking MAJESTY!"
"A rage I had known only rarely from previous battles and other deaths, a consuming rage without reason."
"She took out two daggers that glowed with red energy and slowly rose into the air, barely containing her rage."
"I take such issue and I have such rage for anyone taking this material and using this as a vessel to spread ignorance and prejudice and hatred and intolerance and homophobia in the name of religion."
"Deep within the psyche of every blood angel is a destructive yearning, a battle fury, and blood hunger that must be held in abeyance."
"Clover really does have a sense of justice. Face to face with Asgore, one responsible for ordering the deaths of all human children who fell down, Clover becomes enraged."
"He was the perfect definition of what I would consider to be a hero worthy of his violence right of worthy of his rage."
"Naruto's rage would boil until he would say enough as he would basically flick his hand out to the direction of the kids and all of the kids would get engulfed in big bright blue flames."
"In a fit of rage, he grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed the person in Black to death."
"Envy, rage, all of the above but really it was Brotherhood."
"As far back as Gohan can remember, every time he snapped, whenever his rage took over, he would unleash tremendous power."
"At this point, Crimson became enraged and increased his power even more, but Gagita's punch had completely defeated him."
"I am going to be motivated in this fight by pure rage"
"I exist in a perpetual state of Rage. I do not want to stop existing in that state of Rage because I think it's what keeps you, at least for me, from succumbing to despair."
"The real dividing line we're talking about are people who feel more guilt than rage about their current conditions of life."
"You don't stab someone 26 times unless you're in a blind rage."
"I am rage. I am hunger. It is incomprehensible, undeniable, inescapable."
"his rage caused him to transform in a horrific and immensely painful way"
"Hulk's absurd power is tied to his rage."
"For every unbridled rage, there's an unbridled praise."
"When you are possessed by rage, there comes a point where revenge is no longer justice."
"Violence and completely uncontrollable, Guts is the embodiment of rage and the epitome of badassery."
"I find her prose full of rage and I like that about it... she's always working against the idea that someone thinks a woman writing a book is basically like a dog on its two hind legs preaching..."
"Gonna Roll my neck dig both of my feet into the ground I would like to rage yeah and I exhale deeply and I Spit on the ground and that activates my rage and I would like to throw a javelin at one of them absolutely."
"The referendum was a cry of rage by those who saw themselves as the victims of globalization. It was the revenge of the betrayed."
"It's just funny to see him actually rage, and us as an audience feeling empathetic towards his rage because it's totally valid."
"Enraged, Xerxes ordered his troops forward into battle."
"A storm inside filled with a tumultuous rage only masked by the numbness."
"The sufferer would fly into as much of a rage as he seemed to dare to entertain."
"I heard it behind me screaming too, unlike mine, it was a scream of frustrated rage."
"It's kind of like the initial basic principle of nen really whereby the first step is to channel one's aura in order to prevent it from constantly escaping the body you'd be learned to do exactly that just with the substance of rage rather than aura."
"In a fit of rage, he tries to do the same to Fausta, but she resists, and Edoardo quickly regains composure."
"Sometimes that rage is towards themselves, but the borderline personality disorder is marked by explosive rage, explosive rage."
"This was the reason for yeuchan's rage."
"Superman actually gets captured or taken in, and look at this, like right away early in his career, he's got rage face."
"I felt this rage, it overwhelmed me. I couldn't stop myself."
"The result of that rage is a battle in which Achilles so dominates the fighting that not a single other Greek fighter is mentioned for two full books."
"...the ultimate form and then the Beast form which is just the culmination of all of his rage..."
"TJ, attack. Activate your rage now."
"A lot of this is just a bunch of people using rage and hate clicks to fuel their popularity on YouTube and other social media platforms."
"It's such an involuntary thing. Your eyes just get red, and [expletive] just gets like that. You're blind with rage."
"It's physically impossible to stay in that moment of rage when you laugh."
"In his rage, he completely abandons the mission and decides to unleash the power he has been storing for hours on his new target."
"It was in a fit of rage he didn't mean to kill the young boy he just literally threw it in a fit of rage and anger towards the crowd of scholars which then impaled this poor innocent boy that was just by a bystander."
"Sydney surrendered to impulsivity and beat and stabbed her mother to death in a moment of rage."
"Everybody has love in them. Everybody has rage in them."
"The spirits whispered to me, their voices a mixture of sorrow and rage."
"That moment when your humble, bubbly character rages out over something is always like a moment that gives me just the right kind of chills, man."
"Driven only by the rage and fury that inspired their most gruesome acts of exploitation and violence in life, their pain has made them too hateful to succumb to the flames."
"The Slayer became the unstoppable force of rage against all evil."
"He's transformed and now his body is perfectly suited to battle; his soul is pure rage."
"Fueled with boundless rage and a thirst for vengeance, Sigismund would command his new Chapter to hound and harry the demoralized traitors of the Imperium."
"The Knight of Flowers went mad when he saw his king's body and slew three of Renly's guards in his wrath."
"It was like an explosion of anxiety; it was an explosion of rage."
"I feel like out of the five, this one is the best fit for the prompt of female rage."
"Rage is particularly contagious, and the stronger the emotion, the faster it spreads."
"Wild, fearless, reckless, shouting and screaming incandescent with rage, with nothing to lose and all to gain."
"His absolute rage does not define him, but it also cannot be avoided once provoked."
"When someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage, a curse is born."
"Instead of being filled with fear, I was filled with rage."
"For the first time since childhood, tears sprang in my eyes; I turned away, swallowing hard, and with rage in my heart."
"He went absolutely insane, smashing everyone and everything in his path."
"He's like a perpetual motion machine of rage and fury."
"Disaster doesn't always lead to reflection. Sometimes it leads simply to rage, and the absence of reflection."
"Eddie's rage made flesh is how the creature was created."
"Abandonment and the shame and the disappointment and the frustration that are activated by it bring out rage."
"I fought back with rage and looking back, I am 31 years old now and looking back at that person... I was emotionally abused."
"The heart-wrenching scene enrages Jimbei, forcing him to fight against the evil monster."
"That kind of power isn't normal, and it was all fueled by his rage and desire for revenge."
"A creature of blind rage engulfed in shadow, an unstoppable force fueled by souls and empowered by darkness."
"The definition of Saiyan rage, he had rage boosts of his own when a certain person was mentioned."
"When someone dies in the grip of rage, a powerful curse is born."
"Ju-On is the curse of one who dies in the grip of a powerful rage."
"With the sword gripped in both hands, Richard screamed with unleashed fury."
"His feelings of sorrow at the loss of his marriage and his anger with his wife began to transform into more of a cold rage."
"Krillin and Goku, in unison, roared with a primal rage, their hair turning a brilliant shade of gold."
"When his rage boils over, he rediscovers his lost innocence and he comes to know himself in that he himself creates his right."
"Keep that rage alive. It will be useful for where we're going now."
"Rage would overcome the new Sith, and his only focus would be on ending Wat Tambor."
"The Hulk's power depends on his rage and strength increased factor."
"Unknown has five levels of enrage; it will never revert to its base state, it will never de-escalate, once it's angry, it will stay angry and it will get angrier unless one of you dies or it is driven away."
"It was a song of vengeance, a song of rebirth, a song of rage, a song of war."
"Goku now completely berserk, begins to beat on King Cold with no remorse."
"Gohan was able to tap into his rage, finally transforming, unleashing the beast form."
"The underlying rage simmered, waiting for the opportune moment to reignite the flames of conflict once more."
"X-24 is one tough dude in this movie, he is a version of Logan whose rage is more tapped into and unleashed."
"I am a God, the golden god, and my rage will fall upon you with the power of a thousand storms."
"In a blind fit of loss, desperation, and rage, he scarred Dog and killed Thomas with his bone claws."
"It was a way for him to release all of his pent-up rage."
"That expression of rage and anger woke me up to start asking questions."