
Holiday Stress Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Most importantly though, take care of you. The holiday season's crazy... Just be patient, be assertive, explain facts."
"Cooking is so hard, that's why I hate the holidays. It's always just so stressful being in the kitchen."
"Remember to take time for yourself this holiday season and make sure you keep your mental wellness in check."
"I'm going to need a holiday to get over this holiday."
"There's nothing more stressful than the Holiday Rush to mail and ship your packages whether it's for you personally or for your business because as we know those lines at the post office and really anywhere you ship packages just get super long."
"If I can make life easy at Christmas, it's a time where all families struggle, so I don't care what other people think."
"I just wish somehow they would just cancel Christmas this year."
"Thanksgiving and Christmas, do not allow your mama, your big mama, your nanny, your auntie to keep this [__] going one more generation."
"It's the perfect pick-me-up when I need a break from the holiday action or working and all the stress and the hustle and bustle of all of it."
"Charlie is so sweet. I have to figure out what to tell people wanting to be home for Christmases."
"Christmas and the holidays are approaching, and they feel like it's just slipping away, all that control." - Kristen Bell
"I'm the worst gift giver, consider it December 24th."
"I'm horrible and I don't need the money, that I must hate children and their Christmas is ruined, and it's all my fault."
"The holidays can be hectic, stressful, and downright uncomfortable."
"Mother's Day was not as smooth as I wanted it to be."
"Leave her alone. I'm talking about people that pop up on holidays and not even really actively in her life calling with their opinions and stuff, you know?"
"Don't let the most wonderful time of the year be the most stressful."
"I don't know. I think we should just try to get through the holidays right now."
"It'd be nice to not have to worry too much about what I'm doing over Christmas and just chill and appreciate the time with the kids."
"She has fractured the whole family very effectively. They are going to have a miserable Thanksgiving this year."
"My goal is to not have any rage during Thanksgiving tomorrow while I'm cooking it."
"I don't know if it's just the chaos of Christmas."
"That was the most chaotic post office visit. It is December 4th, I mean it was just... you would think this was the last day you could ship something for Christmas delivery."
"The Fourth of July was always Bianca's least favorite day; she always hated fireworks."
"Don't get your tinsel in a tangle."
"Sadly, the holiday season, I now see why my parents seemed exasperated when I complained when decorations went up post-Thanksgiving."
"Every year for Christmas, it is a struggle to figure out what my family wants."
"Let's be there for each other because it's a stressful time as it is, Christmas, if you celebrate it, of course."
"Christmas as a kid was time off school, presents, and seeing my family. As an adult, I stress about finding the right gift for everyone."
"I remember having so much anxiety in line trying to come up with a gift idea to tell Santa."
"Christmas is a time that's freaking hard, and we should do what pleases ourselves."
"I try and get as much done as I can ahead of time so that come Christmas I'm not running around like a headless chicken."
"Who wants to be stuck in the kitchen all morning on Christmas Day when you want to be relaxing and enjoying yourself?"
"New Year's is a time where a lot of people put a lot of crazy pressure on themselves."
"Anything to take the stress of Christmas away."
"Christmas should not be a time to stress out over debt."
"The true meaning of not quite almost Christmas is losing your mind at hearing Christmas music before December."
"Christmas puts so much pressure on everyone. It really looms, doesn't it?"
"I just can't do it during holiday season."
"Gifts and finding gifts for everyone is the most stressful thing about the holiday season."
"Christmas can be a tough time of year for many people that struggle with mental illness."
"Christmas is a rather big holiday in America, but it kind of sucks because that's when you have to see a lot of people you don't want to deal with."
"A holiday that exhausts people physically and mentally loses the very meaning of a holiday."
"It's Christmas Eve, I'm getting all stressed, so I am playing Michael Bublé Christmas album."
"This event will be held by caring professionals who will help people learn how to cope with loneliness and depression often brought on by the holidays."
"Merry Christmas, holy [ __ ], where's the Tylenol."
"I feel very calm around this time of year despite the fact that my life could descend into chaos."
"Christmas time can either be something that brings out the kind of anxiety... or you just feel this overwhelming feeling of gratitude."
"It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for some, the holidays can be tough and stressful."