
Political Behavior Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Former President Trump's alleged efforts to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election were, if proven, an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government."
"Americans have shown that this is not behavior that they support when people have the opportunity to vote and to say, 'This is not what I want from an elected official.'"
"The really indecent behavior and shamelessness of individual MPs has ensured that especially now in the last phase of the election campaign there really is a harsh wind blowing in the face of the campaigners."
"Democracy means that when you lose, you accept it."
"Politicians make grand promises but have no intention of actually keeping them."
"It is what it is; people in politics are going to do what they think is necessary."
"Beyond just the legal battles happening, the footage showed Trump's outbursts toward Fonnie Willis as a sign of bigger problems in society."
"Many times, I would literally watch the news during the day and see certain people attacking each other and then see them with their arms around each other or sitting in each other's laps."
"For all of his obnoxious tweeting, they're mostly retaliatory."
"Putin's pattern he makes no attempt in other words to pretend."
"The one thing you can't do is vote for someone who says, 'Well if I don't win then it's probably rigged and we're going to have to take other measures.' That's not okay."
"People are generally afraid that Trump is going to throw them under the bus because he’s done it so much in the past."
"Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin are capable of backing down and of rational behavior."
"65 percent of respondents said Trump has acted in an unprecedented way since taking office."
"What really matters is partisanship. They don't actually care what the bill is. They're just going to say no."
"We may not like when Republicans win, but we don't go and we don't storm. We don't try to change."
"The President of the United States Twitter rage didn't end there he also decided to go off on tariffs."
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"What does appear clear however is that while the texts showed varying degrees of involvement by those members of Congress, the communications provide an explanation of how Republican members participated in undermining people's faith in democracy."
"Quit the childlike bickering and act presidential."
"I think a fairly straightforward assessment of the behavior of the Republican party today can lead one to the assumption that they do want to undermine democracy."
"She has a unique capacity to simply ignore whatever constitutional provision is in front of her in order to achieve the desired result."
"The Democrats are lousy politicians but they have one thing two things they're vicious they're the most vicious people the Republicans aren't as vicious they may learn to be vicious after going through this stuff."
"How do we function as a society when we have congress people refusing to wear masks in the capital? It's just beyond belief."
"I'd like to have more faith in people than that which is warranted by the behavior I see from conservatives."
"He lies about big things. He lies about small things."
"Fear-related words prompted faster responses in conservatives."
"Democrats are more morally outraged but less willing to take action, while Republicans are less angry but more motivated to engage in change."
"These people are cruel, they are cruel, cruel people, and they will do anything for their own political power."
"I think these things sort of serve that image of him to his people when he goes on TV and doubles down on his insanity."
"Our political incentive system rewards people who jump out front and back a narrative before the evidence is in."
"Doing whatever it takes to get his way is the one consistent principle that Mitch McConnell lives by."
"It's a whiplash-inducing thing where he says to one person, 'I'm fighting like crazy, we will not stop,' and to another person, 'Oh, the president's gracefully going to concede any minute now.'"
"It's not attached to facts, he doesn't care about facts."
"I think they've seen them for four years and they're remembering decorum matters."
"Trump's diplomacy: hot and cold, with friends and foes, but always a spectacle."
"He genuinely saw power as a means to an end."
"Biden's pretending to be transparent while actually not being transparent."
"The lying was one of the most consistent, unending features of Trump's presidency."
"Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats vote on Wednesday. They do that every single year everywhere across the country. Nobody goes to jail. That's why they keep doing it."
"Politicians sometimes allow emotions to get the better of their intellect."
"All political groups are prone to revel in the suffering of their opponents."
"It helps me actually have compassion for people who exhibit some of the toxic tendencies of the left."
"The Democratic voters sound like they make decisions based on reasonably rational calculations and they are not wholly mortgaged to The Cult of Joe Biden like some of us are"
"Donald Trump is a habitual liar and a grade-a chuckle [ __ ] who is bad at his job."
"So it's extremely important to understand the underlying psychology of what's happening here and how this happens."
"They hate California, they move out to Austin, and then they start voting for the same kinds of programs that made them flee their previous state."
"It's okay when you're out on the campaign hustings, that's okay when you're working on the Congress. It is not okay when you're sitting talking to federal agents."
"Every single day there's other right wingers doing the same thing and they're walking free."
"Trump is a fighter, he'll call people names, he'll insult people, he'll make up nicknames."
"He follows bad politicians and bad politics around like a bad smell."
"You've got to lie if you're following Donald Trump and you've got to be indignant while you lie."
"Nobody wants to give in to Putin's strange behavior on the ground any longer."
"They talk the talk but they definitely don't walk the walk."
"Nobody is out there voting for the vice president. They're voting for the president."
"We've got to stop thinking that people are going to moderate themselves once elected because they don't."
"Accomplishing that calls for less selfish and self-serving political behavior."
"It was a remark of a Roman consul in an early period of that celebrated Republic that a most striking contrast was observable in the conduct of candidates for offices of power and trust before and after obtaining them."