
Time Pressure Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Time is now playing against the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the rains will begin in the fall."
"You see the difference of playstyle when there's only one minute left."
"Between the time I started in this panic of trying to fix the problem... It couldn't have been more than 15 minutes."
"The acceptable margin of error decreases as time goes on."
"Smooth, logical moves under time pressure can lead to victory."
"He may think that he's running out of time. Maybe he thought he had more time when President Trump was in office. But he's running out of time."
"There's no way we all have been able to create these string parts even if that's all we did within 90 minutes."
"He's got 16 seconds folks... 16 seconds to free solo the rest of this mountain and pull the firing key."
"The fact that they were able to create that in four hours do a collaboration video and edit it under like so much pressure like you have cameras all around you that alone."
"Threats are like Obstacles with time limits."
"It became evident that everyone was fighting against the clock to keep him alive."
"It's crunch time! And here comes Jerma, the defending champion!"
"In 12 minutes, when your catalog is [expletive] three years long, you're gonna miss a beat."
"We're putting a 30 second timer on every single round. Every team has to get all their guesses in within 30 seconds."
"Five, four, three, two, one. Pens down pens down. Above the line Thelma Sarandon and Geena Davis, correct."
"Oh boy, it's gonna come down to the 15-second crunch."
"The main characters being soldiers who are literally living on ticking clocks that are built into the weapons they need to fight."
"Five minutes left... This is the biggest five minutes of your life."
"What is my purpose? Because I feel like there's a time running out."
"When lives are on the line it's astonishing what people can do with such a short amount of time."
"Time is running out, ma'am. Time is running out."
"Clock's still ticking, 10 seconds, he may have just won the round then and there, it is a wonderful run at a big bruise."
"Museum pieces can be got out of museums and they too... well, we're running out of time."
"You have one minute to put the pieces together to save your friend before the scientist comes after you."
"Illy clutches it again, the milliseconds from completing the defuse."
"Yeah, it's getting tight. We're running out of time here, but never say never."
"The crew refused to scupper their mission and kept their lips sealed, even as the timer ticked away."
"The social dynamic is going to get progressively more tense as the clock counts down and we need to use this tension to our advantage."
"The pressure was on... only 41 minutes to do this."
"You are driven by a time limit that never lets you rest."
"Sometimes your best work comes out in the last minute." - Ryan
"I'm still trying to create a living stan. No you don't understand I'm running out of time."
"I lost 50 s aw I couldn't believe it I was so good I was like oh my god and now there's like 38 minutes left or something ridiculous of the season if"
"Ten seconds, okay. Little feeties coming out as well, hands coming out. It's got little claws on it."
"We've got one lap left to go to try to recover this position. Let's see how this develops with not much time in the race remaining."
"Absolutely astonishing still a long way to go we have 38 minutes on the clock in this one hour race."
"Thankfully, even though there is a timer, if we can finish them off and hit them 10 times, then we'll win."
"Archaeologists only had 3 months to complete their studies because of the construction project."
"We're still in the lead with a minute, so I think it was still a good performance."
"My dream was to be a filmmaker and I felt like the clock was ticking a little bit on me."
"Syracuse starts from the six with six minutes and change to go"
"Squishmallows do count today, however it's not just gonna be like a free-frow where we grab a bunch because we only have 10 seconds to grab whatever we can find in our colors."
"There's no time and we need to start the Charmin Bears could Doom us all."
"You have to get that bomb here, and you've got 10 minutes."
"We're racing against a financial clock, you're racing against a biological clock."
"Time was running short for Essex’s army, and the general knew it."
"One minute and 12 seconds remaining, 12 to catch."
"We've got just three days to crack the secrets of Alfred's Hideaway in the marshes."
"Everything is fast on Drag Race. I don't think that anything was like, 'We were given a minute for a certain specific thing.'"
"Guys, we only have 30 minutes left."
"Good news, bad news. Good news is game's over. Bad news is it starts the clock running where it doesn't stop."
"Speaking of challenges, Cali, I'm gonna give you five seconds to think of one item that you can get in your color. Ready. Set. Bomb."
"Let's put two minutes on the clock, the time starts now."
"That money belongs to my client. Sugar is an outlaw. Time's not on your side."
"One minute remaining. Those who do not remove the shapes from their honeycombs within the time limit will be eliminated."
"It was a race against time and everyone was on edge."
"The clock is not on your side, especially if you're the little guy negotiating with the big guy."
"Alright, day three of our bourbon road trip to Texas and we are way freaking behind."
"...a player only has five seconds to back their opponent down."
"But 20 seconds left, what can you do to really grab these fans' attention?"
"Yui realizes that her important exam is now only 4 hours away."
"Um this was done very very quickly so we were rushed these guys were rushed but as usual we always pull it off somehow or another."
"He's okay, you have one day to do your interview and your promo."
"It felt like a ticking time clock of like 'Oh my God, I only have three months to get the rest of me fixed.'"
"The pressure of time frees me up from the pressure of perfection."
"The championship battle is coming down to the last 55 minutes."
"What a chase that was with three seconds to spare!"
"They've got literally 24 hours to literally save their friend."
"I just hate it when we have to rush like this."
"As we make our way across Texas with a rescue pup Trinity and rabbit Cody, we find ourselves racing against the clock due to an unexpected delay that threw off our entire travel day."
"I got four minutes, wait, I need to hurry up!"
"Time's ticking, this will be huge at 52 meters."
"You got a minute to win it. Good luck, brother."
"We're kind of strapped for time in this reaction."
"...keep in mind that you would have had only 15 minutes to decide on the correct course of action."
"We have projects where we have two days to do it, like making a whole exhibition. At the time, I was like, 'What the hell?' But now that it's in the past, I'm like, 'That was actually a cool experience.'"
"They got to sell in three weeks, otherwise they risk losing their new home."
"We were trying to hurry before the nightfall."
"I knew there wasn't any time to waste as my fight or flight response kicked in."
"You only have one minute to win it, let's do this."
"The greatest team in football is beating the clock. The LA Raiders make it happen with 29 seconds to play."
"Now let's get back to the build because we don't have very much time to get this thing on the truck tonight as it goes to SEMA."
"We're going to start running up against the clock here if Kareem doesn't get here."
"I squeezed out basically all of the ink in this brush onto this picture just to get it moving because I don't have time to slowly brush through. Maverick."
"The complexity of circuit design has become really significant. And yet there's demand to deliver products in ever shorter periods of time."
"I feel all the feels. I feel very emotional, very organized and prepared but also wildly like running out of time."
"we're running out of time, we have to get started or we'll never see Peter again"
"Naruto had exactly four minutes to pick one of the most difficult locks, hidden by a jinjutsu-like barrier."
"...we wrote this thing in four weeks no don't don't hate me."
"We had a very small window of time to get them back up before we have to point the aircraft back to Kodiak and start heading home."
"i think a lot of times we fight what feels right because we don't feel either it's too early yeah and we get that weird tension you put these time limits on stuff."
"Wow, okay, 30 seconds left, this one is definitely flowing less than the others."
"It's been 11 hours and 55 minutes we have under five minutes to solve this last blue piece."
"I hate starting the vlog when I'm in a rush."
"The ferocity of his attacks are going to increase in proportion to how short his time is."
"Politicians are given so little time to think, to read, to take their time to change their minds."
"Literally one day they're just like '[__] we gotta come up with a song, 'cause [__] we're running out of time.' And Paul just comes up with 'Get Back' in like a couple of minutes."
"Clock's ticking. Let's get out of here!"
"Welcome to Junkyard Wars, where our two teams have just ten hours to make all-conquering car dozers."
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth."
"We've got a month till Christmas, yeah? And we want 200k. Well, we're not gonna get it."
"We're going to need to choose this soon though because we are cutting it close now."
"A season hangs on about three minutes of football."
"...I was running out of time. It seemed and, and you know my thought was like, 'Okay, I'll do this running the Olympic Trials. That will be just kind of a lifelong goal that I've had.'"
"Can you believe it? One minute left and your season's done. Love these moments, man."
"You can do this, we've got only 15 seconds left."
"I like to make myself as stressed and conscious of the clock as possible, and then I produce my finest work."
"As the clock ticks down, who will best handle the pressure? We'll soon find out."
"The world's best were on track and the clock was ticking."
"I vividly remember taking this coding challenge... with two minutes left on the clock, I hit a buzzer beater and got all nine test cases to pass."
"You have 30 seconds to tell a story, to create a feeling."
"We are all tied up with 70 seconds remaining."
"Aware that they’re running out of time, Eric finally makes a decision."
"It's all over, there aren't enough seconds and Sunderland are through to Wembley."
"They didn't have days to wait; they may not even have minutes."
"You have 60 minutes to get out of here and find the killer."
"Best of luck, your time starts now."
"Good luck to you, sir; it'll all happen in just 60 seconds."
"Contrast that ability to reflect and use judgment when he has time and he's not stressed, with the very few seconds that we're actually talking about in this case before he fires that handgun."
"One tiny week to solve a 50-year old enigma."
"This is a race against the clock."
"Two aprons up for grabs, 30 minutes to nail it."
"It's the fourth quarter, we're down by eight, five minutes to go."
"We got 45 minutes to make magic happen."
"He's a man in a hurry with nine minutes plus two to go."
"You only have 60 seconds to prove to the CELPIP people that your English is at a certain level."
"The game's on for 24 hours straight, and the clock is ticking."
"This game is not over, six minutes to go."
"It was a ticking clock, it was a perfect coming-of-age movie."
"We just got 90 minutes and we reach the semi-final of the Champions League."
"Time running out for Ding in this 14-game match, but in the past we've seen some extraordinary games close to the finish in these matches."
"That amazing sea urchin, you've all got 60 minutes to make one stunning sea urchin dish."
"It's like a sprint, and before you've settled in, it's already over."
"Time scrambles are the hardest part of chess."
"This is crazy, b3 next, Lars, he doesn't care, he's got seven seconds, he may as well go for it."
"Every game it feels like the time scrambles that we're seeing are so intense every single time."
"It's been a race for the past month or so."