
Bad Days Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I get where this horse is coming from. It's having a bad day and it still has to work."
"Even when I'm having bad days, he is still good."
"It's how you handle those bad days that's right."
"Nobody is perfect and everybody has bad days they'd like to forget about."
"It'll be okay, man. It'll be okay. Can you know sometimes we all have bad days."
"You know what, sometimes when you're having a bad day, you just gotta remember to break dance."
"Sometimes our bad days can become the days of the most growth."
"They're ready to take on the world together, confident that nothing can get them down."
"Don't let five minutes of a bad day ruin your whole day."
"It's been a really rough day. Just one problem after another."
"I just want to make sure you never feel like if you're having a shitty day you can't come in here and be like I'm having a [shitty] shitty day."
"...tomorrow doesn't have to be that way and a day is just a day. It's okay, we all have those bad days."
"Some days just aren't great, and I'm gonna keep it real with you."
"Some days are better than others. Some days they just have a bad day like we always do."
"Even when you're having a bad day, it's not dark, it's constructive."
"She's having a bad day, it's okay, I'll help you though."
"Oh man, I just want to give a five second or ten seconds of appreciation to anyone out there who's having a bad day."
"Everyone's allowed to have a bad day, right?"
"I think it's very important that I also show that I can have bad days like today because that's life."
"Confidence doesn't mean you don't have bad days; it means that you know how to navigate around the bad days."
"It's okay to have a bad day, it's okay to be messed up sometimes."
"I don't know, have y'all ever just had one of those days when you felt like you just should have stayed in bed?"
"We all have bad days sometimes, and that's alright."
"Allow yourself to have a bad day and try to heal that part of the day."
"When you're having a rough day, send in the clowns."
"When you have a bad race in Cross Country, don't let the whole world fall down on top of you; bad races definitely can happen in Cross Country for unexplainable reasons."
"It's okay having bad days; they make you so much more grateful for the good ones."
"It's just one of those days where everything that can go wrong, goes wrong."
"We've all been there, bro, had a day like that this week, man, it just happens sometimes."
"Every time I have a bad day, you make me happy."
"It's we need to be a little bit less like pushing on people on social media to be like these stellar people because everybody's gonna have a rough day."
"Sometimes you just have a bad day and it happens."
"If you're feeling down, just try and think, 'Look, I'm having a bad day, everyone has bad days.'"
"We're all bound to have bad days or even really terrible moments, but that doesn't mean you have to punish yourself."
"If you have a bad day, then it looks like this can happen, but in our case, I want to be a bit more optimistic."
"It's okay to have a bad day because some days are bad."
"Who doesn't have their bad days, right?"
"I think everyone gets a rough day, and it sucks, but you know what? We pick ourselves up, we move along."
"Not every day is gonna be a good day."
"No matter how bad your Monday goes, it can't be worse than the Sunday the Jags operation staff just experienced."
"It's just one of those Tuesdays, full of mess-ups."
"Everybody has a bad day and we just we're wondering if there's anything we can do to make you feel better."
"It's okay to cry if you just had a bad day; you walked in the door, you want to break down, you could break down."
"A bad day is always followed by a good day, so today is a good day."
"Especially if you've had like a long bad day and everything is just like nothing goes right."
"Bad days are going to rear their ugly head, but it's gonna get better."
"Anyone can have a bad day, right?"
"Never make a life decision on a bad day."