
Hallucination Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The sensory deprivation experiment was noted to cause the subjects' identity to disintegrate, and many began to hallucinate within just 48 hours."
"I was in a hallucinated state of mind where you just feel like you're dreaming. It's like a dreamlike state."
"The most vivid imagination can't match the faintest hallucination."
"The very fact that hallucinations exist shows that there can be a mode of consciousness quite unlike dream or fantasy."
"If it's possible that five people can hallucinate something, isn't it possible that hundreds or thousands can?"
"PCP is a hallucinogenic substance that makes users feel like they are floating and can alter their perceptions of reality."
"Experts believe the children are either suffering the affects of some sort of drug or even a type of mold known to cause hallucination and severe sickness."
"Despite the treatment, I can hear voices in my dreams."
"That's why I said unsure because I was extremely tired. I could have been hallucinating from exhaustion."
"Why would these disciples hallucinate something that's totally out of accord with their religious tradition?"
"I had a hallucination of my guardian angel telling me, like, 'You're doing the wrong thing.'"
"It's like I'm on mushrooms when I talk about this."
"I was straight blasted into hallucinatory states which quickly transitioned into basically crossing over into DMT world with supreme intensity."
"There's no denying this floppy hallucination is seriously unnerving."
"We're all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It's just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality."
"Users may have eerily similar hallucinations, with many reporting experiencing an interaction with some other intelligence, an alien presence, during their hallucinations."
"We got so conditioned by technology without knowing it, that we're now hallucinating 90% of the time."
"I fell down the stairs in a New York old house and ended up in the basement cellar when I was like three and I hallucinated that monsters were coming out of the walls."
"It was just such a startling... It was fear and just... it took him several seconds to realize that whatever he just saw was not real."
"Holy [__], look at all those screens. I am tripping so many balls."
"Perception as a sort of controlled hallucination."
"I was just like, 'Yo, bro, I don't know what's wrong or what happened, but I'm seeing things that I'm not supposed to be seeing.'"
"Hallucination will not go away because it's a feature of the system."
"This theory suggests that Wendy is actually hallucinating the events of the Overlook."
"Well, I think it was a grief hallucination on your grandma's part but that can't account for the appearances to the disciples."
"The view of consciousness as a form of controlled hallucination is a fascinating one."
"I thought I was hallucinating it, but I never went into the forest again after that."
"Geez, hey, did I have too much mezcal? Does anyone else see those Indians in the sky over there?"
"As I looked into her face with horror, her voice told me, 'Welcome to your nightmare.' With a rush, I was being sucked down into an experience that I had created for myself or that the DMT entity had created for me."
"I hallucinated an all-seeing eye and planets."
"Me trying to sleep. My left ear for some reason: Hello Peter."
"There is man leaving the walls. Bad man. Man in the walls!"
"Wall Man wants me to live with him in the walls. He wants to take me in the wall!"
"I remember a couple of my buddies in college took shrooms one night. They literally stared at a wall, just like, 'whoa'."
"What do you do when you're a kid and you're four years old and you see a hallucination of a dinosaur? I tried telling my mom, but she..."
"Most people will start to hallucinate after just three or four nights without sleep."
"This Beast can make you see things that aren't there."
"Residents suffering from delirium may see or hear things that others do not."
"I could not talk nor move and I see a shadowy figure hanging over me."
"He forced himself not to sleep, but his vision slowly disappeared."
"I'm starting to trip balls right now dude."
"Our job is to find out why. Once we accomplish that, you won't have any more hallucinations."
"I am NOT hallucinating her treatment."
"I saw a dark entity with a wide-brimmed hat that told me it was there to kill me."
"I was too scared to call for help and I thought I was just tweaking too hard and that this all was in my imagination. It wasn't, it was too real."
"Generative AI models like chat GPT suffer from hallucination, where they produce factually incorrect responses without realizing."
"This is not a sleep paralysis yet you know I was awake and I was seeing these things."
"Faraday starts experiencing hallucinations; a woman appears in front of him and starts conversing."
"I still wonder was it a mere hallucination a trick played by the Mind under extreme stress or was there something more lurking in the shadows of this desert"
"The whole hallucination part was sick, man."
"I began hearing and seeing things daily and all day."
"There's a type of hunger that actually starts to mess with your mind, that actually causes you hallucination, that actually becomes life-threatening."
"I'm never sure if it's just my brain fabricating things, but I've never hallucinated due to seizures that I know of."
"I have trouble shaking it off as just a hallucination."
"You keep seeing shadows behind me. I just, I keep seeing weird little things, man."
"I've been with my boyfriend for going on three years, and have known that he is schizophrenic for the past two. He kept information about it to himself up until we moved in together, and a new hallucination gives me the creeps."
"The berries make you see the world beyond our own, just one bite."
"I'm basically saying this to say that when I came down from the Salvia, the place that I went to gave me the same feeling as the place that I went to in my dream."
"I think that they see things that are really there, not everything is a hallucination on these substances."
"How much cocaine were you using to start hallucinating like that?"
"So maybe the guy was hallucinating because he drank the snake wine. Maybe."
"He's real. He's not a hallucination, bro."
"When the wraith talks, it's like the realest thing he's ever heard. You know, like, I know I'm hallucinating despite how bad I'm cold right now, but when this thing speaks, it shakes me out of my disbelief."
"It's not a hallucination, no, it's real."
"They loved all the games. I was on mushrooms watching."
"Well, that's it. Never trust a hallucination, that's what I always say."
"I noticed that there were now, seriously enough, two exits, not two exits in any concrete way, but with my vision swimming the way that it was, I realized there were two of everything really, two doors, two pairs of feet, four hands, two tables, two goblets."
"Everything around me is death. Everything around me is like, 'When you're in that state, if you're having a terrible trip, you're stuck in there.'"
"So when he saw human figures floating out of the floor, he didn't think that he was being visited by Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad. He thought I've had a stroke."
"The problem is that old army buddy died a long time ago. He hallucinates him all the way up until a helicopter with other people comes to rescue him, at which point the hallucination vanishes."
"The delirium seemed to be systematized with animal hallucinations and self-accusation, or what they call 'ego death' nowadays."
"We are in a process of widespread, indeed virtually universal hallucination."
"It was there, talking to my mom, she told me it was simply sleep paralysis."
"I've explored every logical possibility including sleep paralysis and night terrors and even the possibility that I was hallucinating, but I've never hallucinated before and I haven't since."
"Actually, I’m a hallucination. Your brain created me to deal with the loneliness of being stuck."
"She said as she was falling asleep she felt as if somebody was sitting on her bed and then she saw a shadow standing close to her bed."
"I eventually got to a point where I tried falling asleep again, and it happened again with the Demon's image of a face flashing in my eyes."
"it was literally the most hallucinogenic like psychedelic experience I've ever had in my entire life"
"My need for visual stimuli forced me to keep my eyes on the mirror across the room. In it, I started to see things that couldn't possibly exist."
"I wanted to rationalize that what I had just seen was just a product of reading these files that my tired mind had simply conjured this hallucination..."
"The human brain is constantly hallucinating...make you think you see things that aren't there."
"Honestly, I don't know if this is some freak hallucination trip, maybe my wife had slipped me some LSD, or maybe we had some sort of supernatural traumatic experience."
"Shady continues his ride but hallucinates further in panics."
"In a lifetime, the average person spends about four and a half years in vivid hallucination of the subconscious."
"The Midnight Man will then induce a hallucination of your greatest fear, which will last until 3:33 a.m."
"If you start to see some psychedelic colors like these purples, these blues, these yellows, these greens, that is the wrong side for you to be on."
"Hallucination is being able to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things that are not even there."
"When deprived of sight or sound, the brain will hallucinate, populating the glaring gaps with whatever it can."
"How does the A's subtree matching contribute to reducing hallucinations in language models?"
"One of the most terrifying things about sleep paralysis is that you know you're awake but you're also seeing someone who isn't there."
"Sometimes late at night, I would hear the breast pump and it would sound like it was saying things to me."
"You simply cannot dismiss all of it as conjectured hallucination or the result of natural phenomena."
"Why do people hallucinate when they don't get enough sleep?"
"I'm seeing things. You guys don't see the skeleton?"
"Hallucination is perception without external stimulus."
"His eyes become blinded by fantastic colored lights, and he hears unbearable noises and feels anguish."
"One person can hallucinate, but 12 at the same time and dozens over an extended period of time? These are legitimate questions and waving the magical wand of mass hysteria will not make them vanish."