
Government Trust Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The city closure has in fact destroyed the faith of many people in the Chinese government."
"I don't trust the government at all. I don't believe anything they say."
"Restore faith in government, make people believe that it can do good for them."
"They deserve to have confidence in their government, and that confidence starts with ensuring that the vast powers of the executive branch are not abused."
"The air force has suffered a great loss of prestige in this community. Once people entrusted with the public welfare no longer think the people can handle the truth, then the people, in return, will no longer trust the government."
"Do you trust the government? And almost always they say no... So why on earth would you want to make that government bigger?"
"If you don't trust your government, it starts here."
"We know what we need to do to beat this virus: Tell the truth, follow the scientists and the science, work together, put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the American people."
"Do you believe the government would intentionally harm you?"
"There is no known correlation... it's probably just a little bit of extra stress guys don't ever for a single second think that your government is lying to you."
"History teaches us when a government tries to take your guns, that's the exact government you will soon need to protect yourself against."
"People still don't believe them because of course, the government is going to say they have aliens."
"People don't feel like the government is looking out for them."
"Why would we start from the point of they should be comfortable what good has come with starting off comfortable and trusting of government?"
"I don't trust the government to prove guilt."
"Blind trust to the government? What kind of idiot are you?"
"I do not trust a government that does not trust its people."
"The moral binary is you are a good person if you listen to the government and you're a bad person if you do not listen to the government." - Ben Shapiro
"There's good reason to distrust the government."
"People are alienated, disillusioned, abandoned by their government, and now they're looking for community."
"If I have to choose between giving you a million bucks or if I give a million bucks to the government, I'm willing to bet you're probably going to create a better climate with a million dollars."
"Never trust a government that doesn't trust its own citizens with guns." - Benjamin Franklin
"We're not talking about lying to get public support for war. I believe the government could do that."
"Anything you say, whether it's true or false, is considered terrorism if it undermines public trust in US government institutions."
"We ought to bend over backwards to give the benefit of the doubt to the United States government on every whenever it's possible."
"Ask yourself why are you so gullible to believe the same government that has lied to you about foreign relations for decades."
"And until they are, it's up to the consumer to be informed because the government is not on your side," she said.
"The surge in prepping is the result of increased loss of trust in the government among younger generations."
"Bitcoin is a pure hyperbolic speculation against government deficits and confidence in government."
"Do you trust our government? Absolutely not."
"This whole idea that we have to hold things back from you because we think you're too dumb to handle it is a massive violation of trust by government authorities."
"This is the end of COVID. It never existed and the government has admitted it never existed."
"When people start to lose faith in their government, it's not just bad things in financial markets that happen but bad things in social markets that happen."
"When government authority loses credibility, society will give a negative evaluation to whatever it says or does."
"You cannot erode further confidence and faith in the government."
"Is it rational to believe that those in power actually care about populations?"
"Investors losing faith in government and currencies."
"The states are realizing that the federal government... has been taken over by a dark influence."
"If only people just didn't trust the government."
"And for the first time in my life have I ever felt that the government truly is against the people."
"Transparency with the general public is important. We have to tell them, people are not stupid, we're not a bunch of sheep."
"If the government says don't worry, we'll always get your back, guess what? The government can't stop a freaking flood."
"The full faith and credit of the United States government, the economy, the American people, everything is at risk."
"I blindly trusted my government to tell me the truth."
"When people say, 'Why do you buy gold?' This is very simply because I don't trust my government. And if you trust your government, take the dollar."
"If you trust the government, save dollars and take laps on your rosary beads and pray."
"The difference has been that they have very strong state capacity, the leaders enjoy public trust."
"Is this the country you want to live in? Where you can't trust the government, where we're seeing theft, we can't get answers to past corruption, there's taxes and taxes in their future?"
"History would tell you that maybe you have too much trust in your government."
"Do you actually believe that their primary goal is to protect you?"
"You know that the Chinese are going to be opposed to your interests and be enemies of American interests in American Liberty, but you don't expect your own government to also be colluding in on that as well."
"The courts, the sheriffs, the governments, have told you in every certain way that they think that you are nothing more than worthless trash."
"This is one of the lowest points in American history. The corrupt FBI needs to be dissolved."
"The US dollar is based on faith in the system. So the only thing backing this money is belief in the competency of the US government. Unfortunately, that's true."
"When the government completely loses the confidence of its people, it's going down."
"We've surrendered so much to governments and we don't trust them."
"Congress cannot be trusted to not put bad laws into the US economy."
"I trust God more than I trust the government, Democrats or Republicans."
"The government's on our side right? Um, and all I would say to that is just, read a few books."
"We trusted the government with our pensions, and now they're going bust."
"But you do realize it's our government that's going to end up with that money. That's what raising the taxes means. Now they have it. Do you trust them with it?"
"Now is the time to restore confidence that the American government works for all of us and not just the few."
"It's backed by The Full Faith and Credit of the US government. Yeah, and that's not nothing. That's not nothing guys."
"When a government says 'don't panic,' it means 'go panic.'"
"It's shameful... people in government agencies were trying to take down a duly elected president by the American people."
"9/11 can get people thinking for themselves."
"Why do you hate our government so much that you want to trust it to take care of all of us?"
"The way they present it makes people believe the government's here to save everybody's life."
"If you want to instill confidence in government institutions, you can't spin them, just tell them the truth."
"In Britain, the government has decided to give the population the benefit of the doubt that the British people can indeed memorize symbols and pictures and know what that means."
"People who believe in conspiracies are not crackpot conservative lunatics unilaterally but rather people from across the political spectrum who often have good reasons to be skeptical about their own government."
"Canadians can have confidence in our government's ability to counter foreign interference and in the transparency and openness with which that happens."