
Ethical Values Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"You're going into a place now where God's about to raise you up, but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain."
"There is a dignity, it's your dignity at stake here."
"It's important to show people that integrity pays off, being solid pays off."
"Human solidarity will get you quite a long way ethically."
"Compassion provides us a powerful anchor of our personal ethics."
"It's about saving lives, not about destroying them."
"Oppressive systems like carnism run counter to core human values, particularly the values of compassion and justice."
"Treating human life like it has meaning rather than treating it like garbage to be tossed in the trash is extreme."
"I believe in accountability and responsibility."
"AOC is that these people are on the side of chaos and destruction. That's why I'm like, 'AOC is evil.'"
"But if you don't have this last one, none of these matter. That's integrity."
"It's better to have the truth on your side than to have power on yourself."
"Ram embodies three important values: the value of ethics, the value of sacrifice, and the value of valor."
"I oppose racial hatred because that's an offense against human dignity."
"The future belongs to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it."
"It's important for morality to win in the end."
"Integrity and honesty is a very important thing."
"It's not just about winning, it's about making the difference."
"Judge a man... by the content of his character."
"I believe in preserving the truth, fair play, and decency."
"Transparency, accountability, and public trust shall be at the center of everything we do."
"Principles over profit. That's what we need."
"The highest ethical Spirit allies itself with the cause of Freedom against tyranny."
"God's law demands that you protect and preserve human life."
"I care much more about what you do than what you think."
"You just don't get trust, you gotta earn it."
"Deep down we all know that human life is more valuable than the 188 billion dollars worth of profits or getting a parcel quickly."
"A human life is more valuable than property."
"There is morality, there are values that are not malleable."
"We tend to automatically assume they share our values and our ideas of right and wrong, and that is because we like to think that we are good."
"If you have integrity, nothing else matters, and if you don't have integrity, nothing else matters."
"Transparency, openness, honesty is integrity."
"You want to be essentially a force for good here, you want to be an incredible force for good, and people can feel it when someone in energy is beautiful, when an energy is value offering, when an energy is win-win."
"The aspiration to reduce suffering is preferable."
"Character counts, integrity counts, always has, always will."
"Life has inherent value regardless of the circumstances of conception, regardless of the location of a particular life, regardless of the gestational age of a particular child."
"Love always protects, love rejoices in the truth, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing."
"It's not about wealth, it's about righting the wrongs and honoring my father's memory."
"We have objective moral values: don't murder, don't steal, don't commit adultery, respect your parents, don't oppress, speak the truth."
"Preserving life sounds like a really good thing, right?"
"If God is going to lay out his Ten Commandments, the top ten, I would think at the very close to the top of that would be something to the effect of thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"There is no amount of money that you could offer me that would convince me to sexualize my wife or my daughter or gangsterize my sons for a willing audience." - Delano Squires
"I believe in a culture of life where everybody counts."
"The absence of honor always leads to emptiness."
"Reputation is what you chisel on your tombstone; character is what the Angels say about you before God in heaven."
"It's the values that ultimately are going to make or break this technology."
"I just believe in decency, civility, and having a discussion with people."
"Every human life is precious in God's sight and no effort should be spared in the attempt to promote throughout the world a genuine respect for the inalienable rights and dignity of individuals and peoples everywhere." - Pope
"The greatness of a religion and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
"Far more important are concepts like justice, truth, beauty, and courage."
"His reputation... people of conscience seek him out."
"This is America. This is the country I've served and defended that all my brothers have served, and here right matters."
"People over profits as a culture and it's all in the little decisions but especially in big ones like this."
"Life is all about the truth. The truth is the most important thing that exists."
"More equality for them doesn't mean less equality for you. It's not pie. It's just moral."
"Selflessness and commitment to principle are unique and admirable."
"Feel for the oppressed and refuse prejudice."
"It's not a black or white thing, it's a right and a wrong thing."
"Build integrity, not just wealth. Purpose over profits."
"Kindness, giving, is giving and being kind with zero, double zero expectations in return."
"As long as I do right with the people that matter, that's all."
"We are a channel that comes to you every single day, seven days a week, to bring you content that is based on integrity and humility."
"You are the good, and I don't understand why this conversation has been so one-sided."
"What we want is truth. Truth is found in compassion."
"Honesty is always going to be the best thing for anybody."
"Christianity puts a very heavy emphasis on stopping unnecessary cruelty."
"There will be truth, there will be integrity, there will be honesty."
"Honesty, transparency, and accountability are going to be important."
"All good things come from God. Slavery is wrong. That's from the Bible."
"Everything matters." - The importance of integrity in life.
"We have a moral duty to work toward colorblind meritocracy and treat people as human beings created by God."
"You got one reputation in this world, your money can't buy it."
"Let's create a community of solid people with morals on YouTube."
"We put people over profits. It's that simple."
"The Matrix is the first superhero movie... it is a movie with ethics and morals and heart."
"Keeping one's word and maintaining one's reputation."
"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed."
"Being honest really has little to do with getting caught or going to jail—it is an act of love for ourselves."
"Integrity is something that we do not compromise on."
"Our ability to differentiate between right and wrong is the main thing. Murder is wrong because it robs someone of their experience."
"Trust, integrity, honesty. They're variations of the same, and that's all that matters."
"Winning and being successful is not having a lot of stuff, it's having peace of mind and knowing you did it the right way."
"It's all a matter of perception, right? Like the good for someone else..."
"Every decision you make as a manager is values-driven."
"He actually stood for something good."
"Rationality and our common rationality can produce something which has to do with common ethics."
"Directors must take ethical values seriously, not just pay lip service to them."
"Keep an eye always on developing technology that is values-driven."
"The proper objects of the heart are truth and justice."
"Integrity matters way more than winning."
"Who is honored? One who gives honor to all creatures."
"Honor and integrity still run it."
"All human life is precious and deserves protection."
"The truth is extremely important."
"Aren't filial piety and brotherly love the roots of benevolence?"
"The origins of equity draw on principles of fairness, justice, morality, and ethics."
"Your growth has stability only when you add ethical values to it."
"Old is good, green is good, sustainable is good, fair is good."
"What are Judeo-Christian values? Are they 'don't rape, don't steal, don't murder'? Yes. Are those Buddhist values? Yes. Are those Zoroastrian values? Yes. Are those human values? Yes."
"Truth, justice, righteous and harmonious balance."
"The supreme ethic in this world is love."
"Good principles matter... for many of the reasons which people have already said."
"It is a sin against the dignity of persons and their fundamental rights to reduce them by violence to their productive value or to a source of profit."
"God mentions lying multiple times... why do you think God hates lying so much?"
"The very moral foundations of our society are in peril."
"Morality is not a weakness. It's a strength."
"Humility and gratitude will never leave my ethos."
"When we talk about humanity, it means something positive."
"I keep my integrity; that is the one thing that I have and I will die with."