
Gaming Enjoyment Quotes

There are 882 quotes

"Clearing a house of all its potions and potatoes to later finding myself using those potions or eating those potatoes made me sit back and think, yes, this is fantastic."
"It was a game that was phenomenal when it launched in 2010 and still in 2018... is a blast to play."
"For all the people that say Nintendo just does the same thing over and over again, they really nail Mario. There's just something so fun about the way he woos and yippies around."
"If you're enjoying yourself playing it, even if you lose, you win, and even if you win, then you win. So, it's all a win."
"What's my favorite game right now? I am enjoying so many different games. I'm really enjoying GTA 5 again."
"If you're having fun, you're playing the game right."
"It gives me a lot of those things I tend to enjoy: resource gathering and then spending it for something, cars with powers, building up a tableau with stuff you can manipulate."
"I enjoy both of these characters; I have a lot of fun with Yula because I am an endgame player."
"Indie Studios have what AAA Studios don't: a dynamic culture and a desire to follow the fun no matter what."
"This is easily the most fun build I've played."
"It's a ton of fun to play once you get it really set up and you kind of understand the mechanics of overpower a bit more."
"Mythic plus and BFA that was the most fun I've ever had."
"I love doing this dungeon. It's an A-tier dungeon for me for sure."
"If you believe that you're a good person and the game and your enjoyment of this game has nothing to do with anything negative, continue to play the game."
"Try to actually enjoy the game and not try to force it to be just like every single other video game."
"I've been really enjoying the Guardians of the Rift, I think it's really fun new content, the mini game itself looks really nice, the sound design is awesome, the gameplay is a lot more fun than conventional room crafting in my opinion."
"Hope you enjoyed the explanations, have fun with your own games."
"It all just makes the fighter more fightery."
"This game is fantastic. I'm enjoying it so much."
"I really do think that they get the base layer of what makes Call of Duty multiplayer fun correct."
"The weapon and build variety is so much fun to mess around with."
"They're about creativity, precision, exploration, and most importantly, they're about the player just having fun."
"In my opinion, one of the best characters in the game, one of the highest value characters that you can have, and one of the best husbandos as well."
"Best loot boxes are the ones with satisfying openings."
"I love this game and as of the time of writing in early August 2017 this is easily my favorite Sonic game ever made with levels I could play any day of the week 100% completion that's extremely satisfying replay value through the roof."
"It's the best feeling ever to spend all day playing a video game and not think that you wasted your time."
"Pro Clubs is one of those game modes that I get enjoyment out of regardless of having rewards at the end."
"Is that really fun? You know, you're not really getting that much out of it, it's not like a real visible increase."
"Nightmare Creatures: A game I actively want to take my time and enjoy."
"Players are really gonna enjoy, excited by it."
"That's when the game is most fun, when you're trying to play it as a detective."
"Ultimately if the game's good isn't that all that matters to me?"
"The combat is generally good and simple, I agree, I love the feel of what you can do as the character."
"We're playing games to have fun, and one big element of that is playing it with people, especially in this Star Wars Community."
"Yu-gi-oh has always been my kind of comfort trash... Once you accept its bizarre internal logic... it's unbelievably easy to sink into."
"I feel so lucky to play this game right now."
"Pac-Man Championship Edition D mastered is so much damn fun, it is absolutely fantastic."
"It's actually good to be playing the game again, isn't it?"
"World at War is just a blast to play through."
"That tension is what makes wager matches really fun."
"I love this game, the big swagnum. Hey, a speedrunner who actually likes the game he's playing, give it a year he'll hate this game but he'll still be speedrunning."
"I'll still play it I still fundamentally have a good time with Gunplay and all that kind of stuff."
"It's broken, it's so broken but I like it so much fun."
"Anyone who's enjoyed a Zelda game has probably enjoyed cutting some grass."
"As long as the game is good, who gives a [expletive] who you're playing as?"
"What's the only thing more fun than playing Minecraft? Playing Minecraft with absurd restrictions on yourself."
"Listen guys, know who you're talking to. I'm not gonna quit. If I can't do it, I'm gonna keep trying so I can do it."
"Alyssa is incredibly fun and it stays true to a style of game that if you're subbed to this channel you'll probably already love."
"Apex was just the best BR, I loved it from minute one."
"I just like video games, yes you do and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Hit up Danger Room, baby...it's so much fun."
"I'm constantly at war with myself over whether or not I enjoy this game because it's good or because of nostalgia."
"Games are supposed to be fun, and if they're not fun but I still want to play them, I think that it's okay to change them."
"I just peacefully mine away at some diamond and then delete the world and start a new one and I love it."
"This was honestly one of the most fun experiences I've ever had with Minecraft."
"I'm happy to say it's not because X8 never felt this fun to play."
"It's a shame when greed is getting in the way of being able to just game and enjoy technology."
"Despite all of this, 60 hours deep, I was still having a great time."
"Classic RPGs aren't fun because they're overly complicated; they are fun because they allow you to tackle problems in creative ways."
"This game is everything I want from video games and so much more."
"These kinds of games are [ __ ] awesome dude I actually like this I didn't even know this game existed."
"The core of Diablo 4 is something I really enjoy. It's just one of those games where as I play, I'm having a good time."
"I'm definitely loving this game. So, I think the gameplay itself, oh gee, you know, whether it's challenging or not, like, is subjective to your own opinion."
"It's not a challenge to get through, but it's fun nonetheless."
"It's a blast... if you've ever played Super Mario Brothers."
"I could play these sorts of games until the cows came home."
"It turns what I feel is a silly, antiquated system into something that's actually FUN."
"There's a lot of great things, guys. It's exciting to finally play a new game."
"I really enjoy these games. I'm excited for the potential of a sequel."
"Perfection isn't achievable and this game certainly isn't but damn is it perfect to me."
"Have fun. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game of enjoyment and good times. If you are not having fun throughout your game then you are doing it wrong."
"I loved this game so much and I want to keep playing it again and again even after the credits were rolling."
"If you are someone that actually enjoys playing the game, it's another great way to earn a lot of v bucks just by simply playing."
"The menagerie is pretty sick...I thought this activity this expansion was fantastic."
"This is pulsar 2849. I love this game and every time I played, I want to play it more."
"There's a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment to be had in simply leveling up these characters."
"The new supers actually feel incredibly fun to use when you can use them. They're super fun."
"Baldur's Gate wants you to play it and it wants you to enjoy it."
"People want escapism, they want the ability to be somebody else."
"At its core, that's what 2D Mario was all about: just pure, simple fun."
"This game is so fun! Oh, this is great." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Eula in my opinion is someone who's tons of fun."
"I'm just having too much fun that I just keep wanting to play it"
"Lean in, have fun, and as always, happy monstering!"
"You can play re4 for hours and hours and never get sick of it."
"I'm actually having a lot of fun with this. I think this is actually better than Palmaro Orphanage, and that was quite a lot of fun as well."
"I just can't help but respect ninja going into while also of course enjoying the literal hell out of it."
"This is a really cool gift tank it's balanced it's so much better than all of those old tier 3 garbage huge respect to you for giving something that is actually really fun."
"The game is good, my friends. The game is good."
"This is one of those games that I could see myself repeatedly playing."
"Hattori is just, like, fantastic. She's a lot of fun too."
"It gives me a lot of serotonin and enjoyment to play it."
"Oddly though, this is very enjoyable. And as I always like to say about these games, it can be played with one hand. Read into that whatever you will."
"This game is basically just more Half-Life, I mean how could you go wrong with that?"
"Honestly I have nothing to say bad about the gameplay itself because I've just enjoyed every single moment of it."
"I'm gonna enjoy the game for what it is and not what I wish it was."
"Zelda loves to weigh the items, however, seem to get some pretty rad upgrades."
"That was a fantastic game, that was actually a fun game, I really enjoyed that."
"I never get bored of it, it challenges me in a really interesting way, I could just play it all day, atonement is a wonderful mechanic."
"Playing with a friend is fun, it's possibly the biggest advantage."
"At least from a single-player side of things, this game is fan-freakin'-tastic."
"This definitely has been one of my favorite series of the year in FIFA 22, like top three."
"This game is actually getting really cool now."
"Just enjoy the [ __ ] games and have a great day."
"It's my favorite part of the game that I've seen so far."
"Is this the best way to play it? Maybe not. But it's fun."
"Overall, this playthrough of Pokemon Blue was a ton of fun for me."
"My favorite thing to do in the game has got to be the web swinging throughout the City performing all kinds of stunts."
"I was very surprised, but this might be the most fun I've had in the game is playing in the PVP Arena."
"What an amazing run that was, I'll admit, that's probably one of my favorite games of all time ever."
"Self-control should not be a prerequisite for enjoying a video game."
"It's probably not gonna replace left 4 dead but it certainly carries that torch I think quite respectably."
"We stayed up until 3 a.m. doing LFR over and over, laughing for almost all of it."
"This level is ridiculous, but you love to see it."
"This game makes me very happy. Oh, there it is! Oh! Oh, are you kidding me? Yeah, it's time, baby, it's Vader time!"
"It's relaxing to play unless you're going for the rare stuff in the more dangerous zones."
"I really like this game. It's cool, it's stylish, it's beautiful."
"I've had this experience with only certain games recently where I really realize I'm enjoying myself so much."
"My generation is all kind of feisty, and we're, like, ready to get things rolling."
"The gameplay here feels a lot faster paced, at least in my opinion. I like this a lot and I hope this is something that future games in the series keep around. It's just more fun this way."
"My first video into Kingdom Hearts and I'm already having a lot of fun."
"You're not looking for that validation or that trophy, you just like your game. I'm just so happy."
"I am still having a really good time and I still can't stop myself from playing the bloody game."
"That was genuinely I think one of my favorite games in a long time."
"I'm ecstatically happy with fifth edition... They just took all of the things that we assumed had to be in Dungeons and Dragons and just went balls to the wall."
"Play what you enjoy, even if you suck at it."
"You'll just have a really good time with it."
"Resident Evil 3 is incredibly fun despite those issues."
"It's a really fun game, [and] I wish I could spend a lot more time with it."
"The playbooks... added tons of new plays... it's a lot of extra fun and more that you can dive into."
"Among Us, I'm giving this an A, bro, I love that so much."
"I'm excited to do it, and that's what gaming's supposed to be all about, right? Having fun."
"I'm having fun, and ultimately that's what it's all about."
"I'm getting short tasks and I am not even mad, I'm enjoying it, it's a great thing."
"It's not about the goal... it's about the journey... the most interesting games are the ones where they're kind of close."
"Definitely a little bit of a sleeper hit and it's so much fun."
"How can you not play these games or enjoy them?"
"I absolutely love this feature. I think it's an amazing addition to Fault 76."
"I play Genshin, so I have fun with that. I'm very excited about Tower Fantasy. I'm very excited about Blue Protocol. I hope all of them continue to grow."
"Destiny is at its best when you are shooting aliens, getting loot, and becoming more powerful."
"The only wrong way to play this game is to not play it at all."
"A complete blast for both my survival horror and action shooter sides."
"This is prob probably my favorite skit, you just jump there you're out just jumping out of bounds."
"Unlocking all the characters in the smash games has always been so fun."
"The important part is that you play and enjoy the games, don't ever let the method of play stop you from the reason to play."
"There is still fun to be had and there are still fantastic games being made and played by millions of people right now."
"Yo, Ash must be loving this. It's like, 'Yo, this is built for me, this deck, this game, everything about it, man.'"
"We got a Houndoom, yo, this thing's awesome!"
"Feeling good? Well alright then, how about we take a nice long look at Bravely Default II."
"Many were proud of their profession, bearing no resentment for the cards life dealt them."
"Treasures are pretty good, turns out, especially when you could use them to drop a Blightsteel on the battlefield."
"Brutal doom is awesome, you will have a lot of fun with it."
"Wow, you're doing great man. This game is sick."
"I genuinely had so much fun, I am absolutely playing this going forward."
"Pulling off that perfect long-range shot is one of the most satisfying things in video games."
"This is the most fun I have had an extreme sports game in like a decade."
"I had a complete blast with resto... it's just a really fun different type of gameplay."
"I like this weapon a lot it is very fun and paired with this new build and this new perk deck I've just been having loads of fun with the setup."
"Class-based games do give that wonderful buzz of 'I got a new level,' and that's kind of addictive."
"Even though I lost this game in spectacular fashion, I'm just glad I got to have a lot of fun doing it."
"Diablo 4 can be that great action arpg that maybe it doesn't have a thousand hours of gameplay inside of every season but God damn it it's got 200 and they're really fun."
"The game is fun, I found myself last night wanting to play more."
"I've just really enjoying this game and I'm really happy."
"This stuff may actually be more entertaining than the main quest."
"Games don't have to be grueling to be great."
"It's a lot of fun to play with particularly when combined with that hoplite change." - Anton
"I found a middle ground between capturing content and having fun with it."
"I gotta say, I enjoy my time with the game so far."
"Overall I do enjoy gambit I enjoy it a lot I grinded a ton of gambit to get the malfeasance this weekend and I don't regret it because I had ton of fun."
"The higher ranked options are where no matter what subclass you're picking, it is going to be a good time."
"It's a game that I feel like the more you play it, the more you're gonna like it." - Unknown
"Nobody cares if it's not a perfect game because my dudes it's our favorite game."
"I'm kind of obsessed with these Sims. We've played through like, five generations, it's really, really fun, so feel free to check it out."
"You are not even doing it correctly if you're the only one having fun."
"Even to this day, I go back and play them every once in a while, they're just so much fun."
"Just because the game is a bad sequel doesn't make it a bad game."
"I really like the class. He's just really fun to play."
"The real reason we play: getting so many items."
"I really enjoyed simulated Universe, I think it's a great game mode."
"Disasters add a new layer of fun and challenge."
"There's something about its over-the-top gameplay and ridiculous style that hits the very core of my being."
"The game is not MLG, it's not competitive. If you don't enjoy it, go do something else."
"Personally, my favorite Nevillette teams are either electrocharged or hyperbloom as the ones that I have been having the most fun with."
"Players optimize fun out of the game because what they enjoy is being fun."
"Whenever I go up against something that's hard, which is fair, comparatively, it's much more enjoyable to progress on."
"Assassin's Creed Origins to me is a game that's an absolute blast it's a game that in my opinion redesigned the series that it definitely needed."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it, I hope you solved it too."
"Guys, something about it being a little pink girly mode makes it so much fun."
"That's the best part about the game is it just never it's never over."
"You keep entertaining yourself; that's the fun part about the game."
"Just a lot of fun, got it, that's first and foremost."
"I'm very much enjoying it and now the gameplay is really picked up."
"Ultimately the bottom line, the most important thing for me with a game is fun factor."
"There's a lot of interaction between them and that's one of my favorite parts"
"Discovering new things and progressing through story-driven quests is very entertaining."
"Fashion Frame is one of the reasons that players enjoy the game."
"Anyway we're going off track... Monopoly smutty is a brilliant game I love it."
"You hit level 60, go just have fun, celebrate, do some world PvP, afk on Ironforge bridge... do the thing that's gonna make you happiest."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed playing it."
"I still love watching machines fall apart piece by piece."