
Imposition Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The irony is that we, who have lost our faith, have the power to impose ourselves upon people who have not lost it."
"What lies behind this is a wider worldwide trend of authoritarian states trying to impose their way of thinking on others."
"We want to get an agreement on these changes and develop them rather than have them imposed on top of us and on top of the public."
"Change cannot be superimposed from a dominant force...change has to come organically from within."
"Being protected is feminine and being protective is manly. I think it's okay that you think that way, but you shouldn't impose that on other people."
"A lot of this is just yapping about their own beliefs and imposing their own beliefs."
"Borders are imposed on us, we don't have a choice about them."
"It is not whether we will impose morality but rather which morality we will impose."
"People are sick of being dictated to and having their lives imposed upon."
"Even something completely free can be despised when forced on the general public."
"To impose ourselves on others, and to deny individuality, also causes us to lose a part of ourselves."
"The corporate leaders impose the culture, and it's just really unhealthy and really unfair."
"It's just a world view that is broken self-contradictory does not work and but they're trying to impose that style of thinking on the rest of us on the world."
"Who am I to impose my ethics on you if you were doing this with a clear conscience?"
"Forced into being, as it stands she has no real notion of who she would be if she could choose her own path."
"North Carolina is imposing its will on Florida State."
"If I try and impose my way of life on you, you're not going to like it. That's not freedom."
"Peace will never come unless we shove it down their throats."
"I feel like dudes try to impose what they value onto their girls and girls do the same thing to dudes."
"It's like shoving milk down somebody's throat who's lactose intolerant so they have an allergic reaction."
"The choice to transcend, to evolve, it should be made freely by each species, not imposed by some external force."
"Total strangers try to force us to babysit on a camping trip."
"Harmony imposed by an outside force isn't true Harmony at all."
"I'm going to force the politics down your throat whether you want it or not."
"Order must be imposed because it will never be chosen."
"A moralist is somebody who wants to impose their anxieties and limitations on other people."
"It's not whether there's going to be imposed morality, it's which morality will be imposed."
"I think everyone should be dubious of anyone who feels that they are in a position to say what is necessary and impose it by force."
"You can't run a global Empire based on the imposition of Boutique sexual Politics on countries that don't want them."
"We know what this world needs to look like to flourish, and we will impose that."
"You should never be in a situation where newer technology is being forced upon you."
"I just don't think you can impose things that because you could say that it is bad for you"
"How the hell could you be so confident to tell me that I have to consent to something that I'm not gonna know that I'm gonna do?"
"You have to find ways to make reality negligible or evil so that you can impose a fake solution."
"You don't pay taxes. They take them from you."
"Torture is a gradual thing in these stories and I wasn't very fond of the fact that it was being forced upon me."
"A change imposed is a change opposed."
"The more you impose a plan on people, the more resistance you're gonna have to overcome."
"What do you think here makes your suggestions less of an imposition, less of a method of control and more into a dialogue and invitation for dialogue."
"We have something to share with the world, but we have nothing to impose upon the world."
"It's his worldview that he wishes to impose upon the people, his own idea of salvation and purity, and it has nothing to do with anybody but himself."
"I feel like everyone should have the right to believe what they want; however, I do not think those beliefs should be imposed on everyone."
"What most people don't realize is that most masculine women are masculine by mandate, not by choice."
"Someone is going to impose their morality on someone, that is not optional, that's always going to be the case."
"This is the spur of all these parents who let me become the babysitter to their kids without my consent."
"...the universal is understood to be white, male, western and being imposed on other people."
"Forcing your own values on others because you believe it better is cultural imposition."
"We have the right to believe in whatever we want to believe but we do not have the right to impose that belief as uniquely true to all others."
"We have a particular structure, and that structure imposes itself on and enables our experience."
"You're saying I ought not impose 'ought nots' but you're imposing an 'ought not' on me right now."
"Common law was never voluntarily adopted by people; instead, it was imposed upon them."
"Poverty is not created by the poor people; it is artificially imposed on them."
"Censorship is when somebody else forces you to do something that you don't want to do."
"Forcing your thoughts on others is mere self-satisfaction."