
Suicide Awareness Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Depression was the leading cause of disability worldwide, with one person taking their life every 40 seconds."
"It was the most moving event and so supportive. You feel like you are part of a community who is speaking out and saying out loud we have been affected by suicide."
"Between three and a half to five times the amount of men kill themselves than women... usually it's because we need to focus on mental health, men need to reach out."
"Suicide means you've killed the most important existence of all - yourself."
"I see why they kill themselves because i would never want to be in that position that seems horrible and i acknowledge it's real in their mind but i still think that it's a disorder and that it's a delusion."
"Has anyone known someone who's killed themselves... It didn't have to be like that."
"Culturally, that's a problem. But when we see cases like this where this is someone who attempted suicide and was not treated for that and put in a mental health facility... it's very clear."
"He Russell took her own life after viewing online content about self-harm."
"He left a suicide note that just says... 'You are safe now.'"
"For years, Area 51 has been the subject of conspiracy theories... its Mystique is the fact that the US government wouldn't even officially acknowledge that it existed until 2013."
"Depression is serious, people commit suicide because of depression."
"We're losing more people to suicide than we are to the virus."
"70 percent of those people diagnosed with DID have attempted or completed suicide."
"Suicide is an irrational, impulsive act. Your kids are not going to tell you. You're not going to see the signs. They're going to hide those signs from you."
"One man dies by suicide every minute of every day."
"Suicide does not ease the pain, it simply passes it along to someone else."
"Suicide is just murdering the most important person in the world."
"Suicide is not glamour, nor is it ever over for those around you. If you need help, please get help. Don't let your loved ones find you that way."
"Men are much more likely to commit suicide in this country."
"Every life lost to suicide is a life that could have been saved."
"Men's depression rates are skyrocketing, men's suicide rates are skyrocketing, I'm not making these statistics, I'm just drawing light on this topic."
"After football came to an end for me, I'm a two-time survivor of suicide attempts."
"You're not alone in this...many of those people kill themselves."
"That's one of the few things the show got right 100%: it portrays just how horrible of an event suicide is."
"Most people who commit suicide want to be found."
"Talking about suicide is heavy but important. Don't do it, okay? How about that?"
"Literally committing suicide is, in other words, often losing a battle with mental illness."
"When Lila is describing her attempt at suicide."
"But through the NAMI classes that I took... when a person gets to the point of taking their life, it's almost like weight is being lifted off their shoulders."
"I was suicidal if I had been successful at the suicide I would have never gotten to the other side."
"Imagine how just creating simple desserts really affects somebody in a positive way if you weren't around and you decided to kill yourself people wouldn't have those moments."
"Suicide is a very big issue within the military as you've touched on in previous videos."
"For those who don't know, 22 veterans a day commit suicide. And it's a terrible shame."
"Suicide should not be a foregone conclusion, that means you're not listening."
"That's one man every two hours while we're all enjoying our day; we're gonna lose 12 men to suicide today."
"Farming has become top five suicide rate, 3.5 times higher in farming than other occupations."
"I've personally experienced close dear friends of mine taking their own life."
"People get afraid when the thought of suicide appears in their consciousness."
"Farmers have the highest suicide rate of any profession."
"Every three days a student dies by suicide."
"I've had a couple guys this year I just found out one of my buddies attempted suicide last year which I did not know I was totally shocked."
"Two-thirds of gun deaths in the United States every year are suicides."
"...Ben spoke of his own Suicidal Thoughts he explained in disturbing logic how he had wanted to end his own life but that his loving wife had told him that if he did so she would do the same..."
"If so, it is possible that his or her survival could depend upon your awareness of the suicide problem, your ability to recognize a serious emotional disturbance, your interest and concern in the troubles of another human being."
"How do you talk about suicide? The most important thing is talk about it."
"When you take your own life, it doesn't take away your pain, it passes it on."
"If you've thought about suicide, think about sharing this thought with a friend, a medical professional, or family member."
"Suicide doesn't stop the pain, it just redistributes it to people who love you."
"Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 24 in the U.S."
"The suicide rate among rich is identical to that among poor."
"We wanted to do something about raising awareness for suicide and also just mental health in general."