
Particles Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Quantum mechanics is predicting future behaviors of quantums or little quantum particles."
"Quantum entanglement...particles...still somehow know about each other's existence."
"In certain situations, two particles can seemingly be in instant connection with each other, even if they are located at opposite ends of the universe."
"Matter is made out of little small particles that behave according to the laws of so-called quantum mechanics."
"We are just collections of particles, you and I. So if the configuration repeats, you and I are out there too."
"The discovery of the lambda particle confirmed the existence of three-quark particles."
"Invisible particles that affect our lives in ways most of us are oblivious to."
"Particles and their properties do not follow strict determinism but rather exhibit probabilistic behavior."
"Superposition refers to the ability of particles to exist in multiple States simultaneously."
"So, particles themselves are essentially vibrations of a field."
"Consciousness: particles flowing within a structured, complex organization."
"Particles are localized not only in physical space but also in branchial space."
"If two particles are entangled, they will act like one particle no matter where they are in the universe."
"Physicists are still trying to understand how these particles acquire such enormous amounts of energy."
"The reason we care about these elusive particles is because they do play a fundamentally important role in the universe, in the nature of matter—in some of the most violent cosmic phenomena."
"Everything we see in the world, all the diversity in the natural world, you, me, everything around us, just the same three particles with slightly different rearrangements repeated over and over and over again."
"There's something extra there... locality... what the particles are doing here has an effect on what the particles do over there."
"Quantum entanglement occurs when two microscopic particles come together and act as one particle, subject to whatever others or even the universe does around us."
"In order to explain these particular kinds of anomalies, we're talking about particles with hundreds or maybe thousands of GeV."
"But, do I have control over the motion of those particles and therefore control over the reactions and sensations that I experience? No, I don't."
"Particles inside an organized structure."
"Buoyancy depends on the density of the thing and the fluid it's surrounded by. It all comes down to the particles and how they interact."
"So this is where the difference in spin becomes really important, and if we wanted to think of some particles of higher spin, even higher than spin two, higher than a graviton, then we know that we wouldn't be able to fully make sense of them by themselves."
"All matter in the universe is made up of the same fundamental particles."
"They are not just particles moving through space; they are the storytellers of the world's creation and cataclysmic events."
"...particles do not create particles... all particles come from an energy...that has no beginnings and no ends."
"Atoms are comprised of just three types of particles: positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons."
"Alpha particles really can't even penetrate the skin and beta particles can be blocked by a fairly thin sheet of metal."
"Dark matter may be made of some new kind of elementary particle called a 'wimp.'"
"A wimp is so weakly interacting that we don't see it, but it could interact via the weak interaction with ordinary atoms."
"Energy plays a pivotal role in the birth of particles, acting as the catalyst that transforms the potential within quantum fluctuations into the material constituents of the cosmos."
"The Standard Model: describing the fundamental forces and particles of the universe."
"To understand the laws of nature, you need to understand elementary particles."
"All these other particles which we see in the subatomic world come from different ways that this string could be vibrating."
"If particles are massless when we well I guess the right thing to say is this in modern physics all these particles come from Fields."
"Particles have a certain likelihood to be at one location or another, and that likelihood is described by a probability field."
"...a clean air scrubber with new filters went from 176,000 particles down to 2,400 particles which is 99.999 percent."
"Two particles can travel as far as to different ends of the observable universe and still remain linked, behaving like a single unit."
"Particles must have what are now called antiparticles, partners with equal mass and opposite charge"
"Antiparticles seem like the stuff of science fiction, but they are not"
"Super symmetry suggests each known particle has a partner with the opposite spin"
"I'm just going to check for the spacebar being pressed and we will emit those particles."
"Charge describes how that subatomic particle will react to other subatomic particles."
"There's actually an entirely different way that particles could emerge."
"If you solve the equations classically, you find that there should be a massless particle that travels at the speed of light."
"The Higgs field filling empty space gives mass to elementary particles. It doesn't give mass to protons and neutrons because they're not elementary particles."
"Quantum statistics treats elementary particles of the same kind as indiscernible and essentially fused within a larger system."
"The particles colors are going to be random colors in between those two colors."
"Particles have a property called spin. One way of thinking of spin is to imagine the particles as little tops spinning about an axis."
"It's a wall of high energy particles."
"Temperature is an emergent feature of large collections of particles. There's no such thing as the temperature of a single particle."
"Particles that travel faster than light can travel back in time and break causality."
"All known fundamental particles have spins of either zero, 1/2, or one."
"Low entropy, not a lot of information. High entropy takes a lot of information that's hidden in this configuration of particles."
"Even if it's something we've never seen before, it can disappear and turn into other elementary particles."
"Collision theory is simply that reactions will happen when particles with sufficient energy collide"
"In the microcosm, we discover everything is made up of indivisible units. Everything we experience is made up of indivisible units called quanta, collectively known as Quantum."
"Everything in the universe is composed of tiny particles constantly in motion."
"String theory says that everything that we think of as a particle is actually a tiny, vibrating loop of string."
"So I'll give them that but it is an opaque fluid there is solid particles in the fluid to make it opaque and naturally when that fluid is running through very small channels it's just going to build up over time."
"I hope you've got over the shock of learning that light, an electromagnetic wave, behaves in some ways like a stream of particles - the photons."
"So, there's this notion in quantum that everything behaves like a wave and a particle simultaneously. Even things like electrons, they're not really just point particles. They also have this wave-like property to them."
"Neutrinos could actually transform one into the other as they travel through space."
"This other kind of particle must have the same mass as an electron but it has the opposite charge."
"Particles of the same size are deposited at the same time in a process called sorting."
"By the way it's not easy to make that calculation because part of that calculation is that there are strongly interacting particles that are virtual particles that will contribute to things like the magnetic dipole moment of the muon."
"The idea is that if I have a bunch of particles in a box and they're all sort of flying around and bumping into each other..."
"Particles really can be in this fuzzy mixture, and it only becomes definite upon measurement or observation."
"Particles do what they do because they are following the fundamental laws of physics."
"I believe that all of that is nothing but the motion of particles coursing through a particular structure."
"Atoms are not the most fundamental particles in this universe."
"Particles aren't slowed down by the vacuum."
"Identical particles in quantum mechanics have very different connotations from identical particles in classical mechanics."
"I think we'll get to a point when consciousness will also see that as a process emerging from highly coordinated highly choreographed motion of particles."
"... if the electrons and protons were freely moving and not bound into atoms then they would be efficient scatterers."
"Everything we see is made up of quarks."
"So, live training number six, mastering particles."
"That's how you get your particles into the world and um really quite cool very very powerful."
"You definitely need an enclosure just to keep all the particles and everything contained."
"Because these particles obey math, we can predict how they decay in many instances."
"Protons and neutrons, known as nucleons, are the only two members of the baryon family."
"Particles cannot really come into existence from nothing; they come into existence from energy."
"When particles collide, that's the way to make new particles."
"Neutrinos are kind of like the ghosts of particles because they can pass through ordinary matter."
"Matter is made of particles and there are three types of particles that scientists talk about: atoms, molecules, and ions."
"A virion is a complete, fully developed infectious particle."
"String Theory suggests that there is only one type of particle: strings."
"Most of the stable visible matter in the universe is made out of these particles."
"We have good reason to think that virtual particles don't literally come from nothing without any prior conditions."
"The quantum state of each particle cannot be independent of the others."
"Clay is made up of tiny particles called platelets, shaped like little flat disks."
"The mystery particles defy the standard model of particle physics."
"Particles are now smoothly moving through all of the images on this sheet."
"The particles themselves are vibrations in the quantum fields."
"Neutrinos, they're so small that one scientist said that a billion of them could pass through an inch of steel like bullets through fog."
"If you have more gas particles, that means more entropy."
"If these particles find a way to escape a black hole, they steal of its energy."
"Empty space is not really empty, it's actually filled with tiny vibrations that can turn into virtual particles."
"There is no definition of right-handed and left-handed for a particle at rest."
"According to Dalton, matter is composed of small particles which cannot be split up any smaller. These particles he called atoms."
"Up quarks, down quarks make protons and neutrons."
"The radiation contains the positively charged alpha rays, the negatively charged beta rays, and the neutral gamma-rays."
"In the beginning were the particles, and the particles formed a universe."
"String theory proposes that we could see particles not as points, but instead as strings."
"The atomic hypothesis: that all things are made of atoms, little particles that move around in perpetual motion."
"Zircon crystals... the uranium in them decays and so when it decays it ejects an alpha particle which consists of two neutrons and two protons."
"What can be so powerful somewhere out there to be able to produce these extremely powerful particles?"
"A proton is two up quarks and one down quark. A neutron is two down quarks and one up quark."
"The smallest of these particles can be 30 times thinner than a strand of human hair."
"Experience the substance of the body and the world as made up of vibrating particles, and these particles made up of even finer energy particles."
"Entanglement is about two particles."
"Alpha particles are positive and beta particles are negative, so they would be affected by the magnetic field in opposite directions."
"Quantum mechanics is the rule book for very tiny things like atoms and particles."
"The laws of physics that govern the movement of galaxies also influence the smallest particles on Earth."
"The vacuum is full of virtual particles which come and go in pairs."
"X particles is nice and helpful with this because we have something called the xp branch modifier."
"Auroras are caused by charged particles being channeled into the North and South Poles of the Earth."
"Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields which funnel jets of particles out along their magnetic poles."
"Matter is made up of minute particles."
"Particles can have spin, half-integer intrinsic angular momentum that has nothing to do with being a rigid object that rotates, but is just an intrinsic property of angular momentum."
"Light is not continuous. It's made up of little particles called photons."
"Quantum physics are at the quantum level, so you're looking at quantum particles, electrons, protons, neutrons."
"Particles with the lower mass-to-charge ratio will travel faster."
"Protons have a relative charge of plus one, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a relative charge of minus one."
"A force so powerful, it is capable of ripping particles straight from the void of the universe."
"There are 10 to the 90th elemental particles in our universe."
"We are made of particles that have existed since the moment the universe began."
"Supersymmetry... predicts the existence of many new fundamental particles in nature."
"This equation describes the evolution of some particle or some sample or some abstract dot."
"U is the internal energy; it's the kinetic energy of the particles."
"If there is dark matter, it should be something other than protons, neutrons, electrons, and so forth."
"Glue balls are quirkless composite particles made of bound gluons. Nice."
"Weakly interactive massive particles... are supposed to be the explanation for how dark matter works."
"The universe before a lot of particles became particles before the fundamental forces solidified and became the forces we know today."
"Massive particles follow geodesics with time-like tangent vectors and massless light beams follow geodesics with light-like or null tangent vectors."
"Particle accelerators... allow us to recreate fundamental particles and their interactions that existed very soon after the Big Bang."
"The known particles are these: all ordinary matter—atoms, molecules, people, stars, galaxies—are composed of just two types of quarks and electrons."
"Those two electrons are entangled; one is up, the other's down."
"A monodisperse aerosol is one in which all the particles are of the same size."
"Particle accelerators... produce a ton of particles and also produce particles with very high energies."
"Every particle is actually a field, and every field can have a particle produced from it."
"The Standard Model deals with the currently known particles and the way they interact, apart from gravity."
"Cosmic rays are the highest energy particles ever observed."
"The world was comprised of only atoms, indivisible tiny particles, and the void."
"The universe is made up of ghostlike particles that behave in very peculiar ways."
"What about things that we usually think of as particles, like an electron, would it have a wave nature?"
"Such a simple idea gives amazing and really deep insight into the basic particles of our universe."
"The formation of flocks in this step is very important because the larger flocks are easier and more efficient to remove than the smaller colloidal particles."
"Protons are positive, electrons are negative, and neutrons have no charge."
"The magnetosphere changes shape when blasted with these particles, directing them away from the atmosphere so they aren't harmful."
"Every field, every particle that you know about comes from a little vibrating field."
"So what's really going to bring this to life, I think, is some particle action."
"The physical world is made up of many particles... there's a finite number of a really small number of particles that everything's made up of."
"Exchange particles are responsible for all the field forces out there."
"This jet is made up of subatomic particles being shot out from the center of M87 at almost the speed of light."
"What happens when particles mix together?"
"You can now really go and experiment with the particles and create some really interesting stuff."
"We are using particles, a stream of particles, to drive fluid simulation."
"I think it looks pretty good, and you see those fluid particles just kind of floating on the ocean, they're looking real cool."
"The entire GPU particle system was completely rewritten."
"Protons and electrons have charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign."
"According to quantum mechanics, multiple states of existence for tiny particles are possible at the same time."
"These little specs here, these are little particles that can animate, they can interact with each other."
"In supersymmetry, every particle has a known partner."
"The IR divergences in this problem are coming from these, what are called, collinear and soft limits of the particles."
"Antimatter particles, with the opposite electrical charge of ordinary matter, remain exceptionally rare."
"A composite particle is a particle made of other smaller particles."
"A fundamental or elementary particle is a particle that is not made of other smaller particles."
"Every kind of fundamental particle has an anti-particle."
"Electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged."
"Every elementary particle has properties like both a wave and a particle."
"We're looking for anything that indicates that an image has plenty of particles but the thinnest possible ice and the least possible motion."
"With 2D classification techniques, we can cluster particles in two dimensions and start to separate junk and broken particles from the data."
"The debris from the collision goes showering out and that gives us information about elementary particles at the most fundamental level."
"Hello and welcome back to the yet to be named particle series in Unreal Engine."
"Particle spawning happens in the emitter update section."
"Virus particles are what we call metastable."
"The only difference between a solid, a liquid, and a gas is how much, how strongly the different particles interact with each other."
"I want these particles to swirl and move around and be really interesting."
"Somehow particles are able to sample more than one region of space at the same time."
"We need to take account of impingement between particles growing from different regions."
"It is helping to remove 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns."
"This charge creates an electrostatic field around the crystals which attracts particles and ions with opposite charges."
"The total number of particles in the observable universe is 10 to the 88th."
"The concept of symmetry and the slight defect in the concept of symmetry must have something to do with the fundamental structure of particles."
"Natural radioactivity consists of the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays."
"So that is a super high level run through of particles in Unity."