
Job Quotes

There are 1107 quotes

"Through all of this, Job did not sin nor did he blame God."
"I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't in trouble always."
"I had no idea how hard your job was until I tried to do it myself."
"If you succeed in the job interview, you can get a great job, make more money, and have a happier life."
"If you want to get out of that system, you got to make more money. How do you do that? Find a second job or find a second income from somewhere else."
"I learned that every job is an education. That's what you steal from your job, not boxes, but the education."
"Job is the most lived scripture...you have walked in every verse of this book."
"You're just following orders, just doing your job."
"He's doing an amazing job, is what we're saying here."
"In February 2021, Italian plumber Luciano Faggiano was called out to what he expected to be a standard job in Puglia, Italy. He'd been told there was a broken toilet in a restaurant and he was the right man to fix it."
"Hats off to anyone that does that for a profession."
"My job is to help bring this stuff to you guys so you can witness history."
"Every time I read the Bible I see God telling Job, 'Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning.'"
"Our job was to reduce public concern and show that UFO reports could be explained... conventional reasoning."
"Dogs... want to have a job... you need to give them a purpose."
"It's just people cherry-picking goofy photos of mine and then making them out to be weird when it's just me posting random photos because that's literally part of our job."
"You are paid extremely well to do an extremely tough job, go and do it."
"I believe the best person should get the job."
"What's the most secure job in the Premier League right now? I think it's Arteta."
"You had one job, one job all you had to do."
"I'd obtained a good net admin job running a then state-of-the-art novel network."
"Half of your job is done with really good casting."
"It's one of the most important jobs that humans can do."
"Being a mother is the most difficult job on the planet? Oh yeah."
"This is the most gratifying job I've ever had and I think the most pleasurable hobby anyone could ever have."
"I've worked as a mall Santa for the past few Christmases now."
"It can be one of the most rewarding parts of the job."
"This is what heck of a challenging job that I have; it's not a walk in the park, it's not easy at all."
"Spatial joins, how spatial features touch each other and interact, measuring distances, nearest neighbors... this happens to be one of the things I do most of my job."
"The basic premise of the show is a group of colorful characters whose job is to make people smile."
"I'm very fortunate to say I'm in one of those jobs where it just seems like all these things come together, all of your backgrounds, all of your experience."
"Make sure that the target of the cert that you're trying to take directly involves the job that you're trying to do."
"It was the best job in the world."
"I want this job. In fact, I already have some ideas."
"I can go on tour with my friends, yell at strangers, and that's my job."
"Best part of my job: when you come with your daddy and your mommy, and you're all excited and... We can put a smile on a little boy's face. That's the greatest reward a guy can ever have in his life."
"I finally got the call at IKEA from DreamWorks for that full-time position."
"...they make the job very quick and efficient."
"Imagine having a job where you can totally ridicule your boss on national TV, and he loves it and pays you to do it."
"I quit my job, you said that's it. I count $250 in five minutes and I'm working this, I get $250 a week dealing with old people."
"She did a wonderful job of giving very practical information mixed with the goal setting element."
"You are making an impact; you are doing a good job."
"In 2023, if you need a job, you turn to LinkedIn; if you're a B2B marketer, you need to be on LinkedIn; if you're a B2B sales guy, you need to be on LinkedIn too because that's really where your decision makers are."
"I was only making like 3,500 a month at my nine to five."
"The job was simple enough keep the place clean stock the shelves ring up purchases."
"I realized that no job was worth risking my life for."
"When I get a job, everything just falls into place and suddenly I feel like I can breathe."
"I'm a 20-year-old college student who works part-time on weekends as a night shift security officer on campus."
"Let's finish this job and return to Mary soon."
"If you love real estate and you don't like your job, you don't have to quit your job to invest full-time in real estate."
"I quit my job at 7-Eleven immediately after that. The event scarred me."
"Job security," he said to himself ruefully.
"The cashier was doing her job and doing it well."
"I want a job where you don't have to be qualified or know anything at all, and you get paid for sitting around being useless and never have to lift a finger."
"Anything that provides income on a monthly basis qualifies as a real job."
"Definitely, there is something changing regarding your job. I feel this is very clear here for you."
"Job is such a servant of God that when the devil approaches him... God brings up Job as a perfect man."
"Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die."
"This job was just such a Saving Grace during that period of my life."
"Best job in the world, am I right?"
"I respect you and what you're doing in your job."
"My job includes making sure the defendant's rights are protected."
"For the majority of people, their job is their only source of income, and they will struggle without it. She's a scam artist. Good for you for letting the company know."
"This job benefits all of humanity, fitting perfectly into her accumulation of merits."
"The difference: the job, the career, the calling."
"...there's no way that we would have been able to do all the things we've done had you not had your job."
"I had then only to begin my new job, to set sail in the subterranean holds and take stock of every soul in the place employees."
"I'd been offered several other jobs with salary increases throughout the years but could never bring myself to leave."
"If all my tickets were this easy, I'd have the best job in the world."
"Cowboying is a job. It ain't easy. It ain't fun. But it's worth it."
"Do you remember your first job? We got a new uh, a new employee today, so uh, bear with us."
"I'm more in the shadows. If you see me doing my job, then I'm not doing my job right."
"I'm pretty much a licensed stalker. It's a great job."
"I'm in no way shape or form saying that YouTube is a difficult job."
"Every 15-minute job is one broken bolt away from being a 3-day ordeal. Totally."
"I'm just a professional doing a job so I'm sorry."
"Sleeping was also part of the job."
"What a treat, like what a gorgeous job to have as my first job after 75 hard."
"You must have a job, because if you had a job in education guess what, you wouldn't have to be on Tinder trying to sell some of them cheeks."
"This way, the interviewer can get to know that you have interest in working in their company, which might help you get the job."
"This story does add more credence to what I've said in other videos though, that in most cases, people don't leave a job, they leave a manager."
"Brian Nichols secured a steady job at a multinational technology company and he had got himself a girl friend she was a very successful woman."
"The jet program specifically hires people who live outside of Japan and will sponsor their visa."
"Gareth Southgate... I think he's done a wonderful job. He's earned the right to have this crack."
"I would recommend that you stay at your job, especially if you hate it, until you surpass the income you're making at your job with the business that you have on the side."
"The fact that I have a job that I'm able to share that love and talk about it is really great."
"My boss is literally going to sack me if we don't get to 100K subscribers."
"I feel incredibly blessed if this is a job for me. I get to get up every single day and make videos and have people be real nice to me like that's awesome right?"
"Job stood in the midst of it all, with everything that was dear to him falling apart, and the Bible says he blessed God. And so can we."
"It's a hustle, it's a bustle, it's a fast-paced job, there's a lot going on, you're dealing with a lot of people on a nightly basis, but it's fun, and it's what you make it."
"What good is a four-year college education if you can't get a job?"
"You did a fantastic job. I'm proud of you."
"Love this job, it's a fantastic airplane to fly."
"I got a job and I'm quitting Tik Tok. That's it."
"If you don't have fun at your job, that means you don't like your job. Find another job. I love my job, and I will make a whole lot of fun with it, no matter what."
"It's a job that I absolutely love."
"That's the only job she has, is the money just gets caught up in her coat and that's the money she makes."
"You're going to be doing a job that lifts you up instead of pulls you down."
"For smart intellectually curious people, I can't think of a better job."
"this was like our best neighborhood we've ever made you did a way good job on the castle though seriously"
"I don't want to have a job, I don't want to conform, I want to be creative. That's what I'm doing."
"Absolutely. I once had a supervisor who loved to remind me that I couldn't afford to lose my job because I just bought a car."
"You shouldn't be hired for something like that you should be hired for how good you are at the job."
"I actually really want to work here."
"It's a good job. You win some, you lose some. That's it."
"Everybody did a great job. The CGI looked really good."
"What is it that nobody else wants to do? And if whatever nobody else wants to do, that's what I made my job."
"For a summer, I worked at a funeral directors that offered themed funerals."
"I think people need to have a laugh, and I do think it's a proper job."
"This guy's voice is definitely one of the brothers from Step Brothers. It becomes kind of hard to love your job when no one seems to like you for doing it. True."
"Limitations are actually part of the fun of the job for me."
"If any job, no matter how much money it paid, makes you a miserable human being... you weren't going to work there."
"You're gonna stand out, you're gonna be memorable, you're gonna have a better chance of getting that job."
"The recovery time when you decide to quit your job... is the key component to actually make leaving your nine to five job overall worth it for you mentally and physically."
"...overall just being able to move somewhere cheaper that has a lower cost of living is probably my number one tip when you're debating leaving your job."
"What you good at? Oh, I should come home when you fatal, I get, oh, I got a new job."
"...it was either keep my job or keep the channel and Patreon allowed me to keep the channel so, I greatly appreciate it."
"Everybody should own something that is theirs other than a job, you don't own that job that's not your job."
"Social media is indeed my full-time job."
"I was waiting to land another job to quit."
"Find a sugar daddy so you can quit your job."
"Butt pickers needed to pull barbecue meat, part time, room for advancement."
"I think he did a really good job too."
"I love my job and I'd like to keep working here."
"If fashion wasn't my job if I didn't work with these Brands I would not have this amount of shoes I'd still have more than the average person most likely but I wouldn't have this many."
"I hope I slept with you to get the job because if not who the hell was that guy"
"He said that if he gets fired, he will lose his retirement package and his medical benefits."
"Finally, after almost 6 months of being unemployed, I was offered a job making my former salary plus my wife's salary."
"... they let out a cheer because this is the job they were waiting for they wanted to get it done and go home."
"You are god sent to do a job of work."
"Most importantly I would make sure it's related to the job that you're applying to and try to pull in something unique about the company that differentiates you from other people."
"it's one of the best jobs in the world"
"If you can't sell, you're always afraid of losing your job."
"Adding to his troubles, an ongoing world war jeopardizes his job."
"Clam digger is like a non-skilled job. I know he's he said that [ __ ] just quot on Danielson."
"I hope you learned something new. That's my job: share as much information as possible."
"When you feel 80,000 lb move you realize this is a serious job."
"I work at the Apple Store and judge you by which color iPod you pick."
"Formal education gets you a job. Self-education gets you rich."
"Those people that are still living that way are entirely still chained to their job and they're not able to do the smarter things to take that money put it into other things to scale that and have that true Freedom sooner rather than later."
"I never knew this stuff existed until I quit my job."
"Good job on working on your issues and communicating properly."
"When they're going to hire you, they really care about that. I've seen people's job applications get rejected by managers because their English communication skills weren't that good when they did an interview."
"She promised that she would find a job tomorrow."
"Expect big possibilities of a new job."
"Communism is you don't get to pick your job and everyone takes credit for everything."
"I had more fun doing these little side jobs than I did doing my actual day job."
"I lost a job I loved and the reputation I had built in this company which stung like a Samuel L. Jackson expression."
"Bridget ends up working as a janitor at the Federal Reserve Bank."
"There is something about cowboying that gets under your skin in a way that an office job never will."
"True vision makes your job uncomfortable."
"People more often than not do not quit because of their job, they quit because of their boss."
"You pick up jobs that you kind of enjoy and you grow from along the way."
"It's fun but it's also like fun when it's over, cuz I'm really enjoying my job but I'm also I love it to be back home."
"If you are doing a job that you hate, stop doing the job."
"I eventually found another job with better pay and better benefits."
"What a great idea! An actual office. That would mean you'd had a real job."
"As I'm selling pesticides, my stuff is poison."
"She looks like a young professional, somebody that's in their 20s right, they have their first big job."
"It was a fun job working as a cargador."
"If you've got a regular job and you're creative you're going to have an awfully difficult time."
"I was also juggling a part-time job and many many many extracurriculars."
"This job is challenging, it's going to stretch you, it requires guts, it requires grit, but it is also one of the most gratifying jobs that you could possibly have."
"The best questions are the ones that will help you make a decision about whether you want to work there or not."
"If you are not happy at your job, leave. And for me, I will never ever take a job again that I don't like, don't want."
"I think if your job is that demanding and bad as you say with an abysmal divorce rates it just brings a really negative connotation to my mind about what the job involves and if you need a drink after that, I don't blame you."
"Next to Genesis and the creation story, Job is considered to be the oldest book in the Bible."
"You can't sell your job. Just like my one-line case for why you should start a business instead of have a job."
"I've started a new job six months ago if you can believe it. I've been on my new full-time job now for six months a little over it's like 6 and 1/2 months I can't believe it and the time has just gone by so fast."
"It's almost like when you get a new job."
"But fun doesn't usually enter the equation when you're talking about a retirement job."
"What if now that you're retired, you can find a job that doesn't feel like a job? One where you set the pace and one that you actually enjoy what you do?"
"Finding a job you love is lucky if we do find one."
"I want a job that inspires me and inspires others."
"Transcription jobs can pay as much as $30 per hour or more."
"There's not a [ __ ] thing wrong with having a nine to five job."
"When I had my established job working Child Protective Services, I was able to actually travel a little bit."
"I wasn't willing to give it up, I couldn't stick with a job that couldn't stick with me."
"This is the level of confidence I have within my job and my field."
"I'm very sad to give up the best job in the world, but them's the breaks."
"Smart man, you have your passion and you've got your real job that funds your passion."
"When people ask me what I do I tend to tell them that I herd cats."
"A solid job. A little cleaning up to do, but you'll be on the board for sure."
"You are not your job, you are not the things you own."
"It's surreal that this is my job and that I get to connect with so many of you and help so many of you out but I really just wanted to say thank you."
"If you're looking for a job or a better job, I want to give you certifications that hiring managers already know and trust."
"Trapping ain't for everybody and that's okay. You don't have to watch it but just understand that we have a job to do."
"...there is the best country in the world and has the hottest woman on earth."
"It was more about a lifestyle for us, then a job. We wanted to live this way."
"But that's the way it goes, I mean, I will go on seven out of ten house calls and get nothing, and that's just the job."
"If I was ever put in that situation again where I had to not compromise my job, I was going to pick my family."
"If this is genuinely a job, why has nobody told me about it?"
"You know, at the end of the day, you know, it's a job and it's martial arts. And that's, obviously, it's not something I want to do."
"You're not in the right field if you feel the need to quote 'I am become death, the destroyer of worlds' unironically about what you're doing. Maybe you need a new job."
"Finding a job I didn't have to commute for was amazing."
"Don't go get a job as a bartender because you think it makes more money. It might make more money today, but there's a longer-term view of this."
"Editing jobs. This is a really good way to get paid to read books because it's actually going to strengthen your craft as well, so it's kind of like free on-the-job training."
"Proofread. It's one of the best ways to make money reading books because the problem with a lot of the jobs that I've mentioned is you're seeing the book in the very early stages."
"Design book covers. You'll get to read books, you'll have to think about what the main image is, you'll have to talk to the author about what their vision is, and ultimately design a book cover and get paid for reading that book."
"Developing your presentation skills can also benefit when you're looking for a job because employers value these skills."