
Exercises Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"One of the consequences of being hunched over a desk all day is you tend to have rounded shoulders, so today I'm going to do a bunch of exercises which try and open up your shoulders."
"Every team should do that exercise, it was so good."
"Focus on spiritual exercises to raise our frequency and reduce judgment and fear."
"Best compound exercises for overall strength come on it's very easy bench press squat deadlift."
"The motion begins to increase and as you do this frequently throughout the day it definitely improves and it calms down your rotator cuff."
"This angry cat rocking exercise is doing a lot of good for aligning the ball and socket joint without stressing the rotator cuff tendons."
"...the best rejection exercises usually lead to someone saying no or distancing themselves from you."
"When it comes to the abs, it's less about the exercises - because we know we have, literally, hundreds, if not thousands of opportunities here to pick from different exercises."
"Having suffered from neck pain recently I know how you feel and I have great confidence that if you do the exercises in this program your neck pain will improve significantly."
"That activation is kind of the foundational movement for all of the other exercises."
"All the exercises I showed you in this video are actually part of one guitar solo that I wrote for this video."
"These simple exercises can have a huge effect on your composition if you just take a long-term approach and decide to learn them over the long term."
"The PHD is supposed to be comprised of progressible exercises, exercises you can make harder."
"Another thing that's also really helped is face stretches."
"What we then try to help people with is a variety of exercises."
"Those three to five exercises are going to be taught to every single person that you teach that day."
"Exercises are skills treat them as such."
"PM exercises indeed helped me a lot preparing for my interview."
"...often times the revelations that you gain from doing this exercise are really, really powerful."
"We talk all about the best eight exercises most people don't do but they should be doing to build their butt."
"Hypertrophy can be equally achieved using different rep ranges, loads, and exercises for the same muscle group."
"Exercises that may give quick big toe pain relief even in as little as 30 seconds, but hopefully, we'll get rid of it for good."
"Everyone should be doing exercises for speech, swallowing, and memory."
"These three lifts are the Cornerstone of any strength training program."
"You can practice some of these basic exercises while you're on hold on the phone or sitting at a bus stop or listening to music."
"Exercises are designed to test the plan and not test people."
"Everybody did deadlifts and squats. Everybody then everybody stopped doing them."
"Chris does a wonderful job explaining everything and then you get tons of exercises."
"In order to counteract that as guitarists, we need to have exercises that show us where certain structures exist in multiple places on the fretboard."
"You have core stability exercises like marching or a bridge or a plank."
"Create your own exercises... you have way more in your arsenal than you think."
"Instead of just passively absorbing a lecture, they give you a fun problem-solving exercise to work out with every single topic."
"I'll be setting you a number of exercises to do during the course."
"Deep relaxation is a very interesting technique; there's a lot of specific exercises to do that."
"They've displayed the ability to do that through exercises and then of course operationally in places like Crimea and in eastern Ukraine."
"If you want to try and learn this stuff, I recommend checking out those ROP emporium exercises."
"With some simple little exercises, you can actually develop the muscle of command over your own mind."
"Do not give up. If you implement these exercises, these techniques, you will see results."
"Health is at your choice, that the breathing, the cold exercises, and doors by sides are fully there, fully exposed."
"The exercises and drills that make up the heart of Duolingo remain relatively unchanged."
"We're going to try and tidy all that up with three exercises that I like getting runners to do."
"The Babel lessons are more engaging because of the variety in their exercises."
"By the time you've done all those warm-up exercises, you might be surprised that some interesting things start coming out."
"Pain control is very important. Practice your deep breathing and use your pain meds at least one hour prior to doing your exercises."
"We'll have an exercise every week, not to give you a lot of work to do, but to train the way of thinking that we do in this course."
"These are fun exercises to have because they allow us to think outside the box and play through scenarios."
"For eight months, the students have flown different types of aircraft on arduous exercises."
"These exercises will help you to improve your shape design and understanding of shapes."
"If you want to get stronger in probability, you have to do a lot of exercises."
"Patellar tendon pain does not have to be complicated and can be easily fixed and solved with four main exercises."
"These four exercises are going to be able to help your knee and patellar tendon's capacity to be able to tolerate those tasks and give yourself a buffer zone from potentially dealing with pain and discomfort in the future."
"The exercises in the heavy tier are the best pound for pound for building real strength."
"Hopefully, these exercises are going to help you out, they're going to help you with the pain, they're going to help you with the strength or the mobility that you might need."
"Make sure you work on the exercises."
"We don't just do isolated exercises; we spend time helping people coordinate those two factors."
"Imitation exercises, shadowing, mimicking, whatever you want to call it, they are vital, I believe, to improving your pronunciation."
"Relaxation is something that you can achieve through exercises like breathing and mental focuses, but there's nothing more relaxing than when you actually trust someone around you."
"Find the few exercises that work really, really well for you."
"After every chapter, there's some exercises... they actually put the individual through a process like it's almost like journaling."
"That's not willpower, that's working on yourself and doing exercises and knowing yourself."
"There is a very fine line between piece and technical exercises."
"Finding exercises for educating people about malware analysis is difficult and time-consuming."
"...these exercises will never go out of fashion. So if you ever do see them in a program or you ever do see them in a list, don't roll your eyes and think 'oh we've come so far' - no, we haven't."