
Church History Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Every Church of Rome records the history of martyrdom and victory."
"The purpose of calling Vatican II was to preserve and promote Church teaching, to evangelize, to unite with other Christians, and to adapt and update the church."
"The church was worshiping in a Trinitarian formula and baptizing in a Trinitarian formula long before the crises of the Trinity provoked in the church the desire to clarify its language."
"One of the great side benefits of heresy throughout church history is that heresy always forces the church to greater precision and clarity about what we do believe and what the Bible teaches."
"Women filled the highest possible roles and only years later in church history were they slowly excluded from those types of roles because of the patriarchalism of the surrounding cultures."
"The dean of Lincoln, Reverend Brandon Jackson, announced...he believed a battle of Good and Evil was centered on the Gothic Cathedral."
"The church after Constantine does not look like the same Church, at least on the externals, as it did before."
"Persecution often leads to amazing miracles in the church."
"The church in the modern day didn't convert us as much as the church as seen in the perspective of history."
"Monasticism has an important role to play in the development of the church both in the east and in the West."
"I will mention too... in a letter to Trajan... he says that the church calls them deaconesses."
"I love being Catholic. I think everyone should be Catholic because it's objectively true. It's the early church, the Apostolic Church, the biblical church."
"I discovered that the man who drafted this document of Vatican II became a laya sized priest, married a woman, and yet also had a homosexual relationship lasting into the 1980s."
"The Eastern Empire because the differences in language tradition and custom and not mutual understanding and tolerance or different ways of celebrating the faith led to the church's growing apart."
"In the Christian tradition, the Holy Spirit is supposed to be working, but every time the Christians have always been in power, especially the medieval Catholic Church, it's not being very loving at all."
"The church's failure to speak out against slavery remains sustained on its historical record."
"The church's redemption from its support of slavery is a testament to the power of moral awakening."
"How could hell have been created by the church if we know that Jesus' brother and disciple believed in hell before churches were even established?"
"We're not the first generation of the church, nor will we be the last."
"On these shelves sit 12 centuries' worth of documents, and unmatched history not just of the Catholic church, but of the world as we know it."
"We're only at the top of the first inning... it's the greatest crisis the church has had since the Reformation."
"If you just read the book of Acts you'll see exactly what the church believed... it all happened exactly as promised."
"These burials might represent the first solid archaeological evidence that there was a church here before Edward the Confessors."
"God has throughout church history of 2000 years god has providentially sustained his people by the lord's day gathering."
"Lucas calling the view of hell that's been taught by the vast majority of Christian churches for almost 2,000 years a straw man indicates that it is you that hasn't done your research, not me."
"Even the late Pope John Paul II admitted the mistakes of the Church and apologized."
"We are part of a church that has roots going back 2,000 years."
"The community of faith existed for generations before any gospel or letter was written."
"Why did the early Church almost universally accept the Deuterocanonical books?"
"It's easy to see that nearly everyone who actually attended these churches as well as the ministers who guided them from both sides had no intention of splitting from anything."
"The rise of Lutheranism in Germany was not as quiet as the sudden switch between being part of a United Orthodox Catholic Church to just one side was in 1054."
"This is the greatest season in the history of the restored church."
"We're moving forward and it's time for us to stop apologizing for the sins of the church in the past."
"The most evangelistic period of Church history is when the church studies Bible prophecy."
"Church history is exciting, but it's far less fantastical."
"Martyrdom and suffering are big components of our church history and our faith."
"The normative governance of the church is local synods because for the first 300 years of the church there was nothing but local councils."
"The Bible is a product of the church and not the foundation of it."
"They despise traditionalists and they see these people as pre-Vatican II dinosaurs."
"So forgive me if I am beating a dead horse, but heresy is important because of its impact in shaping the church through controversy."
"Based on these five reasons, I feel confidence stating that there is no hint of fallible prophecy not only in church history but in a straightforward reading of the biblical text, no hint of fallible prophecy in Agabus' prediction."
"Much of church history has been a battle between those who seek to hold to the faith once delivered by the biblical apostles, and those who claim that they have something better."
"Treat church history as God's providential guidance of you reading that book right now."
"To say that evangelicals are by and large not interested in church history or feel a sense of connection with it, it's just unsustainable."
"Nobody can look back at the early church and say the way the church was governed is normative in every respect unless we resurrect the Roman Empire."
"If you're going to engage with or quote Ignatius, do so in context with all the apostolic fathers."
"Thank God that the church has been doing this throughout history, even in places where it never makes the news headlines."
"It's the Church of Philadelphia, now this period of church history began with what is known as the Great Awakening."
"There is not one Revival in the church history that happened without prayer."
"God not only predicted that he would build one church, but he also predicted there would be a departure from that one church."
"If the churches here survived into the second century, then Jesus’ Church was secure for all time. But if they went under here, then it would be a bad day for the whole of church history."
"The Acts of the Apostles turns out to be a foundational history book for the church, facing up to the lack of an imminent eschatology."
"It's not just that there is a Catholic and a Protestant side, no. It's that both sides in the early church, even when there were fights, were way too Catholic for most forms of modern Protestantism."
"I'm just really persuaded that a lot of these later developments in church history are things that wouldn't have been recognizable to the apostles."
"As more people learn the actual church history and the actual truth of it, we'll come together even be even more united on this and Pastor Jeff won't have to worry about dissension about where the Book of Mormon took place."
"To be deep in history is to understand deeply the issues that were wrestled with in the church's history."
"People deserve to know the accurate church history and the way the church has harmed people."
"Confession for throughout the history of the church has often involved some elements of spiritual direction."
"May God help us to learn lessons from the early church."
"I want you to regard Augustine as the benchmark or the watershed, the guy who was really the last of the Fathers of the Church and the first of the medieval theologians."
"When did the church start? That's a good question."
"The church grew about 50 a decade for the first 300 years."
"The responsible study of church history involves learning, repentance, and transformation. A church with a mission focused on promoting communities of reconciliation, justice, and peace should be self-critical and honest about its history."
"The leaders have made mistakes and the way to approach history of the church is to understand the context of the times."
"Understanding the history of the church helps us understand the history of the world."
"The rest of the book of Acts was written against the backdrop of a church and a people, preachers who prayed."
"Every notable preacher or missionary in the history of the church was a person of deep prayer."
"The work that began here in tromelin though small would spread much further than this small country church."
"Often forgotten the work of Europe's first ordained missionary was vital to the new church in its early days."
"The Spirit is placed inside the believers, which then becomes the norm throughout the rest of church history."
"Women were expected to teach in church in biblical times."
"One of the best books written on the history of the church is from an early Christian writer named Eusebius."
"What kept the church together when people could not read... it was the teachings of the church."
"The first time we could say with certainty that these are the books of the Christian Bible is the time of Irenaeus in 180."
"We have to realize that we're part of a great cloud of witnesses throughout church history who have remained faithful."
"The church was willing to die for her faith."
"The early New Testament Church was totally baptized, filled with, empowered by the Holy Spirit."
"Church history is a collection of great biographies of how the Lord worked in people's lives."
"Church history provides you with a source of illustrative material which is both timeless and fresh."
"Martin Luther wasn't looking to start a Protestant Reformation; he was looking to fix what he saw as things that were wrong with the existing church."
"It's only with Origen in the 3rd century who begins to list books that he thinks are readable in the churches."
"Every true progress in church history is conditioned by a new and deeper study of the scripture."
"The birth and rapid rise of the Christian church remain an unsolved enigma for any historian who refuses to take seriously the only explanation offered by the church itself."
"The patristic period... is just a way of speaking of the early leaders of the Christian Church."
"A church simply needed to acquire a prestigious Relic to attract pilgrims to its doorstep."
"Even at its most weakened and desperate position, the church always has the ability to rebuild."
"There's so much politics, there's so much history, there's so much context that leads up to Chalcedon."
"The Primitive Church received from the apostles not only the text of scripture but also its legitimate and natural interpretation."
"It's not a Catholic doctrine, it's the belief of the ancient church."
"This mutual excommunication was not the sole source of the Great Schism of 1054."
"Theology looks at the history of the church, uses theological categories, draws on philosophy and history."
"The faith that you see in the churches of Cappadocia, Constantinople, the same church you see here at Saint Elijah in Oklahoma City."
"This group from an early day labeled itself 'de catholica ecclesia' which in Greek means the Catholic Church."
"The church was formed, the church was deformed, the church was reformed, and finally, the church will be restored."
"These seven churches portray seven stages in the history of the church."
"The great tribulation will be the church's finest hour of church history."
"The only church that goes back 2,000 years is the only apostolic church which comes from the apostles."
"Don't discount this important historical development during the days of the apostolic church."
"The church has gotten it wrong before, so we have to be open to the possibility that we can be wrong."
"Why don't we just do it like the early church did?"
"The greatest threat to the early church was not atheism, it was gnosticism."
"The greatest Revival in the history of the church is the Reformation."
"The Reformation was necessary for the purification of the church."
"The gospel is never fully lost or eclipsed in the history of the church."
"This is really a very important period of time in the history of the church."
"The fourth Century is very, very important."
"This is actually the first time anybody's ever seen the layout of the Church of Athelney."
"The development of scholastic method and the rise of these new ideas... are a vital period of the church's history that the church should embrace."
"...the Anglican tradition in general has the most Earnest attempt to return the current form of the church to the early Church in Theology and in practice."
"It's a unique way to interact with history of the church."
"The church has had some form of production all throughout the past 2,000 years of its history."
"Latin gives us what was the early church's interpretation of the original text."
"The history of the Christian church has been the last nail in the coffin of my Christian faith."
"Peter never considered himself to be a pope or the head of the church."
"The birthday of the church is the day of Pentecost."
"The oral tradition is as important as any in the early church."
"The history of Israel becomes in the New Testament the history of the church, the new Israel."
"The Cappadocian Fathers fought for Trinitarian orthodoxy at a time when Arianism was very popular."
"The first Gentile church is the church in Antioch, and the first pastor of this Gentile church is Barnabas, the son of encouragement."
"Church history is not a simple story; it's really not. You can spend your entire life reading about the people that participated and the context they existed in and still learn new things."
"What we need now is the greatest generation of missionaries in the history of the Church."
"The consensus opinion of the earliest church of the first four centuries was that the gospel that came first was Matthew."
"No mortal man who ever lived in this church desired more to do good than did Hiram Smith."
"It's as if a curtain falls on the New Testament Church for several decades; when that curtain rises, an entirely different church with different practices is in place."
"Those Revelations are appropriate at different seasons in the history of the church."
"The church used to be really, really poor, in fact, it almost had to declare bankruptcy on more than one occasion, but now it has lots of money, so that's a good thing."
"The early church, the first century church, was Apostolic and prophetic."
"It concerns the Church Jesus built, the disciples who followed Him, and it was recorded to give those followers encouragement and warning."
"It's like these kinds of things in church history, they really separate wheat from chaff."
"I realized with all these original documents that the Catholic Church really was the original Church."
"The church was born on Pentecost."
"The church comes in three flavors: apostolic, anti-Nicene, and post-Nicene."
"The church existed before the text, and the church wrote the New Testament to itself and about itself."
"The witness of the church was before the scriptures."
"When the church becomes normalized and legalized, we do see the prevalence and profusion of iconography."
"He compiled a history of the church in the first 300 years."
"Let's go back to the ancient church."
"The church age will end the same way it began: in the home churches."
"How happy is its Church, on which apostles poured forth all their doctrine along with their blood."
"Augustine became the church father who has had more influence on the Christian Church ever since the 5th century than anybody else in church history."
"Martin Luther didn't come to start a new church. Martin Luther came to reform the Church."