
Resource Abundance Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The wonders of capitalism have been brilliant... it drives everybody to do really, we now have a large abundance of resources."
"We're entering a golden age... when you don't have resource shortages, you have idea shortages."
"We have near infinite ammunition and also near infinite beans."
"This is crazy, oh my God, Isaac, it's a fully stocked bunker."
"There's so much oil it's a tribute in a way but what happened is there was a lot to start off with and then you had the virus and it knocked the hell out of the market it in terms of demand."
"Now fusion fuel is stupid cheap, it is the most abundant stuff in the Universe."
"It's just giving DMs so many toys to play with that they never run out of stuff to enjoy."
"Some people are complaining about starving I think there were probably the new people that showed up and hadn't eaten the meal yet because obviously we've got tons of food."
"We need to do it with the loudest voice as possible, the biggest actions possible, because we know that there is no scarcity in this land."
"You don't even have to stand up to pluck the fruit, you don't have to go and get the food, the food will be brought to you simply by you desiring it, simply by you wanting it."
"Wonderful news is coming your way, a windfall of resources."
"It's always better to have more stuff than too little stuff."
"When I went to Golden State, it was crazy because they lacked nothing."
"Iron is one of those things that you can never have too much of."
"He opens his dimensional pouch and shows the Chief's assistant the incredible amount of food inside."
"This minerals that actually has 99.9999 raised to 9999 minerals it's pretty much infinite minerals I think you could mined this for a year and you never run out."
"This is the place to get lots and lots of books."
"There is so many meteorites, guys, if you're on the server and you can get to the gold mines there is a goldmine of stuff here."
"There's massive amounts of gold in the grand canyon... billions and billions and billions of ounces."
"You have more than enough materials to manifest whatever it is that you want to manifest."
"We have all the resources that we need to take care of every human being already born on the planet."
"The Earth is full and there is enough to spare."
"An endless supply of redstone, absolutely amazing."
"Purple essentially has infinite gold what feels like infinite gold as the elephants never die."
"Lithium is extremely plentiful, it is not rare at all."
"Iron for days, guys. Iron for days. It's gonna be beautiful."
"I always consider having 999 hearts to be first world problems."
"Africa is a landmass that doesn't have to ask nobody for s**t."
"Things work out better than you expected. More abundance available. Moving out of troubled water."
"Yo, the amount of oil this company has is crazy!"
"Sodium is not only 100 times more abundant but also 100 times cheaper than lithium."
"Africa has the most abundant natural resources."
"This is where scrappy was wrong, we did have C4 and we had more C4 than we knew what to do with."
"Colony management, durp a durp. A lot of good water, surprised with the amount of water we have to start with."
"There's no problem, we have extra apples they can have all they want."
"A year's worth of food, that's fantastic. I mean, really, no, that is good."
"You could build an entire major spacefaring nation out of that comet alone."
"Here are all the answers to all the problems that Chris put in this book it is completely ridiculous how many problems you have in this book for practice."
"Competition over scarce materials is no longer necessary."
"Breeding capability in fast reactors would give us virtually an unlimited source of nuclear fuel."
"So, there is plenty of paint and plenty of paper, go do it!"
"It's always better to have more than not have enough."
"Creative Fabrica has over 187,000 freebies, which is mental."
"The abundance of fertile ground and other resources around Vesuvius has led to a dense and ever increasing population around the volcano."
"Countries with more natural resources are more likely to experience high economic growth."
"The thing about water is that you can never have too much of it."