
Narrative Influence Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Narrative is real, narrative is a force, an active force in the world."
"We Did It. We Ran into a Couple Bumps in the Road Along the Way But I Am So Happy That We Were Able to Do This Successfully."
"Everything we're saying is we're telling someone a story to make them feel differently about us because how they feel about us is how we feel about ourselves."
"Cross Guild isn't just great because of the narrative impact that it can have; it's also easily the most interesting crew in the story to actually read about at this point in time."
"People resonate with narratives most of all."
"The narrative they want to set is that all of this is outside of our control."
"All markets are driven by this notion of narrative and collective belief."
"If a character sees an upcoming event as a nuisance, that emotion will also catch, and we'll also see it as a nuisance."
"There's so much more to an appeal towards a character aside from that. She is strong, she is ambitious, she's just flooded with agency and has a massive impact on the world around her." - Nona Grey
"The franchise really wants us to root for claire."
"MGS2 is essentially the video game narrative equivalent of the pen is mightier than the sword."
"The United States Empire would fall in a day if it could not control the narrative."
"We have more control over now because of social media. We can have a voice in the narrative compared to before."
"Anytime you listen to the media to create a narrative for you to believe in, chances are it's to serve them and not you."
"Honesty and authenticity, the narrative has become more important than the truth."
"The stories affect the way we think longer-term."
"As conservatives, we often forget that stories are much more powerful than facts and statistics."
"The 2010 movie's themes feel more relevant than ever as our culture grapples with how untrue narratives can still possess great power to shape people's minds and thus the resulting reality."
"Master Mirror is such an impactful character."
"Environmental changes based on narrative events. Good one, designers." - Josh
"I kind of like to have the decisions you make not only change the powers you get but then also the story machines you play through."
"Iron Man is often cited as creating his own worst enemies, causing trouble down the line."
"This is absolutely going on. It's in fast motion right now."
"Love is the key to this story as we see how it impacts their lives whenever they're together or apart."
"Your choices generally don't have much of a bearing at all in the way the story plays out."
"I want to be in control of the narratives of the things that I act for."
"Katara’s ability to talk about and freely express her emotions helped her save the world, and Azula’s inability to do the same was her downfall."
"Investors naturally have started to believe this narrative."
"It's the stories that we tell ourselves that create the futures we're going to have."
"Black women, you need to understand that this movie, it can be based on true events and it can still be pushing a narrative. The two aren't mutually exclusive."
"Giorno has the empathy that can win over a big sweetheart like Bruno."
"Giorno has figured out who he is as a person and his dream becomes this framework that the other characters are pulled into."
"Slade's presence throughout the series is plain and simple, yet simultaneously fundamentally awe-inspiring."
"It's not just about misinformation, it's about controlling the narrative."
"Snatcher's story was heavily influenced by films of the time and had adult characters doing adult things, making it a hit among older gamers."
"Naval called it the 'narrative industrial complex.'"
"Stories have a power - A power to uplift or a power to bring down the vibration."
"You know when you say they need to keep Joker in Arkham to use him as a Silence of the Lambs vibe where Batman is always having to go to him to figure stuff out, I think people would get annoyed."
"Influence players into liking a character and feeling a sense of commitment to them, leading to the choices, whether forced by the narrative or otherwise, being made in the best interest of the companion rather than the character they are playing."
"By confronting the shadows of fear and standing up for truth and transparency UFO Witnesses have the power to shape the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial phenomena."
"You can take control of your neurochemistry... You're gonna have to do the work... coming up with a narrative, things that allow you to think in a certain way."
"Stories are told again and again, and from their shape, we build our understanding of the world."
"Stories can change minds. Stories can take away dignity, and stories can also restore dignity."
"There is also this notion of like you can also be told a narrative and you can also be told another history and that can breed hate because you're being told this hateful story."
"Paul has the ultimate choice here, it's like the Reverend Mother also says in the trailer."
"From a storyline perspective they do make sense and they do play along with the storylines however nothing you see in this show has any bearing on what happens in the drawers and smackdowns after this."
"Your choices kind of shape what the princess may or may not be and the way the narrator relates to you."
"The Mass Effect series emphasized the impact of players choices and with that the gray nature of morality."
"He's sort of legitimized himself. And I think that is one of the incredibly important things in this story."
"Your actions will shape how the story unfolds."
"Every choice will affect your fate and the fate of those around you."
"It seems fitting that two of the famous Batman stories are influencing this new chapter and the film mythos of Joker."
"At least she gets to be the one to interact with the Silver Surfer and show him a better path..."
"At the end of the day, those who were pushing for war didn't want anything to do with it because it messed with their narrative."
"She makes a lot of references to Naruto and Kawaki's relationship to Naruto."
"Every single time we had narratives like that, it was the best time to buy and to hold."
"Everything cool about The Batman has been lifted directly from actual terrifying mass murderers of the real world."
"The Equalists most valuable asset was their leader Amon who told his followers that the spirits had granted him the ability to remove people's bending abilities."
"For me, Black Panther falls on the good side of it."
"It's a pretty extensive kit but something that I think that it'll least get you to thinking about certain items that you want to care with you."
"Journalists push narratives all the time, but so do scientists."
"Not just in terms of the story that you're seeing but also the battles that you're fighting."
"He made being a slave to the story the essence of Eren's character."
"Tabata admitted to being inspired by The Last of Us when discussing how he wanted the game's story to progress."
"If Steve Rogers shows up and solves this show's."
"It's the narrative that demands the response, not the truth."
"The only thing that can defeat or displace a story is a better story."
"Jafar has presence in the actual Narrative of the film and presence when he appears on screen."
"Commit to a story... It will become who you are."
"Politics is not only fought out in statehouses, workplaces, or in battlefields but also in the language we use, the stories we tell, and the images we conjure."
"Crypto is so narrative-based in my opinion, it really is. The narratives come alive."
"Is storytelling really the most powerful tool of all?"
"Who can get the most people to follow a narrative? If you give them to follow a false narrative then you can keep them away from the truth."
"Majora's Mask: A lonely Skull Kid allowed a great evil to invade the land."
"Barbie isn’t compelling BECAUSE it references an 'auteur' like Kubrick."
"We're constantly centering that because when they take this all go back to control of the narrative, this is bottom line, you controlling that."
"Pay attention to your narratives. Narratives create excuses, justifications. They empower us to avoid things we should not avoid, and they empower us to embrace things we should stay away from."
"She provokes the events, her strength is also part of the story, or something I injected into these old stories."
"The NBA intentionally uses the media to change narratives."
"Italy occupies a fascinating place in the world of The Sopranos, and David Chase communicates a great deal symbolically with it."
"People in the world are captives to stories or they're just captives of civilization."