
Climate Urgency Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We have around 10 years to accelerate the transition to a low carbon economy and cut our emissions."
"We've already waited too long to deal with this climate crisis. We can't wait any longer."
"We have a 10 to 12 year window to radically transform our energy systems or climate change, predatory capitalism, and the endless war economies will rob us of the right to any future at all."
"Yeah, we have waited 30 years. And I think we have been patient enough. And seeing in 30 years, and I think it's time to actually realize the urgency of the problem and to do something."
"Climate change is one of the biggest existential threats to humanity."
"Scientific consensus that we need to do something serious about climate change."
"Climate change needs to not be a nice thing for us to talk about but it needs to be a critical thing for us to talk about."
"Climate change is real, if we don't do something about it we will pay in eternal price for it."
"Climate change will kill us all, every single person, even the billionaires who are going to space. It literally does not matter, everyone should give a [__] about climate change."
"We are the last generation. This is our last chance to stop the tipping point."
"We don't have ten years. We are locked into going over two degrees if you include cooling aerosols and the last 40 years in the next ten years of warming and positive feedback loops that aren't even included in the actual models."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"Climate change is here like girl we want to talk about climate change we ain't got a couple more years to get this stuff together it's already here."
"Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning."
"This is the decisive decade. This is a decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis." - Joe Biden
"Climate change is a direct national security threat."
"Climate change is deadly serious. We are sort of at a break glass moment."
"Climate change isn't some distant looming threat, it's here and it's real."
"Climate change is one of the primary existential threats that our planet faces today."
"We are absolutely racing into uncharted territory."
"This is the singular issue of our time that will determine how we live, where we live, and if we live."
"Arguably it comes down to this though: the IPCC tells we have less than 11 years to get our act together and put extremely robust measures in place..."
"Healthcare professionals have said to me, if you think COVID is bad when it comes to climate change, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Climate change is an existential threat to public safety."
"Climate change is getting worse and worse each year."
"The gap between what we are doing and what actually needs to be done in order to stay below the 1.5 degrees Celsius targets is widening by the second."
"Alaska is warming at twice the rate compared to the rest of the country."
"Later is too late, our climate is changing around us yet we keep polluting, so what are we doing about it?"
"Every fraction of a degree of warming makes a difference and every fraction of a degree of warming we can avoid saves lives."
"It's beyond urgent. 75% of the ice volume in the Arctic has already melted in the last 30 years."
"We have just 12 years, the limit temperature is no more than 1.5 degrees if we want to habitable future on this planet."
"If we do not act now, we will not have a livable future. If we don't have a livable future, that means we have an unlivable future. That means everybody's going to be dead."
"Clearly there's probably not an urgency that next Wednesday or next Friday... but yes, there's a sense of urgency because we can't wait four years to start dealing with climate change." - Representative John Yarmuth
"We can't afford not to do it because of all the jobs that will be created when we do go in that direction."
"All of these are shorter than the net zero by 2050, which means that we are at great risk."
"We must move from climate procrastination to climate activation, and we must begin this today."
"How can the existential urgency of the climate crisis kick our butts out of our respective silos and build a coherent progressive movement capable of winning?"
"The climate clock ticks down as the world promises to act, but no one is moving fast enough to stop the waves from coming."
"The climate waits for no man, don't delay or else it'll be too late."
"The next few years are critical if we want to limit the warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius."
"We have to take the chance to act now because it might be too late, and we don't want to be screwed."
"Adaptation is urgent, and I think it's time to adapt now, not only in the Netherlands, my country, but worldwide."
"The cost of climate inaction is higher than the cost of climate action."
"There will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is threatened."