
Card Game Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Shudderwock: Repeat all Battlecries from cards you played this game. If you think this card is bad, you're wrong."
"Torrent of Souls...a very fast and very quick win condition."
"Enchanted Raven is a good card, it will be in all the Beast Druid decks."
"Dockside Extortionist is completely bonkers."
"Bellingham disgusting just straight up disgusting card."
"Dark Armed Dragon is insane, a huge game changer if we pull one."
"We have a ton of direct damage. Goblin Guide is probably the best card in the deck."
"Victory Dragon: Auto win effect for a duel that hasn't even taken place yet."
"Wizard101 is actually a really well-designed card game." - Josh
"Neon Dynasty looks insane, the artwork's crazy."
"Gladiator now has... truly the best last drop of the game kind of card."
"The card system is so innovative and so fun."
"If homogeneity is the only reason that we think soul ring should be banned, I don't think it's a good enough reason."
"Mind Control Tech is coming back: 'Battlecry: If your opponent has four or more minions, take control of one.'"
"Shaman looks a lot better like if you looking at this screen you're like oh no Shaman's going to be so bad and then it's like oh they're so good now especially calamos with all the Elementals they just printed for Showdown the Badlands."
"I've got probably the best card in this format, Crush Card Virus."
"DD Designator provides you with the perfect hand knowledge."
"Mine Crush is still the better card purely because it's a trap card and can be activated during your opponent's turn."
"Prohibition more than makes up for that with both how easy it is to use and how long lasting its effect is."
"Crossout designator is one of the best cards in the game."
"Crossout designator is a genuinely strong card."
"Archaeologist is a very, very powerful card."
"Font Keeper Tim actually ends up potentially being the best card in the entire set."
"Radiant Elemental is pretty good; it's the 2-Mana Cleric Priests were looking for."
"There are two-star cards out there that are still interesting and creative and make you think and change the way the game works."
"I decided to design my own deck of playing cards after seven videos, three months of work, and a ton of input from this amazing community."
"Vandalblast is a staple. It's one red to destroy an artifact, but it's four in a red to overload and destroy all your opponent's artifacts."
"Skeleton king is one of the best cards in the game."
"Forbidden Droplet: probably one of the best cards that's been released in the past several years."
"Decks perfect. 10/10 would draw dark sage again."
"As the fifth most used Yu-Gi-Oh card of all time by competitive duelists... it's safe to say Ash Blossom is popular."
"What a complete bank this hand turned from a disaster to a lovely present."
"The most beautiful beatdown deck ever devised."
"Cadabra to this day has not been printed as a TCG card since the English Skyridge expansion in 2003, undoubtedly due to avoiding further litigation from Uri Geller about this issue."
"This card is so disgusting in arena that they have preemptively banned it."
"This card has everything that's great." - "This card has everything that's great."
"Advanced heraldry art: summon two hieratic beasts from your graveyard."
"Lightning storm going to two is one of the most puzzling hits on this list."
"We literally pulled four full arts from the stack of Dragon Majesty packs that is insane that is insanity bro that is crazy I don't know what to think right now I honestly don't but let's keep it rolling."
"This forces him to have AOE right. We know his hand's a coin a random beast and some other unknown card."
"Fantastic card if you get this card use it, I love it."
"Magic the Gathering has always been about planeswalkers."
"Bond of Insight triggers the ability of a permanent you control an additional time."
"Wave Motion Cannon is just as good now as it was back in magician's force."
"Mono white did require a facelift for 2022 but it does have the cards to do it."
"I'm displaying the power of what is arguably the most powerful card printed in Magic 2020 corset."
"Just thought of a really good card, Cavalier of Thorns."
"The flexibility of this card's actually a bit hidden but we're gonna realize it's actually a really good card in the end."
"Another card game that is definitely making noise and has been making noise for a long time is Splinterlands."
"If you got two Solitaires together then I doubt there is anything in the Galaxy that could beat them."
"Trap Stun, the ultimate answer to those pesky traps!"
"Brain Control can just be a huge blowout in tandem with any of our tuners."
"Called by the grave semi limited what why are they semi limiting this card."
"You saw it here first Breaking Family, I'm sure somebody else has opened up Champions Path without pulling a Machamp but I'm saying we're making history right now!"
"Kindly grandmother may be the one drop that beast druid needs to really allow them to fight for board better against zoo, against aggro shaman."
"The safety provided by Teferi's Protection cannot be understated, this card is truly a commander staple."
"This move is so good that if I were to show I could do it, you'd be going, 'Well, obviously you'd play that card in a nightclub.'"
"Wow, this card is actually ridiculous."
"I've got two. I've got two threes. You've got four. That's the fours now gone. What was the other one? A five? Yeah, that's it. You should have a five."
"Mom just got a full house. That's pretty unbelievable, everyone."
"Mom just got a full house on the first hand. Everyone, we're trying a vertical."
"Mom's got a full house. I'm doing great now. Life is amazing!"
"Wow. On the turn. How Earth has he found that? Wow. Three of diamonds. Corner pocket. The three outer heard around the poker world."
"He is one card away from becoming a WPT champion at Bay 101."
"That nine of Hearts, that's a nine of Hearts, yes that's the last car."
"We going to give him you hey look y we going to give y the black cards MH these black cards it's for people that's player they know how to play spad yes."
"Kevin makes the call of the night there and now he's one card away from becoming a two-time WPT champion."
"This is your first hand for drawing additional cards. Pull whatever buttons you desire and push those again to get your final hand. No shuffling is needed. So easy to play!"
"Arcbound Ravager took the already fast engine of affinity decks and gave it a win condition that was nearly impossible to play around profitably."
"This card was actually extremely powerful back in its standard format."
"This card is banned for so many reasons outside of being strong. It's annoying, uncompetitive, causes draws, and is a huge headache for tournament play."
"The worst part of all this is that Anime Dead, unlike a lot of the other cards, is really good and sees a ton of play in every format where it's legal."
"Esper Sentinel: a unique and powerful card drawing engine."
"While the card objectively has a very powerful effect, it just didn't have a home that could actually take advantage of it."
"This is probably the only mistake that opes makes in this hand."
"The main difference is that it's far, far easier to make upheaval good than any of those other cards, which may lead to it seeming more play than any other similar card."
"Blood Moon... was the first card that really punished greedy Mana bases in Magic."
"I still think this card is the most stupid overpowered ridiculous card in just magic's history."
"I think City of Brass cards are solid 200 all cards in my opinion and that's... I still think it's kind of cheap for original variants."
"Gate Guardian: the first ever level 11 monster to be released and the most powerful main deck warrior monster in all of existence currently."
"Gate Guardian: the ultimate monster."
"Every rare that you pull in Shining Legends is a Holo Rare, so it makes you feel good."
"Just build a fun, interesting commander deck."
"At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player sacrifices a green or white permanent. That is really, really good."
"Give us a knee eight, I'll take that. There you go, okay, there we go, got a blackjack."
"Every time you play a new set of heroes and villains will come out so no two games of Legendary are ever exactly the same."
"So I gave him a chance and he took his cards and just like that, he turned his cards into the one two three four aces."
"Mystic mine was such a unique card because over the course of its existence it turned from a gimmicky wind condition into the meta defining staple that was played in every deck no matter how truly good it was."
"That is end game. That's fate of the Universe on the line card."
"With only one Shuffle, the only possible outcomes that you can get are those in which there are precisely two Rising sequences in your deck of cards."
"Exodia's effect is unique, the first ever instant win effect in the entire game."
"It's an adrenaline rush, it's a sport, not just a card game."
"Cards in the air, let's have some fun."
"That's the second-best possible hand in this game besides the royal flush."
"This card was revolutionary for its time in terms of playability. In the anime, it was really, really iconic as well. It has everything going for it, and this is why I had to own three of them."
"The most underrated card or underplayed for sure card in the entire format is deep gnome oracle when Baldur's Gate came out last year a fantastic Commander set of course it was a commander set so it was fantastic for the commander."
"The symmetrical effect of Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale completely warps the game around itself."
"What makes Dark Depths so potent is the inevitability of it."
"One pack magic for Jarrett today, that's insane, secret rare has been pulled, so we have officially one secret, one Ultra, three supers with three packs left."
"The most popular card in the entire format is Swords to Plowshares. It's more popular than Cyclonic Rift. It's more popular than Cultivate. That's the most popular card in the entire format. It's a white card."
"As soon as it was printed it immediately started seeing play in Modern Mill decks."
"On Earth fills a role that no other card really does so it will likely continue to see play into the future."
"So we go heads up to a flop in position which comes down Ace seven three two Spades he checks I bet small and he calls turn card is the King of Diamonds."
"Cavalier flame pumps your entire board and digs for threats, making it one of the best top ends to run in fires decks."
"Kenrith the returned King's ability to give all your creatures haste and trample until end of turn is incredibly useful."
"This hand is getting really weird."
"Let's play a big one, I'm scared. Dude, love to play. Might, guys, watch your card, careful what you wish for, right? Last time I asked to play a big one, will you chance for if he wins this hand, the knit game is over?"
"...Death's Shadow has found a home in both Legacy and Modern as an aggressive deck."
"Dreadhorde Arcanist provided a deceptively powerful threat in one of Magic's strongest formats."
"Kite's Ace monster is the perfect Dragon to counter the main gimmick of the Yu-Gi-Oh Zeal series, Ex Summoning. His Ace is Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon."
"It's just a strong, tournament-playable card."
"I thought it was a really smart move, to start the card off this way and for Seth to win."
"It's always nice to see one card in and hit a straight."
"It would be a really nice draw right now... but first I gotta activate the Vanquish Soul card."
"Let's count eleven cards down and see."
"the best card in the set is the mew2v alternate art"
"Easily an S tier card in my book and I would argue that it's the most valuable keeper card."
"Luckily, open from the bottom because that would have been a straight flush for me."
"It doesn't matter what a monster's attack points are as there are no pathetic cards least of all the unstoppable sodium impossible."
"Exodia with its overwhelming strength was one of the first god-like cards in the yu-gi-oh game."
"You could win before the duel even starts by drawing them all in your hand the first turn it's called a zero turn kill."
"Adrian gekko was forced to sacrifice the woman he loved in order to receive this monster's power so of course this card had to be unstoppable."
"Exodia incarnate is seen as the true completed form of exodia the forbidden one."
"With it guys that's the exodia archetype done."
"Oh, what a pull, the ninth card of the pack, an Ultra rare Beast of Towar, let's go!"
"Bazaar of Baghdad does not produce any mana with any of its abilities."
"Treasure Cruise is quite literally Ancestral Recall, one of the first and most powerful spells ever printed."
"Treasure Cruise looks at more cards and lets you select the two most relevant ones for your current situation."
"Anamar, soul of elements, has managed to maintain its level of popularity since the beginning of wizards even recognizing the format."
"Psychic Allergy is another one that I have now added to a couple of decks because, again, very fringe."
"Shared Fate, but in a commander game, this is just absolutely wacky and crazy."
"If they printed a two Mana soul ring that taps for two, everyone plays it. Every single deck gets that card."
"People lose their mind over cards like Library of Alexandria when you can very easily play a Workshop or Tabernacle on turn one as well."
"...Mage was usually played in human tribal decks."
"...this ability can completely shut down certain decks."
"...canonist has been an extremely successful Stacks piece for years."
"Meddling Mage can be really disruptive to your opponent."
"OKO warped Legacy around it pretty significantly, seeing a ton of play and pushing the decks that could make use of it to the forefront of the metagame due to how overwhelming its power was."
"The issue is that this card is just way too good at making it impossible for your opponent to play. One of the most important cards in Legacy is Wasteland, which is a fixed version of strip mine that can only destroy non-basic lands."
"Vampiric Tutor is the cheapest tutor in the game, finding any card you want for just one mana is incredibly strong."
"Tinker is essentially a one-card combo that only asks for you to run a few artifacts in your deck to sacrifice."
"Black Lotus gives you so much mana that you can accelerate combo plays with insane speed off of just a single lotus."
"Black Lotus is one of those cards that only gets more broken as more and more cards get printed."
"If you actively want more cards in your graveyard you can put more cards into your graveyard more quickly and more consistently."
"You can keep changing that deck over and over again to your heart's content."
"Back to the wild, AI generated Magic the Gathering cards."
"I'm playing the Urza, Chief Artificer upgraded pre-con. I really liked it enough that I decided to upgrade it with a bunch of cool stuff."
"Toxic Deluge lets you use life as a resource and get rid of threatening creatures."
"Minsc and Boo can provide repeated removal for threats or serve as a win condition for the deck."
"I think this is actually balanced. I think this is cool. I think this is a really cool card."
"Was it a heart? And how do I have five cards here? What's the seven of hearts? Your card."
"This is the best card from the set by a long shot, beautiful card."
"Blue Angel activates the effect of her trickstar reincarnation In The Grave by banishing it she can special summon a trickstyle monster in her grave"
"Dannik Pious Apprentice is a really great card in the 99 of a lot of decks."
"Dark Side Extortionist is actually a really good ETB creature."
"Two of the best board wipes in the entire format: Blasphemous Act and Austere Command."
"Vandal Blast is the best artifact removal spell in the entire format."
"Generous Gift is one of the best removal spells in the entire format."
"Boros Charm: a Commander staple for a long, long time."
"I think it goes in every Boros deck."
"Absolute staples for you if you're ever playing a Boros deck."
"The big error with these cards is they accidentally printed all of the stuff that's supposed to be on the front of the card onto the back."
"It's basically one Mana for a two-two flyer draw two cards."
"This card looks wild. It costs so little, it's just insane."
"The King of Spades was dope I really liked how it ended."
"Escape from Site 19 have released an amazing new game card: When Day Breaks."
"I get to show off the beautiful Dusk to Dawn, one of the new very strange aftermath cards."
"Oh boy, Anthony Spanell now with aces up, the best hand."
"We're literally pulling all the good blue eyes cards, this is insane."
"We're opening the brand new Yu-Gi-Oh set, Tactical Masters."
"Mystical Tutor is one of the strongest tutors in the game, only being outdone by Black's amazing tutors."
"Six Nympt is my old standard for a reason because it is a good time with friends."
"The strongest card in all of Duel Monsters."
"I really like the Roses card; she's so cute."
"We're gonna see if we can pull some monsters live, it'll be fun."
"Queen of Hearts. Yeah, Queen of Hearts. Yeah, oh my gosh, we did it! We did it!"
"Raidraptor has an incredibly high ceiling, a very good turn one combo, and can break boards going second very easily."
"We have our double pocket card; isn't that beautiful?"
"Emergency Teleport would be huge, it's a game changer."
"That's insane, we got a Vampire Lord that appears to be a reprint, but still an amazing card."
"This is insane, we have pulled so many foils."
"Elder Sci, a brilliant card game with in-depth mechanics, nine out of ten."
"The Ace of Spades is going to try and perform its magic, being the coolest card in a deck."
"You could have had any card, but you cut to this one."
"The best card in this set is Triple Tactics Thrust, an Ultimate Rare."
"This card really pops, look at that Ultimate Rare."
"This is a card game that was produced in Asia, specifically China, and already looking at the box, it is beautiful."
"Sakiko, Mother of Summer, and Seshiro the Anointed... Seshiro is going to give all your snakes plus two plus two."
"Oh my gosh, I love, love, love this card."
"This is such a sick card, it is looking really good."
"I love it when one pack magic happens, really awesome."
"With nothing left to do, someone suggested playing a card game and the rest agreed to it."
"They all sat down to the game and in no time were engrossed in it."
"Play the magic card Pot of Greed; it allows me to draw two cards from my deck."
"Notice how the lie detector revealed one card, what was your card? The Three of Diamonds, and bam, the lie detector has provided us with the selection."
"This could be the rarest card in the game."
"We have an absolute legend card here, some of the best players, the stalwarts of our game."
"What a sick card, just actually a dope card, I'm gassed, that's awesome."
"This card is incredible; it's great."
"It cannot be destroyed by card effects, which gives it really good protection right off the bat."