
Infancy Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"A mother should be with their child, especially that first year. It is absolutely vital."
"All babies are atheists. Babies are born without belief."
"Despite being almost two, she tips the scales a little more than seven pounds, the weight she should have been at birth."
"Night has fallen and that's the first day of your life is complete, little one."
"I have to remember that AI is still in its infancy; we're right at the beginning."
"Babies are fragile but they're also very resilient."
"A Demon Lord defeating a hero in his infancy was unprecedented."
"She's only two months old. It's a very stressful time."
"If a baby's needs are met by their caregivers at this stage, they will come out of this period with a sense of trust and a sense of hope."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that it is unsafe for babies to wear swaddles beyond eight weeks old."
"Suppressing their anger, pleasing others, being more worried about others than their own emotional needs—no infant is born like that."
"They have a new baby. Not even a year old."
"Even as babies, they're strong. It's so wild that a baby orangutan is strong enough to grab and hang when he is just six hours old."
"Introducing these potentially allergenic foods much earlier on actually prevents the development of those allergies."
"Despite the immense progress achieved, volcanology is still in its infancy."
"Elizabeth was described as having an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant."
"...when we're young we have need for sustenance and food and water and you know warmth but also attunement, people noticing us people giving us attention people knowing our emotions knowing how to soothe us make us feel safe."
"It's so crazy because I feel like she's a baby."
"Our babies come ready to connect from the second they're born."
"I love the newborn stage, it's just chef's kiss."
"Why don't we remember the very early moments of our lives? Is it because it would be too harrowing to remember the point at which we were born?"
"You don't need to clean your baby's teeth but, yeah, they don't have any."
"You were a red-faced little thing with white fuzz for hair, but I thought you were beautiful."
"Aries is literally 6 months old; he's a baby."
"When babies instinctually search for the nipple, I used to hold you and used to suck, my baby. Use a baby, something wrong, you were just, you know?"
"She's only two weeks old and I'm worried about her at like literally 65."
"Babies begin communicating effectively through non-verbal cues as early as three weeks old."
"You can remind yourself that when you were a little baby you loved yourself for who you were."
"These high-risk one-month-old infants have a potently inflammatory microbiome."
"Every baby starts life as a little savage."
"Faces are really important to us from the moment we're born."
"The brain is the most underdeveloped organ when we are born."
"Children are busy absorbing every single little detail in their environments from the moment that they're born without any discrimination or choice in the elements."
"Infants acquire a normal microbiota from their mothers, particularly through breast milk."
"It's the emotional development of the infant that forms the foundation upon which all later achievements are based."
"Even babies can already tell the difference between a good healthy person and a narcissist and a psychopath."
"They're just brand new little beings in the world and they're going through everything for the first time."
"It's as if maybe the infant's brain to start with, maybe, looks for some interesting, top-heavy things and that pulls it into the world of faces."
"It's before language, it's before intellect, it's before cognition."
"According to Shay, he was a bright and beautiful baby boy. He had brown eyes, a big smile, and an enthusiastic personality."
"You'll see huge shifts in a baby's microbiome."
"Our sport, even though it is old to us, you must know that this level of our sport is still in infancy. It is very young in age."
"Breastfeeding is good for that first couple of months when the baby doesn't have its own acquired immune system yet."
"How we're treated as infants determines how we can see the world and how we feel about ourselves."
"We are born 100% dependent on others."
"Every baby is a mystic, every baby lives in a realm of oneness."
"If we don't spend some time training that newborn foal, we are wasting the most receptive period of that animal's life."
"Babies are a bundle of 100 pure selfishness."
"The first six months is crucial for how they'll be the rest of their lives."
"He's like at a really fun stage right now where he's just like constantly like smiling just such a happy baby."
"Establishing good gut flora at birth is a foundational piece of the puzzle."
"A baby's brain is busy making all kinds of nerve connections."
"...within moments of birth, infants are equipped with a desire to imitate adults."
"We are ecosystems, we are like a newborn island over those first three years."
"So developmentally in a way mentalizing begins at a zero level if you like."
"...if you're new in the faith, we could equally and accurately call this time together 'seven things that every baby needs in the physical life.'"
"Even when he came as a babe, he gave authority to cast Satan away."
"I quite like William James' idea about what it is to be a baby which is that we have to learn so much about how to interpret sensory data in fact we probably have to learn that the different senses are in fact different."
"It's like getting a sneak peek into the universe's baby album."
"A baby was crying on a crib, the first survivor of the apartment."
"I just feel like a natural human, this is what a baby probably feels like before they start giving it yogurt and junk food."
"Children that age need constant care; he doesn't even have a name."
"Taking care of our child who is now six months old has been much more challenging than I imagined."
"They're babies. They're babies. Obviously they're not gonna respond to their name being called."
"The golden hours... it's a very precious time, it's a unique time for the baby because the baby is in a very hyper alert stage."
"It's very important for the first six weeks of life to keep your baby a little bit sheltered; that's when their immune systems can be much stronger."
"Every baby is born into the world looking for someone looking for her, looking for someone looking for him."
"Deficiency of iron in infancy may have long-term effects."
"Children at birth can recognize faces and they do it quite well because they have the built-in mechanism for it."
"Every baby deserves to be celebrated."
"At six months, they're sitting up and they're starting to babble."
"That baby's going to victory circle."
"When we are born, emotions are our only means of communication."
"They say that babies need to be fed breast milk for six months straight."
"Microplastics inside a placenta suggest that some of the babies that are born after a certain year will all have plastics in them once they're born."
"Babies need a lot of care in the beginning, we really need to take care of them, and we need to want to take care of them."
"From the moment he took his first breath, a football was in Cup's arms."
"Babies have the highest learning capacity on earth."
"Everyone said that babies just live in these the first couple of weeks."
"It's a good size for wrapping a newborn and then putting on the floor for creating a nice play surface or Tummy Time surface."
"We're in our infant stage of understanding food and nutrition."
"You begin to remember that you, like all babies, were born with a healthy relationship with food."
"A child can lift its head up around 2 to 4 months of age."
"DAOs are likely here to stay but right now they're in their infancy."
"The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is extremely passionate about encouraging women to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of the baby's life."
"As humans, our journey to other worlds is still in its infancy."
"Infants... can't move, they can't talk, so when we're talking about attachment, we're talking about how well the caregiver responds to their cries, responds to their needs."
"Nights are bleeding into days as they're figuring out how to sleep outside of the womb."
"The babe lies yet in smiling Infancy, That on the bitter cross Must redeem our loss; So both himself and us to glorify…"
"Newborn babies are to be handled with love and care."
"Party was a very relaxed and calm baby, once the initial cries of new life had abated."
"Babies need oodles and oodles and oodles of time and they are supposed to be all-consuming when they're little."
"Moses was hidden by his parents for three months before being placed in a basket and set among the reeds by the bank of the Nile River."
"All babies do during the time of our lives when we grow the most is sleep and drink milk."
"When a baby is crying, there's something in particular that the baby wants."
"The human infant can detect different smells within 24 hours of birth."
"Social development starts at birth with attachment to caretakers."
"At two months of age, the baby will develop their social smile."
"Education must begin at birth. Language development is no different."
"Newborn sleep is really important because it's how they grow."
"Make the most of these newborn days."
"She's bundled up in her little blankie and she's sleeping now."
"Newborns do not cry tears until about three weeks because their tear ducts are not entirely developed."
"Eighty percent of babies are born with birthmarks."
"Babies prefer women's voices to men's voices."
"All babies are born with blue eyes."
"A newborn baby triples its weight by 12 months."
"I remember when he was one, or my cousin has an infant, oh I remember that."
"The first task of life is building up in the infant what he calls basic trust."
"You get teleported to the day you're born with all the memories from your past life; you're now an infant. What do you do?"
"Infancy is the most natural time to learn languages."
"The most natural time to learn reading skills, just like language skills, is during infancy."
"I think the baby's going through a bit of a growth spurt, so she's been feeding a lot more overnight and today."
"Babies are doing the best with what they have, and that's that natural just baby state."
"You should really savor these early months with a newborn baby, it's so special."
"The newborn infant within 24 hours of being born can detect mother's breast milk on a pad of 10 different breast milks; that's memory."
"Babies remember sounds of voices in the last six weeks of pregnancy."
"We had both of our babies sleeping through the night at like eight weeks."
"His tiny eyelids are actually starting to open."
"White noise is soothing for babies and infants as it reminds them of their time in the womb."
"They appreciate humor absurdly early and it's very difficult to understand why."
"But instead the baby did something entirely unexpected: he giggled."
"Early childhood caries is a form of dental decay that affects the primary teeth of infants and toddlers."
"Breastfeeding before bed should be stopped after the first primary tooth erupts."
"Heavenly Father, give thy Holy Spirit to this infant."
"Even very tiny babies are capable of grasping and remembering a concept."
"When they're first born, they are vulnerable and they are tiny and they are squishy and they are sleepy and they just need cuddles."
"Crying is a form of communication for the infant."
"Infants are obligate nose breathers, which allows them to breathe and swallow at the same time."
"After week two, infants grow at a rate of about one ounce per day, so they double their weight by four to six months and triple it by the end of the first year."
"By two months of age, infants can track objects with their eyes and recognize familiar faces."
"Most babies are attached to their mums, you know."
"The first six months of a baby's life is like the most important."
"Primal patterns actually being directly related to the very patterns of movement the infant has to learn in order to navigate life effectively."
"It's a good thing we lose our memories as babies."
"In the first minute of life, a baby absorbs everything said to them."
"As a baby, you attune yourself completely to your environment."
"Infants seemingly offer a blank slate upon which language, culture, nationality, and morality are inscribed throughout their development."
"The use of cellular therapies is really at its infancy and it's something that I think has an enormously promising future."
"Did you know human mammals have the longest infancy of all other creatures?"
"Did you know human mammals have the longest infancy in all other creatures?"
"She's doing really well. She's nearly three weeks old now and growing stronger."
"When babies are born, they are born with immature, underdeveloped immune systems, and part of what their mother's milk is designed to do is not only stimulate their growth but also stimulate their immune system."
"Sitting up is kind of one of those first major milestones for any babies."
"Babies explore everything through their mouth."
"As infants, we experience the world around us through our senses in a different way than as adults."
"With receiving blankets, you want to have a bunch of those in the beginning."
"A healthy dependency is when we looked at infancy, getting your infancy needs met, what we saw was that it was dependent on looking up into that face and being accepted with unconditional positive regard."
"He's a very strong baby and he's very healthy."
"This is the place where Jesus came... and was presented when he was an infant."
"Babies really can see red; it's one of the first colors they can really differentiate."
"She's pulling through for being a COVID baby."
"Even three-month-old babies smile longer at faces that adults find attractive."
"She's only eight weeks and one day. She's gonna get so big."
"I thought that would be super cozy for her first few months because she's gonna be born in the winter."
"Fruit is the healthiest food you can give a baby."
"Avocados is one of the most optimal food for babies."
"Babies learn by interacting with their parents and other caregivers."
"Babies as young as 16 months have some knowledge of how language is structured."
"Crying is their only way to communicate at a certain age."
"It's a fascinating thought that as infants we experience the world around us through our senses in a different way than as adults."
"We take care of babies when babies are born and we do the best thing for them."
"Little baby Aliyah has literally been the happiest bub."
"Babies discover and learn through touch even the very first days of their lives."
"All baby needs in their first few months of life is you, their mom, and mom's milk."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends supervised tummy time starting in your baby's first week."
"He's been sleeping in his crib just for his naps, which has been so nice."
"For the first few months of their life, baby just wants to be close to mom."