
Video Marketing Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"How's that possible? How can you retain an audience 130%? It means that on average, people watch the video 1.3 times."
"If you want to go viral consistently, you have to choose video topics that appeal to large markets."
"What ways can you make your videos more engaging?"
"The ranking system is huge, and if you can target keywords that people aren't necessarily using, but people are searching for, that's your golden ticket to getting a video to start taking off."
"Subscribe to my channel, come back for videos without me."
"Your thumbnail is what gets people to click on your YouTube videos."
"He became an expert at how to do everything from thumbnails to titles to the structure of the video."
"Video marketing is trending up—it's increasing a hundred percent per year on mobile devices."
"Guys, I collabed with someone for tomorrow's video. If you want to see who it is, you can buy a tier one membership right now."
"This encourages me to actively think about what the title and thumbnail for the videos is going to be."
"It's better to have one video get a hundred thousand views than have three videos get thirty thousand views."
"I was able to make thirty thousand dollars in affiliate commissions off of that one single video."
"Each thumbnail change is a reset in the system and an opportunity to find... a new audience."
"Every new set of eyes is an opportunity to help a video get a bigger boost in the algorithm."
"Have an end slate at the end of your videos linked to one of your past videos, linked to some of your social media, linked to your other channels if you have a merch store link to that."
"Another short way to help your videos gain an influx of views is getting publications, blogs, and influencers to share your content."
"Get in other people's suggested videos by identifying the hot topics in your niche."
"Your thumbnail is like a magazine cover. So when you're clicking on a video, like you clicked on this one today, there's that thumbnail image."
"When you optimize your video with the same keywords that a popular video uses, you have a good chance of showing up next to that video."
"I found this product because not only do I feel like we could get really cool videos with this product."
"Video marketing is a phenomenal tool to establish trust and humanize your brand."
"For the purposes of this video I don't really want to discuss the morality of spoiling versus not spoiling and it's not just because I can potentially be accused of it but it's because it's entirely irrelevant to the marketing aspect."
"First 5 seconds of every video is the most important."
"Adding text gets viewers intrigued and interested in your video."
"The replay method triggers people to continuously replay and re-watch your videos."
"Video marketing is the most powerful way of marketing."
"One video could lead from nobody knows who you are to boom overnight people know you now."
"Your goal instead should be to get your videos recommended and suggested because that's where the bulk of the views actually come from."
"I recommend having a symbol or something that tells returning viewers the video is by you. Jadynn Animations, lower left corner of your thumbnails."
"How do I get people to see my videos in the algorithm?"
"Make sure your thumbnails are good. You can have a super good video and a bad thumbnail and people are not even gonna understand that your video is good because the thumbnail is bad."
"No matter how good the rest of your video is, no one will watch it if the thumbnail, hook, and the title fail to satisfy the viewer immediately. Deliver value from the start."
"The longer the view time, the more YouTube is going to promote your video."
"If you put 'Marcia' in the title of your video you will actually get more views."
"When it comes to YouTube shorts visuals variety and speed are king."
"We're trying to get 30k buddy in minimum and only 40 of the people watch these videos to subscribe, so it would help a lot if you hit the subscribe button."
"While the views may be the headline statement, it's the high click-through rate with the high audience retention that probably has a lot to do with why this video was so successful."
"Look at the videos with higher view counts, pitch approachable content."
"Once your video ranks guess what it's going to stay ranking and it's going to continue getting these views."
"If you want to skyrocket in growth, unique one-off videos are the way to go."
"Watch 'Charlie Morgan Trial by Fire' on my YouTube channel, it explains the depth of it."
"Videos can help distill a lot of information in a short amount of time, while being more engaging."
"On Kickstarter, about 12 to 13 percent of people who press play on the video become a backer. That's insane."
"If you promote offers with video sales letters, you're gonna absolutely crush."
"Please like the video, it's free and it helps to get pushed up in the algorithm."
"The more an audience watches your videos, the longer they watch those videos, the more those videos can spread to The Wider YouTube audience."
"It's really a game changer to have video marketing in your business especially with a tool like that where the templates are done for you, the visuals are beautiful, and it really takes less than 10 minutes to create an amazing video."
"If you don't have something in the first three seconds of your video to get somebody to do that, well then guess what nobody's gonna watch your video."
"Thumbnails are doing the content a bit of an injustice."
"Think about the psychology behind the videos."
"Optimize your video title to include your main keyword."
"Once I get you to click on the video, I know I have you."
"It is still absolutely worth spending this time... making a shot like that and posting it on your channel."
"So what I'm going to do is come up with a list of keywords and turn them into some different video content ideas that I can create."
"Whatever your long-form content is, condense it down into a video that is less than 60 seconds and post it as a short."
"The power of the thumbnail: people make a decision to watch your video based on the title and the thumbnail."
"Video marketing is a must for your business, and if you're not on the video train, you will miss the next stop."
"Not every brand is ready for a bigger viewed video to pop off because sometimes that can cause an influx of orders even if it's an increase of 20% sometimes not every brand is ready to take on additional orders."
"Your thumbnail is the selling point of your video."
"A lesson in video marketing that you never knew you needed, but you really, really do need it."
"I specialize in helping entrepreneurs to increase their authority and income with video."
"Video marketing is a competitive game to win."
"Video marketing equals profit. 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts."
"Focus on the quality of your content. Focus on your titles, your thumbnails, most importantly the topic itself of the video."
"It needs to be so good that you can use it as a thumbnail on one of your long form videos."
"A good video will be able to convert more customers."
"To ensure your videos reach the relevant audience on YouTube, you need to optimize the title, description, and video tags."
"Assisted reality, you got to make a videotape and sell yourself."
"Video marketing is so important because it helps you show up as a human instead of as a business."
"Video is a very popular form of content marketing, lots of good video tools out there to create a high-quality video."
"If you make an awesome video but your thumbnail doesn't lead me to want to click on it, then I'm probably not going to watch your awesome video."
"If you want something to be remembered, I think the absolute best way to go about that is video content."
"Video content allows you to build more trust and more rapport than you can through just audio or definitely through just text."
"We're not hoping that a video will take off and go viral; we're doing this upfront research."
"This video is all about how to literally take your video, put it in YouTube's hand, and make the algorithm push out your video to grow your channel faster."
"The videos that you make today are evergreen."
"We help entrepreneurs and business owners amplify their business and brand with video."
"The real estate video is just to show the property, just to show all the best things about it."
"You have to do everything in your power to make the first 1 to 2 seconds as attention-grabbing as possible."
"We exist to help churches grow using video."
"The power of SEO is that if you optimize your video properly, your YouTube videos will rank number one on Google searches."
"Marketing is going that way, 95% of all online content that we watch is going to be videos."
"I just don't feel like it's right to create clickbaity thumbnails that don't communicate honestly to the viewer what they're about to experience in the video."
"Adding that clear call to action at the end of the video will also lead to engagement."
"Use your target keyword in the title of the video."
"We want to find our tribe, and that's what video does."
"Video series are more powerful than solo videos these days."
"Take advantage of video when possible."
"Now just with that YouTube short, you're already going to be generating massive amounts of traffic."
"You need to deliver value in the video itself because if you deliver value in the video itself, someone can see that you can produce valuable content."
"Thumbnails are super important; it's the reason why someone clicks."
"Video sharing is also good because if they see your ad and want to share it to their friend or whatever to purchase your product, that's nice to have."
"Above all, the video is what really gets people excited about their plan."
"Having video within the product page is absolutely huge."
"Your video content must be engaging and relevant, capturing your audience's attention within the first 5 seconds."
"Having a video in front of them for them to just sit back, relax, and watch is better for you and it's going to make you a lot more sales."
"The weird video campaign that allowed us to double our subscriber growth in 30 days."
"The little known secret to ranking videos."
"The more quality content that you produce, the more likely it is that you're going to have that one video that really takes off."