
Content Marketing Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Make it really easy for them to watch by taking the very best part. Think of it as a self-contained mini movie or mini lesson."
"The most critical thing is the title, and the second most critical thing is the thumbnail."
"Also, if you're new to the channel, go ahead and drop us a sub because you do not want to miss any more videos like these."
"I think the most important M&A deal of 2022 was when Penn Gaming bought Barstool Sports because it shows that every consumer package good or every consumer services business ultimately needs to be a content business."
"I think content marketing is super important these days for any business if you want to do well on the internet, especially in the long term."
"Creating great content naturally attracts backlinks, which is crucial for SEO."
"Only present content campaigns really take a good six months to really kick in."
"The game is won by relentless content over big splashes."
"Content marketing at the top is one, your content dictates a lot of the things that you can do with these other marketing strategies."
"When you help people solve problems through free and valuable content that is relevant to your business, you reach larger audiences and build trust."
"Eight of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 people will click through."
"Just a few tweaks here or there, like getting a blog post to go viral, immediately raises up your income."
"It is important that you reach a certain level of trust both with search engines as well as with the people reading your content."
"Long-form always works better than snappy slogans."
"Content is King when it comes to affiliate marketing."
"I launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads, make more money, and grow your business."
"It's easy to see the value of boosting your own content and creating targeted promotions to reach a specific audience of LinkedIn members."
"Now, if you love creepy videos, then you'll love the rest of our content."
"Syndicate your content to reach a wider audience."
"Be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything."
"Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing content to attract and retain customers."
"Content's job is to lead people towards a profitable action."
"Your content engages them and builds credibility for your brand, it converts visitors into customers, it allows you to build a loyal following."
"Content marketing isn't exactly a fast process. It's an ongoing one."
"Think of content marketing like planting seeds. The longer you wait to plant that seed, the longer it'll take to start reaping the rewards."
"If your videos can get in front of more eyeballs, you're going to get more views."
"Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material."
"Graphic novels with story lines about psych wards homophobia eating disorder self-harm are marketed to young teens."
"Build an audience by giving them a load of stuff for free."
"80% of the time you're posting value, you're not asking for anything in return."
"Just click the description in the link below to get started."
"Your good content has to be tied with a great title and thumbnail."
"Shopify runs a blog that offers free education, tips and inspiration."
"Sharing bonus material can help you get more sales."
"Use video content to get a big boost in the algorithm."
"Quality images can be repurposed for social media content."
"It's all about just understanding your target audience and then putting up free content on whatever platform that you're on every single day."
"Did you find it, Brett? Like and subscribe, that's how we're going to hit a million subscribers."
"Make sure you subscribe, make sure you turn on notifications so you don't miss any future videos."
"Content marketing allows you to educate, inform, and show your authority."
"Content pillars are basically the three main areas that you want to focus on with your social media or your content strategy."
"Nobody knows that you have amazing production quality if you haven't yet won the click with a fantastic title and thumbnail."
"Content is the future. Whether you're a content creator or a business owner, content is how you get the word out."
"Every business is now concentrated on creating content."
"Your captions is what's really going to sell your images or your content."
"I took a brand new Instagram account from zero to over 10k real active and hyper-engaged followers strictly through posting content."
"Generally my social media for the future for people who maybe want to subscribe to your OnlyFans, social media is what's all the links they can go to."
"You're going to want to subscribe so you don't miss out."
"Spend 50% of your time on content creation, 50% on content distribution."
"Content content content that is the name of the game that's why all of these websites are successful they're bringing in millions of dollars because they're using content to help connect Google searchers with the answers they're searching for."
"To make this video go crazy in the algorithm, check if you're in that 75% of people who aren't subscribed because we're getting so close to 200k! Leave a like if you guys think the intro for the series is cool."
"With that knowledge, you can use these trending topics to create videos that drive traffic to your YouTube channel."
"Create a great piece of content once a week and distribute it effectively."
"Content creation is a great method... it is a great way to combo other methods."
"The single biggest way for anybody in this room to double the size of their business is through a significant content strategy on LinkedIn."
"This is a great way to get people to your website if you have really quality content then people will go to your website and they'll buy your products or services."
"Blogs with videos can increase organic search results by up to 157%."
"Content writing can make people literally beg you to take their money."
"Tell your story... Instagram stories are where the money is."
"If you find keyword ideas that do meet all of these standards and do meet these criteria, you can pretty much guarantee the success of that content."
"The more you upload content about the product, the more likely you are to go viral."
"More people need to see it and know about it, absolutely."
"Google loves WordPress websites because of fresh content."
"No one wants the infomercial. There's one clear message on youtube from an audience is they don't want an infomercial."
"Write really comprehensive and detailed blog posts completely covering that topic; your blog post relevance is key."
"If people don't click on your thumbnails, then people won't watch your videos."
"Content marketing is sucking the knowledge, experience, and expertise out of the heads of the people in your business and spewing it on the internet in a way that gets the attention of your potential customers and makes them fall in love with you."
"Putting out helpful content on a regular basis that people, potential customers, can find, then watch, listen to, or read, and begin to form a little relationship with you in the process."
"Content marketing: create and share valuable content to attract and engage a target audience."
"If your content marketing efforts don't add up over time, you're doing it wrong."
"Or make sure to clearly specify what's so unique and awesome about your article that would make them want to click the link and check it out."
"...once it is built out these pages will rank you can drive traffic through ads to it you can repost this stuff on social you can post it through your email marketing and your automated streams this is content that can work hard for you for years."
"If you're considering escaping the corporate grind, content marketing can help you start your own business or sell products and services."
"Educate your audience, attract their attention, keep their attention. That is basically the formula for content marketing success."
"Building a foundation of educational content around your product or service can be super effective in attracting and retaining customers."
"If you want to avoid content marketing, then certainly don't sign to a label."
"The more they're exposed to your content, the more they will trust you and your product."
"Shopify magic can whip up captivating content that converts."
"The most important thing you will do in your business for the rest of your life is create content."
"Content marketing is about creating content that consumers will engage with and act upon, not just read or listen to or watch."
"Good content plus the right audience equals cheap ads. Good content, bad targeting equals not cheap, maybe, but not good."
"Content would be king and social media would be the future of marketing."
"The most important thing to do if you want to drive organic traffic to your Shopify site is that you're writing about things that your customers actually care about."
"You must create content to get engagement, to create conversation."
"Just because he's lazy about the content marketing, it doesn't mean his audience hates him. I'm just saying, the audience does not care if your thumbnails and titles are bad."
"I like to think of content marketing as anti-marketing because all it really is is sharing what you know and being really helpful to your future customers through the content you create and put out online."
"This is a form of content marketing, but it's so different that it really deserves to be treated completely separately."
"Use blog articles to enhance product category pages."
"Quality content is no longer enough."
"And this is where you don't see that behind the scenes of content marketing, where you're creating this continuous learning loop to learn from the data to feedback into your content to make it even better for your audiences over time."
"Take one or a few of your best pieces of content and run ads to them for just a few dollars a day with an engagement objective."
"The globe content converted so well."
"There's somebody that's finding your content today that's never heard about your lead magnet. So it would be a huge missed opportunity to not pitch your lead magnet in that piece of content when it might be the first piece of content they engage with."
"Keep giving publicly until your audience asks you to sell them something."
"Evergreen content is the gift that keeps on giving."
"Make shorts evergreen and promote a playlist or another video in the short."
"Content marketing is a long term marketing strategy that really focuses on speaking to your ideal client in a meaningful way about stuff they actually care about."
"Content marketing is more give give give give and what you give to your clients is answers to their questions."
"Content marketing is a great way to educate your people and this is important because if you want to be converting followers to sales to actually paying clients they need to know about you."
"Creating content that is actually helpful, that gets your future clients to actually go through your website, interact with your work, and you help them out."
"The thing that you do while you're creating these kind of articles and people are clicking through your website is create trust with your clients."
"Content marketing is a form of marketing that involves stimulating interest in a brand's products or services by creating and sharing online material."
"They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan really focuses on how to create the right content to attract more people to your business and to convert those people into paying customers."
"Content and branding were the keys to success."
"Content marketing is really an effective way of distributing valuable content online."
"Remember, we want to encourage customers to buy a product by creating detailed articles about the product."
"Great SEO based content marketers don't create content for Google search results first; they create content for people first, Google second."
"You have to actually put your target audience in the shoes of your content."
"Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content."
"Content optimization is the biggest thing you can do to improve your SEO traffic."
"Publish longer and engaging content to get more traffic to your website."
"If you've created valuable and relevant content, you know what? Your customers will find you."
"The most important thing to be an effective content marketer is you need a documented content strategy."
"SEO really starts to scale when you've built enough backlinks and enough content to be an authority in the niche."
"The real challenge to content marketing is getting people to collaborate and coordinate what they're doing."
"Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online content to generate audience interest in a brand's products or services."
"Content marketing helps build awareness, trust, and loyalty in your brand."
"Some companies have been able to grow organically just because they have really great content and their content is perfect for Facebook."
"We embed videos inside our blog articles because some people simply like to watch and some people simply like to read."
"If you can convey a concept with an intent for a specific person, then your viewers will push it out for you."
"Content is how you're letting people know that you even exist, your product even exists."
"The agents that are crushing content right now are going to be the agents that win."
"Blog post is a great way to market your website."
"Guest posting is when you publish content on someone else's site."
"Our blog gets around 600 to 700,000 organic visitors through just articles."
"The more relevant the content is to your ideal client, the more the algorithm then knows how to categorize you on any platform."
"The second thing that's made a huge difference in terms of growth has been a Weekly Newsletter."
"You want people sharing your content."
"Content calendar makes it easier to measure results and optimize performance."
"For a successful content marketing strategy, you really just need to know your audience."
"Staying highly organized from the beginning is very important in terms of creating a streamlined content marketing workflow."
"Guest posts are the engine and partnerships are the fuel."
"Content marketing does is tell stories that marketing isn't telling."
"Google's algorithm loves fresh content."
"You should work to create high quality links with high quality content."
"You just front-end the content; that's what has worked better for us, actually, and it's real simple."
"You can use these tools and make a lot of money with content with the right strategies and leverage your specific skills to succeed."
"It's all about evergreen content."
"If you just consistently put out the right content, the right people will find it."
"You're making the content once, and the content's generating leads for you forever."
"They're going to lead that potential client further down the pipeline until they get so warmed up by your content that they are reaching out in your direct messages and asking to book appointments with you."
"You can build trust through content and that is a very good way to do it."
"Content is king, but strategy is queen."
"It's much easier to drive free traffic to this article because we're literally providing something of value."
"Training can become content marketing for your design system."
"It's really the title of what it is that entices people to click on."
"The best content marketing strategy serves your target audience, it solves their problem, and it builds a relationship with your audience."
"By following each step of the journey strategy, we can map out a journey to reach the intended audience with relevant content on the channel that they prefer."
"Content marketing is one of the most valuable marketing strategies there is, period."
"If you're just starting out in content marketing, you're going to want it on your own site for SEO."
"Content marketing is critical partly because it gives the world something to link to."
"This template is made up of four key steps: setting your content goals, adding topics and resources, creating content and schedule, and then tracking metrics and reviewing your scorecard performance."
"I hope that you find it valuable and it makes creating and sharing content a lot easier and more profitable."
"Start investing in content if you want to build traffic for your website for the long term."
"Master the foundations of a successful content and inbox filling inquiry system without being slaves to social media."
"Once you can really pull that authenticity into your social media and content marketing, that is when you really start to see your personal brand taking off."
"Your content strategy is your purpose."
"The model's so successful... they start pumping the product and creating more content."
"Your content grabs the viewer's attention within the first 3 seconds."
"Content writing is probably one of the best ways to get free traffic."
"The content funnel that allowed me to generate 4447 leads in 90 days without spending a dime on ads."
"You can promote the content that's best for your audience, whether it's five years old or five days old."
"The more videos there are on YouTube, the more chance there is for your videos to get into the suggested feed of other popular videos."
"Beating your competition means you're focused on reaching the right audiences with the right content."
"Traditionally, text-based content would rank best."
"The key is to be deliberate and be very consistent."
"Outrank the competition with an in-depth SEO optimized article based on your competitor's URL."