
Card Evaluation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Psychic Scream... I think this is really top-notch removal, gets around death rattles."
"Magician's Rod, obviously one of the most broken cards in the entire deck."
"When we're like defining things and is it card draw or is it not, there's a tendency to say, 'Yeah, but it's good.'"
"Tony G checks, a terrible card for Tony, not only did it beat him but it doesn't look scary because it didn't make any real draws."
"I'm coming for PewDiePie, man. I'm gonna hunt him down and boop him on the nose!"
"Evil Miscreant ended up being one of the best cards of the set."
"Geppetto joy buzz joins the three star legendary crew."
"Wheel of Fortune is so good I think people don't correctly evaluate it as a card draw card."
"The cards that have the table talking are good magic cards."
"I think it's fine, but this holds counters really well. So maybe like just a smaller, like a three mana, one-one double striking flyer would be better. You'd like that more, yeah."
"This card is Sensational, this card is probably the best card we've seen."
"I've seen a few reviews, people think this card is not very good, they're wrong."
"Zephrys the Great: a ridiculously strong card judging the current board state."
"This card is actually one of the best cards I've ever seen in Hearthstone."
"I mean, worst case, just eight mana draw five, do nothing."
"This card is virtually unplayable in standard."
"That's realistically means I was happy with the card."
"Font Keeper Tim actually ends up potentially being the best card in the entire set."
"Card evaluation should probably be higher on people's lists as far as Magic skills are concerned."
"Any card that you're forced to try and play around is gonna be one of those cards of high power level."
"It doesn't do anything, at least in my opinion... it's a dud of a card."
"You get to see the top card of your deck... that's game-breaking, right?"
"Did anyone have the vision to see that the better cards are gonna be happy ghoul and light warden?"
"This card seems definitely candidate for best card in the set."
"Haunted pumpkin is like one of the best cards in this game. Might be the best card in the game."
"Pogo, which is one of the best cards in the game."
"Abyss Dweller: absolutely insane, the best card in the game right now."
"I think Hysteria is one of the best cards in the set."
"I think my favorite overall card is sudden substitution very nice."
"Ram rider is something special... a really, really strong card."
"Honestly, I think they probably got the best one."
"Apparently Cityscape Leveler is a pretty good magic card."
"This card is garbage... The effects are incredible but like how the heck are you summoning this?"
"Harsh winds is actually solid, I like harsh winds times three, that's a good one."
"One of the most powerful and interesting cards in the entire set."
"I think this one actually might have a chance to show up in constructed."
"Cannon cart in my opinion this might be a controversial opinion I think cannon cart is one of the best cards in the game."
"None of these are like womp womp, you know, they're all good cards."
"This card is really powerful... I think this card has tons of potential."
"Balloon in my opinion is the single strongest win condition in the game right now, very very strong card."
"Sparky... I definitely think Sparky is a good card in the game."
"Infinite Murloc... These cards are just absolutely nuts."
"It's a really powerful card that will see plenty of play."
"Pretty powerful card if you're using a lot of heals... very powerful stats."
"It's just a lot closer now. It makes it a lot more exciting that there are a lot of cards worth considering."
"Evil Quartermaster is just super solid. Every way. Three mana, two-three, get a lackey."
"I don't see this card as being good enough stats in arena."
"This is one of the better uncommons in white I think in the entire set."
"Cavalier, commitment to blue aside, the card is just unbelievably ridiculous in the sealed environment."
"Priest struggles for tempo it'll struggle continuously if you spend two mana playing this card over really any other to drop."
"Halo fountain, untap 15 tapped creatures you control, you win the game."
"Monastery Swiftspear can easily have two or more power the turn it comes down and has no downsides at all."
"Allosaurus Shepherd does a lot for a single mana, not only does it protect all of your future spells, but in an Elves deck, its activated ability might as well just win you the game."
"Esper Sentinel is a great fusion of a stax piece and a card draw spell."
"Murderous Rider: A two for one which can be really difficult for mid-range decks to deal with."
"Brazen borrower: No other Adventure has made itself an eternal staple the way Brazen borrower has."
"Is Cyclonic Rift a good play in a commander game?"
"A lot of people just personally hate cards so they want them banned."
"The losing trick count is brilliant for assessing your hand."