
Distrust Quotes

There are 730 quotes

"We've given up trusting the banks, we've given up trusting who was supposed to be the fiduciaries, and we can take control back ourselves."
"I don't trust most bankers, I don't trust most lawyers, I don't trust most accounting firms, I actually think they are engaged in a conspiracy against the public interest."
"Dude at this point, I don't believe any single word that ever comes out of a streamer's mouth ever again."
"Give us the news that's good enough for me. That's why I follow a lot of independent YouTubers now and independent journalists because I can't trust a lot of what's on the corporate media anymore."
"They are choosing to distrust in a way that causes them to disconnect with even just the most basic fundamental reality around them."
"Cynicism is an inclination towards pessimism, a lack of faith or hope in people, characterized by a general distrust of other people's motives."
"The US government can't be trusted to look out for the people's best interests."
"Don't trust big tech companies, 'cause I don't, along with every other human on the planet."
"Question everything. Think everything's a lie."
"We can't follow the media, it seems a lot is being hidden."
"If a government is looking for a reason to screw you over, they will always find a reason to screw you over."
"Trust is dying... people are losing trust in their Authority, losing trust in the media, losing trust in Natural Markets."
"Communists cannot be trusted because they have a particular set of interests."
"Never let your enemies know where you are. No one likes your fake secrets!"
"Our trust in government, the press, universities, or scientific journals is at an all-time low... it probably should be at an all-time low."
"I don't know these people... like don't trust these hos, you know you end up in a lot of [__] moments."
"We've developed this profound distrust of experts."
"I have never sent a nude. Oh, for my own protection, because I don't trust men."
"The biggest constituency of all is those of us that don't trust the establishment at all."
"Stay as far away from him as you possibly can. Don't trust him."
"Hillary has a Nixonian sense of enemies list."
"With every misdirection, every lie, and every sewn seed of doubt, we are pushed farther and farther away from fact."
"You shouldn't trust any narrative they push. They're out-of-the-closet propagandists on behalf of the Democratic Party, just trying to push Joe Biden to a second term on a gurney. It's unreal, and they'll do it any way they can."
"The moral of the story is don't trust clowns yeah clowns are dumb all right love you guys bye"
"Everyone is lying to you. The government has secrets they don't want you to know."
"Ellie knows what Joel did or suspects that he's not telling her the truth."
"The last people I would trust with my health is Big Pharma and big government."
"Force it to happen. Do not trust any political party to automatically work in your interest." - AOC
"Hatred and suspicion is a disease that only goes into remission and never truly dies."
"Every and any promise they made was meaningless."
"You've got somebody that doesn't involve... She's a very loyal. She doesn't value honesty, she doesn't value communication, she doesn't value commitment."
"I wouldn't trust this chick as far as you can throw her."
"I think part of what happened in the Trump election was that the level of general distrust in American society rose substantially because of political polarization."
"It's abject evil. You can't even trust them to be dishonest properly."
"There is a lot of frustration and mistrust towards the American Administration." - Avi Malamed
"Trust is for naive people. On the government, we don't trust; we keep them limited and constrained in power."
"I don't think that the Iranian regime would be acting in good faith. I'm looking at like China, like the Nazi Party."
"We can't trust lawmakers in positions of power to not also abuse those positions to massively enrich themselves."
"I am never accepting anything from Pierce again."
"I think we're at a point where most people know the media is lying."
"My dad always told me to stay away from Steve; he didn't trust him."
"On the list of people to never trust, Putin is right between WebMD and the mom from 'Get Out'."
"I think there's a lot of distrust and distaste about that."
"Please don't give it to them because they don't love you they don't care about you they are only after the money."
"You're very beautiful and men are a lot of scheming treacherous wolves."
"We've learned during the covet thing do not trust the American Academy of pediatrics at all I'm sorry but I don't trust them one bit after all the recommendations they made in covid despite the science despite the studies coming out."
"The last place you should be putting your trust is in the federal government."
"In this dark chapter of our history, trust is shattered and doubt seeps into the hearts of the American people."
"This is why I'm a milquetoast fence-sitter. It's why I'm politically homeless. I don't trust any of them."
"People aren't trusting traditional institutions anymore."
"You can't trust a zombie. They're always wrong."
"I don't believe you anymore. I don't respect you anymore."
"When you feel like you're being lied to by your own democracy, by your own leaders, no matter the reason or justification, it makes you feel like you're on your own."
"The problem with that though is that the institutions that we should trust have become so corrupt that when you hear Bob screaming something crazy often it's as truthful as what the institutions are telling you."
"I lost faith in the government in 9/11... I know that they were doing some shady stuff."
"The Chinese Communists are dangerous, odious, and absolutely not to be trusted."
"I don't trust you like I think you're playing games around my back... You use me as a pawn in your game of chess."
"I hope that's good enough. You're pretty. The Atom will take my maybe. Atom can recommend too. We'll find out what to do. You are forgiven, but I will never believe another word that comes out of your mouth. Please don't."
"They never believed in keeping their word, they never believed in treaties."
"Armin ultimately wants peace and he doesn't trust people like Zeke."
"The media is inherently corrupt. It'll continue to lie."
"There were not many signs of trust around that table today."
"Never trust a man that pronounces 'the' like 'zee.'"
"They are liars, they are con artists, and they are, in fact, the enemy of the people."
"Who would ever, ever take him or her up on that offer [of free hugs from a creepy clown]?"
"Sowing distrust in their lies is an act of terrorism against them."
"White people who live in areas with more policing tend to be more distrustful of criminal justice."
"It feels like I'm going insane because you see what is happening and then you go to institutions that you kind of think that you should broadly trust to tell you the truth and you see things are one-sided or ignored or just like kind of skewed."
"They've burned everyone before what is to stop them from doing the exact same damn thing here again."
"Anytime I see establishment media all singing the same tune, they're lying."
"Corporate media does not serve you. It lies to you, leads you down a path of destruction."
"Everything you believe that CNN and MSNBC and most of Fox News has told you is a lie."
"Sorry, I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something."
"Everything gets destroyed. Trust nobody. Hold your ground against authority."
"I'm not a doctor. I'm not gonna sit here and be like, 'I read a blog and they said they don't trust it, so I'm gonna tell you I don't trust it.'"
"It's in that Solitude, in that distrust of everything around you, because when you distrust people at that level, that means you're not trustworthy yourself."
"The media has lied to me. Now you know how I feel."
"Do you trust our government? Absolutely not."
"When money is involved, no one can be trusted."
"We're learning more and more not to trust what everyone is saying... I rebuke all authority unless you can step forward and put right what you've done wrong."
"Be careful when it comes to this lover though with ocean in reverse and the three of air in reverse, somebody is that you're still connected to has already hurt you and it's hard for you to trust this person."
"Men title has become less trusting. It uses psychic bubbles to collect trash and toss it back onto land."
"It's sad when we live in a country where we can't trust our government, our rulers, or even the media."
"The loss of trust in our institutions worried me."
"Ukraine fundamentally doesn't trust Russia under Putin and probably Russia under whoever comes after Putin."
"I cannot trust those people again. They tried to destroy our football club and they're still in charge of it."
"I've never seen anything like what I've witnessed in the past 18 months that has eroded my trust in institutions in politics in science in media."
"Never trust globalism never trust the establishment never trust the Legacy Media never trust anybody Demand on individual sovereignty and Community democracy."
"They don't want you to take money out of the bank."
"A Mitch McConnell promise is as trustworthy as a husband with glitter on his face."
"They wicked as they come, these media outlets, man. I don't even care about TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, NBC, ABC, CNN."
"What are the different divisions and distrust and things like that that are sowed or amplified or whatever it may be? I think that's a big question hanging over all of this." - Eugene Puryear
"Paranoid personality disorder... a pervasive pattern of suspiciousness, distrust of others..."
"These companies need to become public utilities. They need to be heavily regulated. And I absolutely do not trust any process in the long term that Silicon Valley companies are in charge of deciding these things."
"Trust no one and never forget, you wanted this killing game, so you have to win, no matter what."
"Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. They lie about everything."
"We were lied to... our own government lied to us."
"Destroying people's confidence in the system is a prime requisite for revolution."
"Trust in the media and these fact-checking organizations is at an all-time low."
"The police are not your friends, at least in New York City."
"There's sort of always this, you know, some distrust of, of simply having sort of voting plebiscites in this country, it was sort of a somewhat healthy distrust of the mob."
"He's hiding from me because at that point I maybe should be a bit more concerned about whether he's gonna turn out to be a bad guy."
"Don't trust Hannity, don't trust Tucker. If they had any integrity whatsoever, they would have been resigning after Fox News did what they did in the midterms."
"Ruined could care less about trust or goodwill. Those things meant nothing to him. He 100 got something tangible from the trade."
"Your job is not to trust a politician. Your job is to control them. By definition, you don't trust them. You need to control them."
"If you catch someone cheating, anything they say after the fact becomes totally irrelevant."
"He's suddenly changing his story, they don't even know if they should trust this version of events."
"We felt that Montgomery did not trust the information Bletchley Park was providing him with."
"Betty will never feed me the county with fake ass [ __ ]."
"Themes of political distrust, different political systems, and rebellion are the core themes."
"This is all so sick. Let me tell you something, the police are clearly lying."
"I knew that people willing to make false accusations were not people you wanted to mess with."
"If only people just didn't trust the government."
"Banks and governments not to be trusted at all based on what happened."
"Forever sus. Always a madness if only his fellows would just instill trust. #ForeverIanInOurHearts"
"There's talk about Tarkin and not trusting him."
"Many of the people around you do not have your best interests at heart. Some people are planted in your life by the devil or are being manipulated by the devil to bring you down."
"There's such an overt effort to indoctrinate it feels like, and I don't trust it."
"I liked most about it. It appealed to a lot of leftists because of a long-standing distrust of the U.S. security state which we were exposing."
"Remember everybody a big lesson 2022 trust nobody."
"Why have we eroded faith in our government and our systems and in our institutions because they never represent us."
"The establishment has collapsed... replaced by the greatest collection of liars, frauds, and clowns."
"I think people start off first of all from a point of real distrust as far as judges go."
"Nowadays our news isn't... given in little sound bites... we most of us now don't really trust much the mainstream news."
"Biden is not what he seems to be and there are some facts that we need to confront."
"You cannot trust these intelligence agencies whether it's in the UK the U.S Germany you know they they've really uh proven multiple times that they not only infiltrate the groups um they even end up leading them."
"It's like trusting a peeping tom to install your curtains... you need to learn some ways and skills to protect your privacy."
"They've just given us time and time again reason not to trust what they say."
"Don't trust the board. They'll try to win you over with promises of wealth and power. But it's a lie."
"When people say, 'Why do you buy gold?' This is very simply because I don't trust my government. And if you trust your government, take the dollar."
"But it's very sad that we have to even live in a world or with a mindset that every little thing that occurs to us is somebody trying to take advantage or cause harm to us."
"Audiences don't trust a word or an image coming from any company."
"Is it any wonder that people do not trust our established elites?" - Michael Knowles
"Trust no one, trust no [__], I knew that starting from the gecko."
"The entire beast system operates off of that, so they wouldn't hesitate to lie."
"People know that what they're saying is unreliable, is untrustworthy, that those are propagandists and liars."
"Young people turn to crypto because they don't trust traditional institutions. They prefer to rely on their own research."
"The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted."
"Pop star honestly could be lying to me about just setting me up and then I come over here and get shot in the head."
"Evil exists and I don't really trust the government."
"An honest crook is still gonna screw you." - A cautionary statement about trusting seemingly genuine but deceitful individuals.
"Why would you keep your money in the bank? It's a crime syndicate."
"Can't trust anyone these days, oh yes, focus on my eyes, my eyes beautiful, my eyes."
"Don't trust the devil you already know is the devil." - Dave Rubin
"In the absence of government transparency, conspiracy theories thrive and Americans become even more distrustful of their government."
"I feel like you should never call police. I don't trust police on all levels."
"The majority of them are liars, good liars, great liars."
"And it was so creepy, like I actually wouldn't even trust this place."
"Don't abandon yourself and never trust someone else's intention more than your own."
"I don't trust the government or private companies not to snoop on me or snoop on my family when we're online."
"I do not trust a single word out of these people's mouths."
"If you want to know the truth, don't trust anyone. The ones you think you can trust have already been taken over."
"Corporations do not care... They'll try to shove your body right under a bus if they can."
"Only a fool would trust Littlefinger." - Sansa
"They do not care about us, do not take this vaccination."
"I see through everybody... they're a bunch of fake assholes."
"It's people grasping and struggling for a sense of minimal empowerment, a sense of political agency, and nothing that they reach for seems to have trust or solidity about it."
"Assume everyone will betray you and you will never be disappointed."
"Rampant distrust and fears about abusive power are fueling calls to push back, to limit authority and constrain personnel counts."
"The world has no hope, and they're trying to tell you to trust us."
"I mean, everything he's ever said is a lie, so I'm going to go with yeah."
"I've been lied to, man... What else are they lying to us about?"
"Deny and lie and make people feel like they can't trust government when in real reality we can't trust you."
"Automatically got a guard up when it comes to you."
"People are never going to believe them, they're the boy that cried wolf permanently."
"Distrust becomes a legitimate survival skill."
"That's not how it is. This is what it's like because they're looking out for their own, you know, bunch of snakes."
"I don't trust this squad and I don't trust this club."
"You can love a liar, but you are not to trust a liar."
"You can't believe a word that this broad says."
"Like imagine giving someone a basket of cookies but like three of the cookies are made of [__]. You're just not going to take the basket of cookies."
"We cannot trust publishers, we just can't, people who are organizing online events, people are organizing locals, people just gathering to play and doing their own thing, their own content, everything else on their own."
"Maybe the establishment elite is trying to prevent the chaos, but I'm sorry, I just don't believe that. They might argue they're the good guys fighting against global catastrophe and evil Trumpism in the far right, sorry not buying it."
"Wow, surprise surprise she's from two of the most corrupt places in the country and she's a corrupt politician."
"That's why confidence for all DNC-aligned politicians from here on out, no matter what they [ __ ] promise me, no matter what sweet nothings they whisper in my ear."
"I don't think they want what's best for us, they don't want us to develop."
"I'm trying to learn, I'm trying to grow, I'm trying to know more. It just sucks that most media sources like cannot be trusted."
"These things are not making me feel very comfortable, I'm not gonna trust alien technology."
"Don't trust the news ever. Don't ever trust the news."
"I think the fence and camera are still going to stay up for a while because neighbor basically broke any trust i have with everybody in the neighborhood."
"This family is very protective... they're very aware of parasitic people."
"Everyone knows the government agencies are corrupt, it's common sense."
"The people running the world have shown you they don't care about you."
"You'd not trust this man to make you a cup of tea let alone have your best interest at heart."
"Trust nothing, trust no one from here on out."
"America, they will steal your money left and right."
"There is definitely an uncertainty about what these people are really like, what contacts they may have, and sadly, after what has happened to me, I don't trust anyone anymore."
"I don't trust perfect people, bro. If you're too perfect, you've never made a mistake."
"It just feels like a scam. It just feels like one."
"People don't like to feel they are being played or duped."
"If you believe your neighbor wants people to die, you won't want to live there."
"This character is so morally gray that like even when he does something that's good you still don't trust him."
"This duel shifted the narrative in a way that made Harry distrust the friends."
"Everybody's a threat, especially when you're Batman. You don't know who to trust."
"Can you blame people for feeling that they're being lied to, being manipulated, that things are being hidden from them, that there's a conspiracy behind the scenes?"
"When it comes to governments and corporations, I have zero trust in any of them."
"Trust no one. Trust nobody and do your own research."
"the masses are being traumatized by the stuff the stuff that they trusted in government country these things are being shattered"
"If Matt Gates told me two plus two was four, I checked the source material just to confirm it."
"In a world of widening inequality, there's a growing suspicion or even disdain for elites and institutions."