
Programming Education Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"All of this source code is going to be on GitHub just for free for you guys to take a look at and learn from."
"It's actually impossible to make a syntax error in Scratch."
"Scratch is a really great tool to get kids into programming because it has that immediate feedback."
"So, emoji is just the argument to this function, and the 'in' separates it from the code that actually executed."
"You indeed feel that you didn't take a class on C, and you didn't take a class on Python, but you really more generally took a class on programming."
"If we don't teach people how to do lower level software, we get a generation of programmers that only know how to use a library."
"When you learn a programming language, you're going to learn the syntax, but really what's important is practicing your logic skills, your ability to put things together."
"By the end of this section, you will have a deep understanding of these fundamental data types and how to use them to write useful programs."
"So, that's the idea behind what I'm trying to show you, is that we have, you know, we can have different classes, we can have attributes with them, and we can program in an object-oriented style."
"I hope you feel like you've got a good idea of how to use the threading module and how we can use this to speed up our scripts."
"Within five years nobody is going to learn how to program by reading a book."
"I teach people Python and Django and occasionally bits and pieces of JavaScript mostly as penance for my sins."
"If you're a web developer wanting to learn what rust and wasm or you're just looking to learn a systems language to build whatever compilers drivers stuff like that then this is kind of an introductory to that."
"Understanding these first-class functions will help you understand these more complex terms like closures and higher-order functions."
"So, if you need to learn about something, so I wanna learn about the if statement, know that the if statement can be used to check whether a condition is met and if it is met then it returns one value."
"The point of this is not only am I going to teach you basic Python syntax and some different language features, I'm also going to explain to you how you structure a program."
"A crash course into RxJS and its practical applications."
"Welcome to my Kotlin video tutorial covering what you would find in a standard 250-300 page book on Kotlin."
"You'll learn how to code from the ground up."
"Self-study programs are probably the way to go... it's a really good way to start learning about programming."
"There you go, a great example of good use of context."
"We're gonna pull a lot of information from this API, and if you want to add more things, then it's gonna be very easy..."
"The Python language is a great place to start if you want to learn computer programming."
"Python, one of my favorite programming languages. I use it all the time and I have literally hundreds of hours of content teaching it on this channel."
"For this tutorial we're going to be using G Fortran organy Fortran and it doesn't really matter though what you use for Fortran everything's gonna be exactly the same."
"This is the Beginner’s Javascript course you are looking for."
"In this lesson, you will learn about the dependency injection design pattern and the multiple benefits it brings into your applications."
"My idea is to even explain the utility tips, that is, generic ones classes interfaces types unions intersections of everything we are going to see two hours."
"We're going to try and give you enough information about Lua to make an informed decision."
"Now add to that the ability to use Python for development, and the Pico becomes a fantastic platform for learning to build your own devices."
"So now that we know a bit more about how to work with text data in Python, in the next lesson we're going to turn our attention to numeric data."
"This is an absolutely massive course on JavaScript."
"What we've done in this course—sorting, head, tail, value counts, setting an index, sorting it, stacking, and unstacking—will usually get you 99% of the way to getting typical data problems solved."
"In a couple days time, we'll introduce React, which will actually simplify a lot of this."
"I know some programmers fail to see the value behind it, so hopefully today I will be able to relay to you why delegates or functions as values are valuable."
"I'm teaching you so that you will be able to go out and write your own programs."
"With clear understanding of the global variables in Node, now let's move on to our next topic which is going to be modules in Node."
"So guys, we have successfully learned how to insert the data using API in Vue.js."
"We're going to cover C++11 all the way to C++20, and it's really fun."
"By the end of the course, you will be able to build well-constructed minimal API endpoints."
"Hey, what's up everybody? My name is Giorgio, and in this video, we're going to learn about what I consider to be the most foundational data structure concepts by building an API using Flask and Python."
"More than half of the schools in the US don't even teach programming at all."
"There's always some lessons to be learned and for me, I really enjoy learning from existing code."
"My main goal is to give you guys kind of a fundamental understanding so that you can use that knowledge to apply it to your own programming and your own code."
"We're going to learn a bit together about these things called loops, just repeat some code some number of times."
"They start off in Scratch when they're little, they move up to Python."
"I want it to be readable to someone that has limited to almost no programming knowledge."
"This will allow the students to use programming languages and various development tools as well as the applications in a dedicated secure environment isolated from the Chrome OS."
"This hands-on approach is crucial in programming."
"So hopefully that helps you learn more about arrays and how you can nest them, control them and a couple of shortcuts you can take as well."
"I'm going to comment each line as many lines as I can to provide you with the understanding of the code."
"Learn to know and love classes and objects because if you ever want to do programming in the future, that's the way you're going to have to go."
"This is CS50, and today we look all the more underneath the hood, so to speak, of programming."
"I hope this video will make you realize the power of for each loops and the sop solver."
"How much Golang knowledge is required to build a chain? Very little, especially due to the help of Starport."