
Jewish Culture Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Rosh Hashanah literally means the head of the year, this is the Jewish New Year when we believe that the earth was created."
"The Roman Empire's power did not last, but the Jewish culture is still here."
"If you're confused about that find yourself a Jew they've been around a long time and tell them they may have rejected Jesus but they never forgot today that's true."
"Let's carry on, enjoy symbolic foods like matzah and maror, and drink wine."
"Best birthday present so far I received actually from the Jewish publisher Art Scroll."
"You can really begin to feel the spirit in the air."
"The Third Temple holds great religious significance for Jews and Christians."
"Our identity as Jewish men and women is based in our people, our land, and our Messiah."
"But the biggest reason that I’m excited for David’s Superman, is that finally, for the first time in history, we have a Jewish Superman."
"The identity of the Jew became a rejecter of logos."
"The Jewish Sabbath is a cathedral in time."
"Being Jewish in New York and wanting to be a comedian, how lucky was that? Those are advantages, huge advantages. Everyone in my family was funny, everyone in New York is funny, and being Jewish is a gigantic element of our culture."
"History is finding them. One central member of that Jewish team hiding these documents in Vilna was the Yiddish poet Abraham Sutzkever."
"The Jewish ghetto in Venice, which was founded in 1516, is thought to be the oldest of its kind in Europe."
"When something really bad happens to the Jews, the Jews don't get running, the Jews get apocalyptic."
"In absence of an explanation for the disproportionate success of Ashkenazi Jewish people which is undeniable, I think the explanation is some combination of self-control, ambitiousness, culture, and higher IQ."
"The Jews are the witnesses to the world. Keep your eye on the Jew."
"Midrash is Jewish jazz, it's riffing, it's improvisation."
"Certainly, to present Mitzvahs to children in a fun way and with song because one of the methods of learning is through melodies. Even when a boy gets older, he starts learning the Gemara, the Talmud, there's a melody to that."
"Jewish delis have got pastrami sandwiches the best sandwich of all time."
"Though the Hasmonean dynasty was ultimately defeated, these heroes imbued confidence among the Jewish people throughout history and until today."
"The Jewish neshama has a different feeling to different things."
"The history of the Jews of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is an important topic of study."
"Jews have been living in diaspora for 2,000 years. They speak the languages of the people who surround them, they also speak languages of diaspora, like Yiddish."
"Just on a human level being Jewish is nothing to be ashamed of it's something to be proud of."
"...it is in the boma grove community center so close to Stepney green where this Jewish heart continues to draw its strength and vigor from the traditions and memories of the villages of Stepney."
"According to Dr. Henry Abramson, the Jewish Virtual Library, and the Talmud, the Ashkenazi Jews were founded by a family of Italian Roman converts."
"Blessing the Jewish people with life, wealth, and goodness."
"... being Jewish is still an ethnic identity, so even today, a non-religious Jew is generally seen as just as much of a Jew as a religious one."
"This one has been widely discussed... in Jewish communal organizations, synagogues, public policy institutes in the US and in Israel."
"What does it mean to be a good person? What in Yiddish is called a mensch. It's what Jews strive to be; it's what Jewish parents hope their children become: sweet, lovely, responsible, caring people."
"The traditions of the Jewish people include humanitarian treatment of the enemy."
"Because of the hardness of people's hearts, God's laws for the Jewish people were pretty interesting, not expressing an ideal."
"The only thing that's going to enable Jewish survival is Jewish education."
"The majority of people in Stepney were Jewish... they were the most vibrant elements of that population."
"I'm finally getting like loving Jewish parents who are proud of me."
"Shalom, this is Nehemia Gordon, and I'm here today in Jerusalem with Professor Emeritus at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bezalel Porten."
"Some distinctly rabbinic Jewish traditions survived."
"Eternal hope is the secret, the weapon, of the Jewish people. We always hope that things will get better."
"Learning about the Jewish history, Kazimierz and the City of Krakow is a great place to do that."
"Ten Gentiles will grab the hem of a Jew and say, 'Take us with you because we have heard that Hashem is with you.'"
"The Jewish people persevere; they march on, they've been through worse."
"Rashi's work of commentary on the Talmud to explain its punctuation, the meaning of words, and its basic logic is an incalculably immense contribution to Jewish culture and way of life."
"Thank God for the Jews; otherwise, we wouldn't have a Bible."
"The ancient Jewish wedding is by far the best that was ever made."
"The ancient Jewish wedding is a type and shadow of God in his proposal to Israel."
"The father's house is where everything starts in the ancient Jewish wedding."
"These are titanic events that shaped our earliest history; they molded the character, the psyche, the sensitivities, the value system of the Jewish people."
"I'm Jewish, I'm part of this, I belong here."
"...God loves people who argue with him...to be a Jew...other people have conversations Jews only have arguments."
"Live in a succah for seven days, so that your generations shall know that I made the Israelites live in succot when I took them out of the land of Egypt."
"And the Jewish people were saved, which is why Purim is still celebrated every Adar every year by Jews around the world."
"The first duty of a Jewish parent is to teach a child to ask questions."
"Laughter and awe of tragedy and comedy, because the essential requirement of Jewish life is to live with a healthy balance between Earthly and spiritual ritual."
"The major point of Jewish humor is not laughing at others... it's mostly laughing at oneself, at one's own condition."
"Hanukkah, which means dedication, is observed to this day by the Jewish community."
"From the Jewish tradition, scholarly tradition, and tradition from the common folks, they passed on their message that they were expecting a messiah."
"Well, it's a time when our family and friends get together to celebrate what it means to be Jewish culture in history."
"That's how the old Jewish comics used to do it and win an audience over."
"Jewish humor has been an extraordinary part of American humor."
"Tu B'Shvat means the 15th day of the month of Shvat."
"The Golden Age in Spain is noted for a period of incredible Jewish creativity."
"The tradition that raised me was vividly alive and well with the Jewish people."
"Commerce and finance were respected in Italy, and the Jews who served those Necessities were valued as stimulating agents in the economy."