
Individual Choice Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"I believe in individual choice and personal responsibility."
"You should do something because it's what you want to do essentially, it's fulfilling to you."
"Never let our rankings stop you from playing the character that you want to play."
"I would always argue that enabling a person to make individual choices about their childbearing status is always going to be superior to the government compelling people through economic or fiscal policies."
"I tend to believe that we should have the freedom to do stupid things, as long as we're not harming lots of other people."
"It's become almost taboo to say, 'I'd love to be just a stay-at-home mom and take care of my kids.'"
"It would take a bold move for him to trust that and to not fall susceptible to what the culture wanted from him."
"A man does not need to conform to social norms; a man can do whatever the heck he wants, and if it's right for him, then that's masculinity."
"I'm a libertarian. Do whatever it is that you want to do."
"We have to recognize that our individual choices are mediated by social structures."
"If you don't want to see it, don't see it but don't attack those that want to."
"This view of the world relies on the assumption that each of us has free will, which means we have the freedom to choose our actions."
"I think that there should be an option for people to seek out something else even if it's not super popular."
"The right to decide when to start a family or not is a choice every individual should be able to make on their terms, when the time is right for them."
"It's not my responsibility to like you. You're a politician; you also succumb to me to earn my vote."
"People make up their minds for themselves about what to take seriously. The question is what we should take seriously."
"You can't totally unplug yourself from the beauty matrix because that would basically mean unplugging yourself from society, unfortunately, but you can become a conscientious objector to its worst excesses."
"We should create a society in which human life is valued and...individuals should have the liberty to choose some of their actions."
"You want to live in a society broadly speaking where the individual can make the choice."
"Liberal eugenics would be based upon individual free choice, pluralist values, and up-to-date scientific understanding of genetics and epigenetics."
"You have to go with your heart, you have to go with your spirit."
"People should be able to decide for themselves."
"If you want to be saved, I'll risk my life to save you. If you don't want to be saved, I'm not going to care more than you do about your own life."
"This country is built on freedom... if the vaccine works, if it doesn't, it's an individual choice."
"Make your wedding your own, do what you want to do."
"So some people love it, which is why I don't have an issue with people requesting that for their wedding."
"I know you'll make the right decision. You're the only one who can."
"You don't owe anyone an explanation, let people do what they want to do."
"A lot of the things that we're sharing is this is just our process. We're not saying it's necessarily what you have to do. We're not saying we're right about everything."
"It's the one no one chooses though so I get judged for choosing it all the time."
"We are free individuals to choose as we see fit."
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"In a free market of ideas, people can still decide who they listen to, whom they believe, what they want to think for themselves."
"You can't make your kids Christians because there's no making someone else a Christian."
"That's the beauty of America. We are free to succeed or we are free to fail. It's free to do whatever you want."
"I don't necessarily feel bad. People are going to make their own choices."
"Our individual choices sit within a political context over which we often have little control."
"I value myself more than that. If that means I have zero followers at the end of this, I don't give a."
"You're either for individual liberty, the right to do with your body as you want, or you're not."
"When you're suffering, you don't fight things, because you're the one that decides what laws you're governed by."
"I still think it's stupid, but people have the right to do what they want."
"I'm all for empowering women to do what they want to do."
"I have to defend your right to say them, and then I have to choose how I react. That's what freedom is."
"I'm just gonna go with my heart... I prefer Manny Pacquiao."
"Normalize the fact that if it's your wedding or your life, you do what makes you happy."
"In the end the story of Jesus is just that it is showing the way and it is up to each individual soul whether they will follow it."
"If you find something that works for you that makes you feel good, then that's awesome," she said.
"People should do what they think is right and stores should do what they think is right, and then I think the rest is up. The rest is out of our control."
"Listen you guys, if you're gonna do this I can't stop you, that's not what I'm here to do."
"Just follow your heart, Elizabeth. And don’t blow it."
"You can say what you want even if it is dumbass stuff you can say it on religion you can believe what you want even if it's dumbass stuff you can go worship a golden calf in your backyard if you want to we believe in individual choice."
"I personally liked all of them but if I had to pick favorites it would probably be Gabby, Avery, and Aubrielle."
"To hell with all of them. You know what's best for your child."
"You need a reason why it's going to benefit your life... Don't try and do it because it makes you better than other people."
"The most racist thing a person could tell me is that I'm supposed to choose something based on my race."
"Katra isn't changing so she can be with Adora. Katra is changing because she wants to."
"It becomes problem if everyone wants to match. It's fun but trying to force someone to match who doesn't, it's not fun."
"Just because you can dig it doesn't mean you gotta like it."
"I support a person's right to choose what is right for them and their own body."
"Recognize that you don't have to do what you're told to do."
"Sometimes you shouldn't be afraid to take The Road Less Traveled."
"Not everyone wants to wear a lash, and that's okay."
"Do whatever the heck you want, you're an adult after all. Play the way you want to, just do it!"
"My brother bought shares because he did his own research."
"People are going to support who they're going to support and that's just life."
"You shouldn't force anyone to do anything, people should have their own will." - Against vaccine mandates, supporting freedom of choice.
"Make your ceremony the way you want your ceremony."
"I agree that women should ask men out because things would start off much smoother."
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous seas of Liberty."
"Doing this for liberty and freedom and for your own personal choice, that is honorable."
"If it makes you happier then I don't see why some people wouldn't do it."
"I want people to make the best decision for them."
"I think it's your body and you have a right to do it."
"Individual choice is key." - John, British ethologist
"There's no best way, there's whatever you like."
"Recognize that you don't have to do all the things that they're telling you to do."
"Do what you want to do and don't let anybody influence you otherwise."
"Don't let a little piece of cloth over your face be like the determining Factor."
"So, if you want to make your two billion, you do you."
"I have always wanted to wear a suit for my wedding, even if it's just for a day."
"I'm very proud of Pete for going against the crowd and refusing to claim his rewards. That shows a lot of character."
"My philosophy is if it makes you happy, that makes me happy, it's your car, enjoy it."
"Do what's going to make you happy, not what I want you to do, not what anyone wants you to do. That's the beauty of being a human, you get to do what you want, unless it's illegal and it hurts other people."
"Don't stop other people from doing it if they want it."
"Ultimately, I don't care what you eat if you lose weight, feel better, look better, and you're thriving."
"What you need to do is find the right balance for you personally I invest in stocks and I invest in real estate it's just something that I'm interested in you don't have to go out and blindly follow anybody else you don't want to be a sheep."
"I don't really want to tell people what to do with their lives."
"Should you buy this game? Ultimately, that is a decision you must make for yourself."
"They're all good in their own way, and ultimately it's down to you to decide what you like the most."
"This bill is about Choice. It's about allowing people to make their own medical decision."
"People don't date people for an array of reasons. Being trans might be one of them, I guess, for some people. So we do not care."
"I won't decide. The future should be decided by each and every person."
"What remains of goodness in the world depends on you saying no."
"Praise is personal... until you make that decision, you're never going to feel his presence."
"If you're pro-vaccine and you've got the vaccine, make that decision yourself."
"I love how this reflects Hobie as a character, a spider variant who makes a choice of being out of step with the other spider people."
"There is no wrong way to eat a pizza. You can enjoy it however you want."
"I'd rather relinquish my job than relinquish my freedom."
"So if you still don't like me after this show do me a favor pick another reason not to like me."
"Isn't there freedom to be whatever you want and to be a member of whatever party you want to be a part of?"
"You mean I get to do whatever I want? You got it. I'm not gonna tell you what you can or cannot do."
"She respected Faust's autonomy and right to choose his path."
"End of the day, whatever puts the biggest smile on your face."
"Japanese star Cody Boushi rejected WWE contracts on three different occasions. Can you blame him? I mean, can you fucking blame the guy? No, you can't."
"I can make modifications to my space if I want to."
"Choose your freedom, claim your independence. That's what Sanji did."
"Should you have kids? The reality of this question is that nobody can answer it for you, because they aren't you."
"Do you know what would look incredibly kind of and almost counter cool is if Harry was given permission to wear his uniform and didn't."
"This ends when people decide, both on an individual and a societal level."
"Don't buy sneakers because some random dude on the internet told you to buy sneakers. Buy a sneaker because you like it."
"Choose yourself and your expression, no matter how you have to do it."
"Who are you to tell me what I should be doing? Look, I agree, we've over-commercialized everything. It's good to cut back but if you don't want to cut back, you don't have to cut back."
"Don't judge a person by the caliber they shoot, okay? And don't judge me because I'm gonna shoot some more .44 Specials, they're a lot more fun."
"Your soul is too precious my friend to gamble with it on the account of what others tell you."
"People still do what they want to do, right?"
"You have no obligation to be interested in what other people want you to be interested in."
"Who cares? Let her wear whatever she wants. In 15 years, I promise you will not give two crabs."
"No one's different, whatever makes you happy."
"If a vaccine exists, if a person wants to get it, let them get it. They should be able to get whatever. It's a free market, it's a free country."
"You don't have to get married just because others tell you to."
"Don't listen to anyone else, marry who you want to marry."
"If you don't want to ride, no one's gonna force you here. This is all about you, not mum."
"I can't knock nobody, do what you want to do."
"It's all about empowerment. Realize you're not just getting some manufacturer's idea of what's good."
"You're not alone, and just because your favorite influencer seems to quit keto doesn't mean that you have to."
"Hopefully, we can put this whole debate to rest about if Protonmail is good or bad and just use the option that works best for you in your particular situation."
"A story about rebellion but also about individual choice, individual power."
"The battle is the Lord's but he needs you to make that individual choice."
"I never tried to convince anybody else about it because I respect everybody has their own choice to make."
"Don't let other people's opinions on the internet or your Aunt Sally that you see twice a year that says keto's gonna kill you, don't let her opinion change what you know is right for you."
"Are you in a committed relationship with that person? Are you going to be happy if you do? Like, at the end of the day, that's up to you."
"Let them wear what they want to wear. If you don't want to wear a bonnet, that's fine. You don't have to. But you also don't have to look down on somebody else who is. That's none of your business."
"Happy holidays, y'all. Be safe and remember, if something ain't your vibe, you ain't got to do it."
"The decision to be immunized or not is the choice of each individual."
"Some of you may want to take it if it resonates."
"I'm glad she's making this choice. I don't care that it goes against the mainstream."
"Okay, can we normalize just wanting one kid because I don't want anymore and people look at me like I'm literally crazy when I say this but I legitimately only want one kid like I'm one and done."
"Second to sunscreen, it's a very individual choice. And if you are searching and you don't know where to start, look at Cosrx."
"You should be able to play the game however you want, it's single player, it's not hurting anyone."
"Who are you to decide that? It's in my nose, it's fine, and I did it myself."
"What other people want to read isn't hurting you."
"Every Muslim has to make a determination for himself to what degree that you go. I may not join a particular organization but I may work. You have to make a determination how far you're going to go."
"Pineapple belongs on Pizza, you eat whatever you want on your pizza."
"Nobody else should care what color my children are or what I choose."
"At the end of the day it is up for you to decide whether or not you are going to consume eggs and it is up for you to decide whether or not you are going to continue to consume CrossFit with what they are doing over at HQ."
"Everyone needs to know this stuff. What you do with it, that's up to you. But everyone needs to know."
"Live your life, fall in love with whoever the f you want to fall in love with."
"What is right for people may not be having children, and that's okay."
"Black women, all black men, if you want to wear red lipstick, wear red lipstick. Do what you want."
"But I don't think anyone can prejudge someone else. I think basically it's what it makes someone happy. If one surgery makes you happy, then fine."
"So what if everyone is doing it? Just because the majority are doing it, it doesn't mean it is right."
"This is a land beyond how tall you are, what language you speak, what race, ethnicity, religion... This is beyond all that. This is truly just an individual choice."
"Freedom to do what it is that you want to do."
"Go for your happy lip, whatever your happy lip is."
"It's up to you, follow the world or go free; you can be free right here on Earth, you have Paradise right here, right now."
"Buy what you like and do what makes you happy."
"You're gonna do you, you are the one who's going to have to ultimately pick the rug that works right for you."
"I support whatever choice and path she's on."
"Free markets where every participant is of equal stature and each participant can choose of their own volition to collaborate, to compete, to create a better life for themselves and their families."
"Some people change their lives for the better, some people don't."
"You like it, why do you need a reason for liking something?"
"I don't want a society where these arbitrary characteristics... matter more than the action and the moral choice of the person."
"If that's your thing and that's what makes you feel good, get it done."
"You got to do it if you believe in it and want to do it, not just because you're in a position that you could do it."
"If collecting your dolls is the thing that you want to do, then just do it."
"Your body, your choice, you do you."
"Choose your options based on your preferences, not just because your friend is choosing it."
"I want her to feel free to do what she thinks I want her to do with energy."
"You can do what you want. You don't have to say, you know."
"Let people do what they want to do."
"A lot of it comes down to preference."
"Whatever floats your boat, whatever you're into."
"Ultimately it always comes down to personal preference."
"Listen to your heart and do what feels right for you."
"It's a bit like being outraged because some people enjoy playing tennis. If you don't like playing tennis, don't do it. What's the problem?"
"Focus on yourself and walk the path that you choose to the best of your capability."
"Do what makes you happy, and if people don't like it, they can right off."
"Do what is going to make you feel comfortable."
"Thank God Mary was not a victim of that; she broke through that shatter thin and unilaterally decided, 'God, this is what you want me to do, I'm gonna make a decision unilaterally, yes I'll do it.'"
"At the end of the day, it's a hobby, and I've just decided I'm just going to do what I feel like."
"If you like it, then you wear it. If you don't, then you don't wear it."
"The individual will, for a moral reason, choose to break a law and accept punishment."
"She'll have her own judgment and her own choices."