
Assignment Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"You are being assigned to something that others aren't because you have endured what others could not."
"You cannot be married to a stock... You cannot be afraid of assignment... You will be assigned."
"it just seems like it understands the assignment."
"Jesus didn't say he didn't tell him how to get there he said go Washington police alone you know why because when we have an assignment we are to fulfill the assignment and figure out the details on the way."
"He showed a lot. He sold that he could get an assignment and go out there and execute it. He did a great job."
"Every circumstance, every situation is an assignment from the universe."
"Casting out demons is not a gift, it's an assignment."
"I was so excited to get a new assignment."
"Every bloodline has an assignment on us."
"Thank you for trusting me with this assignment. I pray that you would empty me of myself and use me as your vessel."
"It will be tailored to your assignment and your scroll."
"The SIV is important because it's like I said it's likely going to be your first assignment when you go out somewhere on your own for a parisa so you're making sure basically it's all regulatory is what eyeball is now okay."
"Leon realized that if he accepted this assignment, he could save a lot of lives."
"I was assigned to him, that's it right there."
"I will send you to the mortal world and you must gather the pain of humans to nurture the Rose Garden."
"Each of these steaks will be randomly assigned."
"I don't know, man, I'm starting to think sending us down here to film takeoffs is just busy work."
"Assignment: The buyer may assign this contract or any of its rights hereunder to any person, partnership, corporation, or entity without notice to the seller. That's gangster."
"It was supposed to be a three-month magazine assignment. And when I began, I thought I was going to turn it around and then move on to the next job."
"If we hide from our assignment we'll not be able to hide from God's response"
"It's a canvas for art class; Mrs. Mortimer gave us an assignment: paint a portrait of someone."
"The vibe was cozy, relaxed, that was the assignment."
"The greater the assignment, the greater the assistance."
"I mean, this is great. It's assignable."
"Radical acts of faith begin with the revelation of the clarity of your assignment."
"No using quills to write your assignments, whenever any of you do, you always write them in old-timey British English and that's even more incomprehensible than your usual English."
"This allows us to do a check in line and assign a value as well so that's the null coalescing assignment operator."
"'They sent me to their European Center for Operations in Rome.'"
"When you complete your mission, return to headquarters and we'll present you with your next assignment."
"In response, their boss assigns Dimitri and Janice to lead the investigation into the blackout."
"They are sent to protect us, guide us, and comfort us, they're there with us when we're born and they have an assignment to watch us."
"Aiden assigns Theodore as the tower's administrator."
"If it's not assigned to you, it would never work for you."
"So, that happened over there and then got the call for Hitman."
"Cheryl bentoff was assigned as a butler VR working in Mossad's Department which liaised with Israeli embassies."
"Divine provision positions you for the assignment. Many of you have great plans to do great things but if you're not under an open heaven, heaven cannot find the bank of Heaven cannot find your projects."
"That's what happened, Lana is assigned to Clark, Clark is assigned to Lana."
"Age does not determine your assignment."
"Here's your assignment, god, that's such a good line."
"Did you know God has assigned each of us a Measure of Faith?"
"The offer was for $82,000 which would make my first assignment fee $6,000."
"I came to Gettysburg in the 1990s on assignment from the Associated Press."
"Oh, I love it. I like this Matrix devilish. She understood the assignment 100."
"The assignment that would change everything was assigned, and chaos ensued."
"Maybe it's because you've been given an assignment that no one else has."
"If you're an army professional this is absolutely one of the best places that you could ever be assigned."
"Satan wants you to give up on believing God's word in order to stop your assignment."
"Especially when it's assigned by Steve Mnuchin."
"Authority comes from my assignment."
"Your anointing is connected to your assignment."
"Jenna Ortega knew the assignment and didn't mess around."
"I found myself at a large RAF station on the Suez Canal called Ismailia where they told me that I had been posted to 80 Squadron who were flying Gladiators against the Italians in the western desert of Libya."
"And now, even the highest orders from the throne room, those angels that stand in your presence, will come with assignments to do what looks impossible but in the spirit realm activate something that causes things in the natural realm to manifest."
"I enjoyed this because it was the book we were assigned to read over the summer."
"Your assignment is going to have a people group involved, your assignment is going to have a geography involved."
"Welcome back to more assignment today is the Guess the Logo Quiz."
"Something's happening right now in this ministry, this mantle, this anointing, this assignment."
"The assignment is gonna be all employees of DE."
"Well, please consider me available for any future assignments in Switzerland."
"Your life is a career to a leader. You act. Mandela didn't have a career; he had an assignment."
"Training manuals just a temporary assignment for 2 weeks."
"Angels ascending and descending, assigned to each and every one for the assignment, for the call."
"I need you to come with me and Nitsumi on a mission to the Tenchi Bridge," Naruto said.
"Nature of your assignment, people betray you."
"They told me, 'No, you're going in the point team with our special operators to Grenada.'"
"If you're giving this to me to do, then that means I can do it. It's very empowering."
"Because you have done this, I now create a link between this nation, this continent, and the country of your outlet assignment."
"Ensure that your personnel are assigned positions commensurate with demonstrated or potential ability."
"This is about a divine assignment."
"She understood the assignment like."
"Respect for Zac Posen, somebody understood the assignment."
"When we got the call to go to 966 Lindley Street, in no way did they tell us we were going to a haunted house."
"This is how you create a variable: spam is the variable name and it's set to equal the string 'hello'."
"The beautiful thing about being a photographer is that you are oftentimes assigned to go photograph somebody because they are truly excellent at what they do."
"He understood the whole assignment."
"Follow your purpose because the assignment is attached to your purpose."
"I'm lucky to be at this uni. I get to do this beautiful assignment."
"Lead auto assignment rule automatically assigns leads to the appropriate lead owner."
"We are created for purpose, and we have an assignment."
"Boldness shows up in that you are true to the assignment of God for your life."
"It's not necessarily being loud in volume, it's being loud in obedience."
"Potatoes always understood the assignment."
"Your anointing is for an assignment."
"Go make that thing happen, and understand that this is an assignment; it's a mandate."
"One thing about Lana, she always understands the assignment."
"Your assignment is not a decision; it's a discovery."
"You don't decide your assignment, you discover it."
"Your assignment will take you places you never intended to go."
"It's a great assignment, a little less enthusiasm please."
"Purpose is the broad thing God put you in the earth to do; assignment is to whom and where it will be done."
"The homework for this weekend is, go to field day, go find a field day in your area and check out what they've got going on."
"She just understands the assignment."
"Assignment rules can be created to automatically assign tasks to the users or groups that are most fit to get the work done."
"They understood the assignment, they carried it out."
"If ever anyone did anyone else a kindness, it was I when I gave this extraordinarily attractive assignment to you."
"We've got a team assigned to that problem right now."
"Assignment is the process of identifying each of the peaks and connecting them in the protein sequence."
"Travel LPNs are able to make two thousand dollars for a two week assignment and four thousand dollars for a four week assignment."
"A probability mass function is going to assign probabilities to random variables."
"For $450 a day is not chump change, especially if you're going to be on a much longer-term assignment."
"The intensity of your attack is a result of the greatness of your assignment."
"A function is a rule for assigning values of one set to values of another."
"Every person in here has an assignment from God."
"We must take the land, we've been put here on assignment."
"It was at Harry's office that I got the craziest assignment I'd ever taken, bodyguard to Laird Douglas Douglas of Heatherscote, who turned out to be a dog."
"Don't be deceived by the geography of your assignment."
"This guy understands the assignment."
"You are not here by accident, you are here on assignment."
"Your purpose is still intact; your assignment was never touched."
"The IR enforces a property called static single assignment."
"Let's talk about assigning these and starting this dispatching process."
"These understood the assignment, these are flavoursome."
"Okay ladies, listen up, today's assignment is to have fun."
"We're going to be able to assign all the protons and carbons to their respective proton or carbon NMR."
"I also really look forward to the opportunity to provide you some feedback on your assignment and I wish you all the success on this assignment."
"They all spell the same thing though—trouble."
"As soon as I assign this to me, it's going to drop out of the queue."
"Language is arbitrary, we assign language meaning."
"Your job now is not your career; it's just your assignment, and that assignment is almost up."
"Wherever your passion is, that's your assignment."
"Assigning a value to a variable is the process of setting a value stored in a variable."
"Good morning, I'm Joe Frier, Savannah is on assignment right now on Morning News Now."
"Use a set command to assign a value to a variable."
"You measure the size of the assignment, the worth of the assignment, by who gave it to you."
"But there are only ever going to be a few people who are actually assigned to you."
"They knew the assignment, they understood the assignment."
"Personal engagement is about showing how you actually engage in the assignment proactively."
"Every time I get to do this assignment is an opportunity to look up all these different types of flowers."
"Whatever is on my right side, please assign that to my left side."
"For this assignment, you are also required to create your own level."
"Alabama understands the assignment."
"They will take exams and assign me to a university according to my exam scores."
"If you're really focused on your assignment, you don't have time to worry about everybody else's."
"You can add a title, your instructions, links, documents. You can also add points, rubrics and submission dates."
"Your purpose is what empowers you to fulfill assignment."
"We're going to have an assignment 10, and assignment 10 everyone will get 100."
"This will be your last assignment of the school year."
"The equals sign in programming languages typically is the kind of a motion from right to left."
"A better approach to this would be creating a graded assignment model."
"This is a great way, if you have that really important assignment, to check and make sure that all of your forces and your displacements are correct before you hand it in."
"Quiet down class, quiet down. Now we'll have a hero assignment."
"Just love the person next to you; that's your assignment."
"We are all essentially priests under the New Covenant, we are equally consecrated, we are equally loved, but we are uniquely assigned tasks."
"The reason you're here, Agent Scully, is we want you to assist Mulder on these X-Files."
"Wherever God gives you an assignment, you have authority."
"God will never give you an assignment without the ability."
"When they mess with you, they're messing with God's assignment."
"God will take everything about you and he'll package it and he'll aim it toward an assignment."
"Pearls are always with the gems they're assigned to."
"They totally understood the assignment."
"Enjoy the first comic book film in a long while that understood the assignment."