
Business Insight Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"They discovered that better pictures of rental locations significantly increased booking rates."
"This reduction means a lot for us. To break this away from numbers and look at it from a perspective of what does it mean for a business, it'll hopefully give you some better insight."
"It all starts with something that's called customer insight."
"When everything becomes about data and management... there is one piece of data that matters above all else: 26 billion dollars."
"It's not the entertainment business boom it's a business of entertainment there you go."
"It's obscenely profitable... That's what react content is at this point. You're kind of stupid not to have a React channel from a business standpoint."
"Intuition is completely worthless when understanding disruption."
"Most of the time when there's deals and opportunities, there's usually a reason why you're getting a deal or an opportunity."
"This is from a 70 something year old who's made billions and billions who's made a career out of spotting people like this."
"Everybody loves Lamar, including the fans, you know, think about that business-wise."
"Good CEOs and leaders are able to make the invisible in the business become visible."
"It's very frustrating right now that most people who use Twitter don't actually buy anything on Twitter."
"Everybody loves talking about the grind. Everybody loves talking about what it takes to make it in a business. This is not a story of someone trying to make it. We already made it with a 100 million dollar company a year."
"There's a lot of noise in these quarters but the long-term signal is still very clear."
"Endorsements are overrated... they're not as important as everybody makes them out to be."
"It's 25 the product and 75 how you market it."
"Products with a good use case are very good products."
"You always learn a lot about a company when they respond to these types of things."
"All the money is made when it's boring as hell."
"I do think it's going to have more staying power."
"The path to a trillion dollars isn't about any one thing."
"Funnels are genuinely where millionaires are made."
"I was like, 'Brian and Joe, Airbed and Breakfast? The name sucks! You've got to change your name to something short like Air BB.'"
"Entrepreneurship is not easy, it's simple but it's not easy."
"Creating new franchises and breaking into the market is harder than ever, and I mean, he pretty much is spot on there."
"If you have maintained sufficient liquidity, you can take advantage of that circumstance rather than being taken advantage of by that circumstance."
"When value exceeds price, price is no longer the issue."
"Entrepreneurs have incredible perception to pick up on the smallest, most nuanced observations."
"Shocker are very short because a lot of them are independent they're very, very true businessman they don't want to know about what's the price of the truck they want to know what's the cost the life cycle cost of the truck."
"I once heard the head of a movie theater chain say, 'Ladies and gentlemen, we are not in the movie business, we are in the candy business,' and that really is quite accurate."
"Find out what's going on inside of your company, inside of your team, and inside of whatever your sponsor's doing."
"The two most important skills: business understanding and analytical thinking."
"We're really starting to get to know the key players in the industry."
"These type of opportunities don't come around that often."
"The key question is how do you discover a customer's true buying motivation."
"It's the closest thing to being inside a company in my opinion."
"The only way you can possibly be a long-term investor in a business is by... having conviction in the competitive advantage of that business."
"People love pizza so they, as dudes who would say, pizza is big business."
"You have a massive competitive advantage and you probably don't even know you do."
"I haven't seen this level of missing where the market is on such a degree from such smart people in a long time."
"I thought that I was trying to build businesses, but in hindsight I was actually just building skills."
"Executives may suspect that some customers and some products are more profitable than others, but when the extent of the difference is proved, they are likely to be surprised and sometimes dumbfounded." - Richard Koch
"Innovation solves problems and I think the big surprise to us has been to hear companies say that they didn't expect to see some of the customers they're seeing now for five years." - Cathie Wood
"If they're paying a lot to get the keyword, they must be able to make even more than that from the people searching for it."
"No matter who it is actually... and they don't even understand... the total addressable market."
"They understand something, and I think seeing that you had already built another business that had been quite successful is, you know, a data point of like you guys understood how business works."
"Falling in love with numbers, falling in love with the data, falling in love with those details that can actually really help you over time."
"The employer actually knows what success looks like."
"Shamath himself said SPACs may be easy to raise but they are hard to execute."
"Imagine you own a store and how much you'd pay to get passerby who you already knew were interested in buying."
"Even just knowing that alone will be like a huge benefit to you because like you'll be able to know so much more about how these businesses operate."
"What made me a millionaire won't get me to 100 million."
"It puts things into perspective, and when I can see a company's financials, its growth right directly beside another company's, then I find that it just makes it much easier to compare valuations."
"What business am I in? I'm not in the hamburger business. I'm in the real estate business."
"You really want to get to a place where your price feels like a no-brainer."
"Most people don't have a business problem; they have an awareness problem."
"The way to win in business is to find out something your competitor assumes is true that isn't."
"When you go where the water's flowing, as they say, and ride a wave, you don't need to be a genius to figure out what a really cool business looks like."
"The brands that get it, get it, and the brands that don't, don't."
"Any company that truly wants to know the mood of their fan base can take to YouTube or Reddit or any other place and literally eavesdrop on their customers."
"The key insight at Rippling is that employee data is a lot more distributed across a company than most people realize."
"It's quite interesting when you do that because it enables people, executives, and leaders to start to understand that the salary of every employee shouldn't just be written off; it's a real cost."
"I ought to know about what's happening in my industry... what's going wrong, what's going right."
"Maybe you aren't delivering the product that people want."
"The toothbrush test is a simple but powerful test so that you can know with 95% confidence how insightful your structures are, how much business you are bringing to the table."
"One out of five customers is typically willing to pay twice as much as the core offer."
"It's an excellent example of going behind the scenes in your business, showing people the real work that you do that no one else knows about that makes you so special."
"Business is just a reflection of decision making."
"It gives you visibility over what's happening in your business."
"The trend is now prevalent, and we are basically giving you the real fundamental ways to view true trend."
"We get a much better sense of how profitable this company is and how much it's reinvesting."
"Elon Musk knows what he's buying, and I think he knows damn well that a good majority of Twitter users are fake."
"Consumers are always going to tell you when they want something."
"Understanding people's idea of money more than anything, and in relation to business and career, was really interesting."
"The insight I had early on was, you know, companies in this space have to keep making great product."
"Product market fit really does feel like you know when you've got it."