
Academic Research Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"I've done political theses on the importance of feminism and women's liberation."
"Regularity and making learning a habit is the power... Reading two research papers a week for a year, then you've read a hundred papers."
"We've gone from one scientific paper, the Satoshi Nakamoto paper, to last year about a hundred and forty papers, peer-reviewed academic journal papers, were written on consensus algorithms."
"Professor Whiteson's research is in the field of experimental high energy physics. He is interested in probing the structure of matter and the nature of its interactions at the very smallest scales to understand the fundamental nature of our universe."
"Transparency and trust have never been so questioned. We need full data transparency for the world's academic community to analyze."
"Our understanding of this topic is continuously evolving and changing."
"I launched a research project here in Oxford called ethics and Empire."
"This identity is a real jewel as it gives an explicit way to calculate any value of the Riemann zeta function."
"Academic papers and archaeological findings validate the prevalence of polydactylism in ancient cultures."
"Saturday afternoon he felt able to go over to the library and summon Rice and Morgan for conference."
"In the special case that the mapping u plus IV is conformal we have the remarkable result that the laplacian is changed all by a non-negative factor."
"Many of these differences not only change the text but in some cases even change the theology."
"Dr. Dan Brubaker... has done the most general work on this."
"These are probably the most damaging because it's obvious that there is censorship."
"My research is controversial, but I've never given up."
"Our results support the working hypothesis that executive functioning may be one of the mechanisms mediating the often reported link between musical training and heightened academic skills."
"His research examines the intuitive foundations of morality and how morality varies across cultural and political divisions."
"If you do not have the ability to do science inside of the university system, it will move out of the university system and become something else."
"Rumors spread of the Smithsonian catching wind of these mysterious relics, dispatching a team of some 30 scientists to document and explore this Monumental find."
"Could this be the most immersive PhD thesis in the entire world?"
"The religion and mythology traditions of the modern Pueblo peoples have been studied by academics for generations."
"An academic dissertation and just a collection of Bops."
"Japan will tighten its visa review process for international students and foreign researchers."
"The entire basis of academic research... is fundamentally just looking at the parts."
"Szemeredi's theorem actually motivated a lot of subsequent research."
"There is so much of this stuff out there... thousands and thousands of papers."
"Start reading every possible paper there is because it would be a fun process and it's a great way of getting knowledge on that."
"Investing the time to actually write a thesis in LaTeX is totally worth it."
"The method employed is what I have called the method of the necessary statement."
"That status is becoming hereditary according to studies published by Georgetown University, Pew Research, and Harvard Business Review."
"Who knew that studying something so dark could reveal so much?"
"Universities have a vested interest in having good research that is actually physically meaningful occurring."
"What happened to the Maya? Here are some new clues that may in the next few years illuminate an answer to this long-standing mystery."
"The difference between Gentiles and Jews on IQ is on G."
"A study from the University of York did end up showing a strong correlation between players who are best at MOBA games like League of Legends and Dota II and how they performed on IQ tests."
"The great Paul Dirac had a habit of discovering particles just by staring at the math."
"It's the type of thing where I've even found papers where a paper came out in the about 10 years ago I noticed it didn't cite the original source of this theory that they were talking about."
"The vertex packing stuff you did is definitely cool."
"One thing that can be useful is to look at other published studies that have used similar designs and then look at what analysis technique they used."
"Ichiru resolves to delve further into research, determined to deepen her understanding of healers."
"Something weird has been captured by the University in Melbourne."
"Your children or grandchildren are going to be doing their doctoral thesis on the issue of who succeeded autocracy or democracy because that is what is at stake."
"Each aspect of the culture being studied was an essential part in the understanding of social worlds."
"And the proof has been verified in... Ah, very interesting."
"Studies don't happen in a vacuum, they have a whole history and a context."
"We had this dream of translating the science that we were developing in academia to transforming something that would impact and improve people's lives."
"When reading a paper, peer review it rather than just accepting it."
"As academics, we have to do our research carefully and communicate it clearly and vividly."
"The end result of all these graduate students studying the relationship between mortality and fertility was that we don't know what's going on."
"Research requires a sound theoretical basis and strong methodology."
"Weak learners can be used to make strong predictions which was the big takeaway of the paper."
"It's very important that you read quality papers otherwise you won't be able to write quality research."
"It's really key that you identify a good problem statement because by doing so you have got something that you can be passionate about."
"The knowledge map is kind of showing you how we can categorize the existing literature."
"It's important to speak to the PhD students that are in the lab at the time."
"The premise of a PhD is that you, as an author, are working on something original."
"My research is basically at the intersection of ancient linguistics and ancient religion."
"It's better to look at the conclusions of peer-reviewed academic research rather than trying to analyze the data yourself."
"Why should we care about causal inference? It's not just good in a very academic sense; it's also helpful to evaluate the systems that we build."
"Google Scholar, a very very useful website for those who are doing serious research."
"Google Scholar is a good place to go to look for scholarly articles, academic journals, and legal documents having to do with genealogy."
"Writing initially in Greek and later in Latin, a number of Roman scholars went through a laborious research and produced remarkable works."
"My doctoral thesis is on the period of the Egyptian 25th dynasty, which is a time when Egypt was ruled by kings from Kush."
"Systematic review papers are reproducible."
"This is why this paper is very important."
"It's really cool to think about how people are exploring this academic perspective through this research project."
"PhDs in the STEM field, in the sciences in particular, are almost always funded."
"Our research and pedagogy are situated within two complementary literacy frameworks that offer reconciliation between accelerative and critical approaches to literacy education."
"For most problems, whether an entomologist, ornithologist, or archaeologist, you can sit down, think about what you want, write down three lines of MATLAB, and all my algorithms will work for you beautifully."
"Academic research has much more range; you can work on so much as long as someone is willing to fund it."
"I really hope you found this paper walkthrough interesting."
"Plasmonics is a very active field pretty much in every university."
"What took me first to South America was to study Aero poisons, which in 1941 were becoming very important in medicine."
"Once you have done all this, when you are categorizing the existing literature that you have gathered, you have to come up with some categories."
"It also helps in strengthening your research because you are not just relying on your analysis of the literature."
"A referencing manager like EndNote can help you to take care of all the hassles that are there with referencing."
"You will find [software] notes particularly helpful when writing your literature review."
"Recognize that a good enough answer to an important question is more valuable than a definite answer to a trivial question."
"We proved that this is indeed the case using calculus of variations."
"I spent my junior year working on research at the University of Colorado where I ended up getting my name on a published paper."
"Research is important at Iowa. It helps my classes become more interesting, even exciting."
"Many technologies and approaches that are pretty well known in academia are now entering the industry."
"This is actually a very good paper; it has some fundamental insights that I think are worth revisiting."
"Many of us as graduate students used the RISM archive materials and spent thousands of hours... enjoying and profiting from this amazing collection."
"It's incredibly exciting when you see a company making a drug using technologies that was developed in a little fume hood at the back end of a lab in Princeton."
"Mathematics has this remarkable quality that the results that one mathematician gets in one country can be used and pushed on further by other mathematicians elsewhere."
"I understand research... I've written peer-reviewed papers and had them published."
"At Spotify, we do care about academic researchers and like people outside."
"We are still in the middle of this; there's just so many questions that I wake up excited to work on with my students in the lab."
"Problem solving at its heart means that you sit down with a completely unknown problem, just you and the problem, pen and paper, for hours and hours."
"The circuits that we are studying here are not just out of academic interest but really because they have a great application everywhere in today's technology."
"The PhD has taught me you must show insight, otherwise you're just writing what likely someone else has written before."
"The study found a strong positive correlation among IQ and study hours with annual grades."
"The title of a paper is the single most important factor determining how many people will find and eventually read that paper."
"The dog training industry has an obligation to look at these leading academic bodies' position statements on dog training and accept that."
"This was actually the subject of my thesis when I did my PhD."
"One year of education adds 1.7 years to life."
"Progressive failure analysis is an approach that has been used extensively in academia and to some extent in industry to get the most out of composites."
"Research is particularly good when it's done in universities as opposed to in say private think tanks or corporations."
"PDEs have gone on developing for the last century."
"This paper can become a benchmark for the scholars who are going to do research in the area of personal financial management."
"The reality is in a good mixed method study, there's both a rigorous qualitative and quantitative research."
"This implies the square-free conjecture, so that's kind of remarkable."
"Whatever topic whatever question you explore, you want to make sure that that topic is situated within a larger context."
"Asymptotics and perturbation theory make you very, very powerful because you can solve problems that are just hopeless if you're trying to do it the naive way."
"The research that we want you to do will be practical work with plants."
"Yelp very helpfully publishes a large dataset of their data available for public academic research and tutorials like this one."
"The paper suggests two ways of dealing with the trend: one is a linear trend and one is a saturating growth."