
Customer Base Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Our revenue's and our customer base is growing more than ever, it's kind of crazy."
"We'll find a way to profitability at some point, but for now, we got a big customer base leading us dry."
"Vodacom Group provides mobile communications services to millions of customers."
"To break even, you need about 3.7 million customers for the rest of the world."
"No matter how specific, fringe, or weird you think your product is, you will find customers."
"Why would they insult half of their customer base? They lack competition."
"Would Harley Davidson alienate a portion of their loyal riders?"
"Access a large customer base of over 1 billion visitors on Facebook Marketplace."
"Right now our most of our order books have people who have either owned or have owned a Cirrus aircraft."
"How do you really achieve a network effect? You do it by saying hey would you like access to the 100 million customers on my platform?"
"Most of the people in your email list are already interested in your product."
"He wanted to open a pharmacy that would cater both rich and poor, Noble and commoner."
"Most of my sales are coming from Facebook ads and repeat customers."
"Increasing your price point filters your customer base to those who truly see the value in your work."
"We're trying to lose 20 to 30 customers. That's like literally our goal."
"We'd rather have a large customer base and low margins than a small customer base and higher margins."
"There's 8 billion potential customers of Starlink."
"All else being equal, I'd rather have three times fewer customers paying three times as much."
"The perfect niche would be one where there is lots and lots of customers and very little competition."
"In 2024 McDonald's will continue to draw in people from all walks of life with its excellent drive-through system."
"You want to be selling your product to as many different customer types as possible."
"Change your label, and you get 700 million customers for your product."
"Successful airlines would be those that served both the briefcase and the backpack, business and everyone in between."
"You actually have your list of buyers at your fingertips."
"You cannot make money selling to people that aren't real. Only real people buy things."
"You can't just on year One have your customer base in order. It takes years and years to attract and keep a customer base."
"And another perk with having a larger customer base because of individual cuts is we have a larger pool to draw from."
"They have over 15,000 customers with that 90% retention rate, and around 70% of the Fortune 100 is currently using Moody's Analytics."
"Our customer base was just as bad. Just look at all those soulless fish chewing their lives away in this dump."
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O appeals to a large customer base and covers the mid-market as well as larger organizations."
"We have a 50 thousand active customers in years using the product daily."
"My customers are people that love what I do."
"70% of the publishers could disappear tomorrow and 90% of the customers wouldn't even notice."
"It's a young man's game. Harley-Davidson is 45 and up. That's their clientele. This is the first time ever, like, you get a 25-year-old customer hooked on this [ __ ], you've got a customer for 45 years."
"...how long can they run their business for to grow and retain a loyal customer base..."
"Trusted by over 8 million people worldwide."
"With over 5,000 customers having placed deposits and many future customers including larger companies..."
"You're going to grow just so much faster if you're selling to more premium higher discretionary income type of customers."
"The next lesson I want to talk about is obsessing about your non-users."
"If you're just trying to get to a hundred thousand dollars in annual revenue... you probably need 20, 30, or 40 customers."
"If we want to expand its customer base, then we can potentially have more chain stores in other locations."
"If a tool has a large following and a lot of customers, it helps promote the tool in the future."
"...we tend to attract curious-minded individuals to the brand."
"The customers are there on Amazon already."
"The majority of at least 50 to 60 percent of our customers are minority-owned companies."
"We have over 20 million active customers."
"We have a customer base that loves the sport; they're diehards, they're crazy."
"Building value into your brand and building your first customer base to figure out what your brand's formula is."
"They already have recognized brands, customers, sales, and profits."
"Microsoft D365 appeals to such a large customer base."
"Ebay's biggest advantage is that they have millions and millions of customers, which means that you don't need to promote your products."
"The vast majority of our customers have never owned an EV before."
"Go figure out what problems you can work on that have a huge amount of potential customers."
"We cover over 190 different countries in terms of our customer base."
"Gold subscribers were up 25% to 1.4 million."
"Through market segmentation, we can identify a specific group, a specific customer base that all have shared characteristics."
"The best look-alike audience to create is always one based off of previous customers."
"The product has got better, making it more appealing to a wider range of customers."
"We have 5,000 credit card customers, so this is a pretty good data set."
"That means that they only need a relatively low number of customers to actually break-even."
"Tesla has a customer base and a brand loyalty far greater than I thought it did."
"This technology is used across many industries; we have customers in high-tech industry, 5G, and all the way to aerospace, defense, and automotive."
"The single biggest lever that they have for maximizing revenue potential is to actually have more users or have more customers."