
Agricultural Innovation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The significant thing about that is the farmers prior to this point couldn't get past 1,400 pounds... in only 12 years the production went from 1,400 pounds an hour to over 65,000 pounds an hour."
"We have improved on creation... look up Norman Borlaug and dwarf wheat."
"There's a huge problem right now in growing enough food and distributing it to get to all the people in the world, and people are looking to robotics to help solve that."
"Let's revolutionize the way we farm cattle and make every cattle ranch, every farm as good as the best ones."
"We're gonna grow our own hamburgers, it's gonna be amazing."
"Greenhouse farming is not weather dependent. All year round, any time you want to grow, you grow."
"I just don't understand how anyone mentally healthy who's done that level of homework can believe anything other than this guy has a big heart."
"The Oxbow 7420 blueberry Harvester is one of the most modern machines in agriculture designed to harvest fruit quickly and efficiently."
"The New Holland FX60 forage Harvester designed for harvesting and baling beef cattle feed is a unique structure in the agricultural industry."
"You can be someone from the city, from the town, have no agricultural experience, think that chocolate milk comes from a brown cow, at the end of the day you can go out there and make a difference in agriculture." - Derick Williams
"In concept alone, this system for farming is nothing short of fantastic."
"This technology is going to be coming to farms in the future."
"When considering the number of hungry people on the planet, we have an obligation to explore every possible avenue to increase crop yields and to decrease the amount of herbicide, pesticide, energy and water needed to produce a crop."
"Maybe the coolest way to get yourself some extra ballast weight is to go ahead and get yourself a set of duals."
"We don't have one silver bullet that's gonna work for everybody... we want farmers to be creative and experiment."
"Harnessing the insecticidal properties of spider venom has the potential to change farming practices the world over."
"Small farmers can go out and make significant changes to accommodate the changing weather patterns that we're gonna see and we are seeing we have been seen for a long time."
"Can you imagine a country that irrigates plants with salt water?"
"The Great Pyramid was made to allow agriculture to continue to stop civilization from collapsing."
"There is now a rebirth going on, a return to regenerative agricultural practices, to permaculture, to community gardens, and people coming together when they see the leadership completely failing."
"Miss McDevitt's built something beautiful. Somehow she's talked the ground into giving life again."
"Modern agricultural machinery has been put into use, helping to increase productivity and product quality."
"My dream is that all of this 50 percent of America's farmland... we will see an exponential entrepreneurial explosion."
"George Washington Carver: Known for his pioneering work in developing new uses for crops and improving Southern agriculture."
"Perhaps a new banana will rise to become king of the export market."
"You own the land, it's your land, you're the farmer, can't you put solar panels? Can't you farm for the sun as much as you can farm for corn?"
"Agromining can be an opportunity for small farmers."
"Agromining's future depends on collaboration."
"Imitate your natural ecosystem, replace the keystone species with improved varieties of woody crops."
"Algae farming could become the world's biggest cropping industry."
"One big benefit of agrovoltaics is reducing the amount of water needed."
"We won't be able to do what this country needs to do to lead the world in climate change unless rural American agriculture is helping lead the charge."
"Race to cauliflower, they're going to be one of the biggest players in cauliflower."
"Surely we're going to learn things from your work that will help us produce food here on Earth."
"Technology to increase cash crop yields in the world's only hope."
"Three Hungarian companies are working together to make hydroponics crop production more efficient."
"The Imperium 12,000 is a rotary tiller with a working width of up to 12 meters, the world's largest model in its class."
"The weed clearing machine for crops is a valuable tool for farmers and is one of the Advanced Technologies in modern agriculture."
"There's opportunity in the danger as the Chinese say, but we need power to do that. You can't grow food indoors without power, and it's not going to work on a solar panel."
"The big idea that I don't need to own greater parts of the land. I need to know how to use technology to help me be one of the biggest producers in the country."
"India, once worried, is now a leader in feeding itself through innovation."
"I think that he crossed all his t's and dotted all of his i's for years prior to running for the presidency."
"We've shown the NGOs and commodity buyers that this is a really viable way to change the lives of people in developing markets."
"I think it's honestly great what's going on farming and staking as well."
"The Weed Zapper S3 is a breakthrough in electric weed control."
"Only time will tell if advances in genetic engineering perfect the potato and deliver a heartier more nutritious crop year after year."
"Even though this accomplished couple had found the metaphorical needle in a haystack, the monogerm beet seed, after combing through 22 million plants..."
"Together we can achieve a sustainable future for generations to come."
"Our government has invested in research and innovation to help agriculture be more resilient."
"Imagine you could water your entire crops in seconds."
"I think we're gonna see a second Green Revolution possibly, that's what I hope for."
"Seaweed grows 10x faster, consumes less water and takes up less than 10% of the land those crops need."
"An essential tool in the agricultural industry that helps farmers harvest cabbage quickly and effectively."
"A lot of technology that we have never used on the farm, that we've never really even seen. Cordless welding technology, and I know a lot of channels have used this stuff out on the fly."
"Strawberries, man. They managed to shrink the growth cycle down to two months."
"...what if AG technology companies would focus on changing how agriculture is done instead of just making conventional a little bit better?"
"American farmers were initially skeptical about the new tractor because of its small size."
"...the convenience that adding these remotes with this hydraulic top link gets you."
"We're starting to think outside the box; it's not necessarily corn, beans, cattle. It might be vegetable production, it might be fruits, something different."
"You could use the CRISPR-Cas9 system essentially as a rheostat to dial up or down the numbers of fruits that are produced by plants such as tomatoes."
"The most exciting thing is the irrigation system."
"To world abundance through farming innovations."
"We are adventuring into doing some meat birds this year, we're super excited to be able to raise meat in a very sustainable way."
"With continuous development, manufacturers such as John Deere, Case IH, and many more have come up with innovative and reliable solutions to enhance the production capacity of the agricultural industry."
"Imagine needing to raise 20% less feed to get the same result; that's phenomenal."
"We need to make agriculture attractive again to young people."
"If we build a system that's based on principles and then constantly refine that system... there's essentially no reason that we can't grow an incredible amount of food in a tiny space."
"I'd never heard of Hedley Taylor before, but I didn't realize that it was through Hedley Taylor that the combine harvester was produced."
"The tree shelters make the trees grow a lot faster."
"Everything we did with this whole shed, this life-changing shed that I put up, was for cow comfort and cow welfare."
"The lessons learned in wartime are now going to pay big dividends, dividends in still better crops, in still better machines to strengthen the farmer's good right arm."
"The real reason for all of the research and experimentation is that it is only through these means that the farmer can remain competitive."
"Pasture cropping is as much about restoring farms and soils as it is about the crop itself."
"The most recent interest in biochar was really sparked by the rediscovery of so-called Terra Preta de Índio soils... pitch-dark... and seem to be very fertile."
"The genius of industrial agriculture has been to replace human labor in the fields and in the processing of food with fossil fuel."